Lingua Hut - Advanced English Territory

Advanced English Territory

It’s worth knowing the difference

Слова и конструкции, употребление которых вызывает затруднения,
обусловленные влиянием родного языка

above, over

Даже в тех случаях, когда может употребляться любое из этих слов, как правило, существуют нюансы.
Above – Birds were flying above the harvested fields (above – … высоко над полями)
Over – Birds were flying over the harvested fields (over – … низко, почти касаясь)

1. когда одно находится на более высоком уровне ИЛИ выше по вертикальной шкале, чем другое (обычно не используется для обозначения горизонтального движения)
It’s always colder above the snow line.
The castle is located at an altitude of 300 meters above sea level.
They live above us – Oни живут над нами.
His name is above mine on the list.
3. положение выше по течению, дальше по дороге
Last weekend we fished above the bridge – … за мостом
4. положение ИЛИ движение к северу от, на север от
Their village is located ten miles above Glasgow – … в десяти милях к северу от Глазго.
5. превосходстство
His work is above praise – … выше всяких похвал
This man is above price – Этому человеку нет цены.
He is head and shoulders above his comrades – Он на голову выше…
He managed to marry above himself – … на девушке более высокого социального положения.
This man is above suspicion – … вне подозрений

1. когда одно, каким-то образом, накрывает другое (подразумевается горизонтальное расположение ИЛИ движение над и, часто, контакт)
There are clouds over most of Belgium.
With an umbrella over her head, she walked out of the shop.
Pour some cream over the tart and serve it warm.
She put a blanket over her shoulders.
2. движение через что-либо на другую сторону
to climb over – перелезть, to step over – перешагнуть
to swim over – переплыть, to jump over – перепрыгнуть
3. при указании чего-то измеримого – количества, скорости, расстояния, времени
Are you over 21?
There were over fifty students at the meeting.
The speed of the car was over a hundred miles per hour.
He worked on this invention over a year.
We’ve travelled over 500 miles.
Temperatures will rise above freezing (подразумевается вертикальная шкала и движение вверх)

accident, incident

Accident (п.1) – неожиданное + серьёзное + плохое происшествие
Incidentпроисшествие, не имеющее особого значения.

1. несчастный случай, авария, катастрофа
car / railway accident – автомобильная / железнодорожная катастрофа
accident insurance – страхование от несчастных случаев
industrial accident – несчастный случай на производстве
2. случайность
by accident – случайно, нечаянно
nothing was left to accident – всё было предусмотрено, случайности были исключены

случайный, неожиданный, ненамеренный
accidental coincidence – случайное совпадение
Their meeting was purely accidental – Их встреча была совершенно случайной.
A few soldiers were killed by accidental fire from their own side – Несколько солдат были убиты случайным огнем со своей стороны.

a frontier / border incident – пограничный инцидент
a minor incident – незначительное происшествие
An apparently minor incident sparked off rioting.

несущественный, второстепенный, побочный
incidental expenses – побочные расходы
Try not to be distracted by incidental details – Постарайся не отвлекаться на несущественные / второстепенные детали.
случайный, ненамеренный
it’s purely incidental, that…- Это чистая случайность, что… (т.е., так совпало, так получилось в результате чего-то)

incidentally = by the way
кстати, между прочим
Incidentally, I saw him yestarday at the bus station.
Incidentally, why have you come? I didn’t ask you to come.

all, the whole

1. “All”, как местоимение, МОЖЕТ использоваться отдельно, но звучит ФОРМАЛЬНО
I’d spent all I had, every last penny.
All were happy with the outcome.
All will be revealed to the public in 25 years’ time, when the cabinet papers are released.
As you’ll have read in our news pages, all has not been well of late.
All was dark down by the harbour wall.
All I’m asking for is a little respect.

“All” в значении “everybody” имеет при себе существительное ИЛИ местоимение
All the people were tired (NOT All were tired)
All of them laughed at his jokes (NOT All laughed…)
We all (=all of us) clapped for his performance enthusiastically.
They all (= all of them) admired professionalism and dedication.

“All” в значении “everything” ИЛИ “the only thing” имеет за собой “(that)-clause”
She gave me all (that) she had (NOT She gave me all)
The thieves took everything OR The thieves took all (that) they managed to find (NOT The thieves took all)
Everything was a mess (NOT All was a mess)
All (that) I want is a place of my own.
All I need is a roof over my head and a decent meal.
All (that) we had been told turned out to be untrue.
2. “All” + “the” – когда имеется в виду КОНКРЕТНАЯ группа лиц/предметов; можно с “of”, но это не обязательно
Almost all of the music was from Italian operas.
All (of) the students have gone home. —>

I’ve lost all the tickets (вполне конкретные, наши, билеты)
All the trees have died (например, в каком-то конкретном саду)
All the eggs got broken (понятно, о каких яйцах речь)
All (of) the workers were given a pay-rise at the end of the year.
I gave all (of) my old books to my sister when she went to university.
What shall we do with all (of) this cardboard? Throw it out?
3. “All” без артикля
– когда лица/предметы рассматриваются не как конкретные, а как КЛАСС
Not all snakes are dangerous.
All swallows fly south in autumn.
I think, all writers are a bit odd.
– когда речь идёт об отрезке времени
(all his life = during the whole of his life; all morning (afternoon, evening, day, week, month, year, etc) = the whole morning (afternoon, evening, day, week, month, year, etc)
all the time = the whole time
4. “All” + “of”
– перед личными местоимениями (us, them)
I spoke to all of them (= to them all) for a few minutes.
She brought cakes and coffee for all of us (= for us all).
– перед ‘this, that, these, those‘ МОЖНО и без “of”
All (of) this (= this all) has to go out into the rubbish bin.
I’ve heard it all before.
Don’t repeat all that rubbish.
– перед ‘whom, which’
We had to contact the insurance firm and the airline, all of which took a lot of time (all of which = ‘contacting the insurance firm and the airline’)

Если сравнивать с “whole”, то:

1. с ед. числом (с исчисляемым существительным)
The whole area had changed.
I can’t eat a whole pie!
The woman told us her whole life story.
мы не можем отбросить артикль, если “whole” используется с единственным числом

She ate a whole bar of chocolate in one go (NOT She ate whole bar…)
We travelled throughout the whole country (NOT …throughout whole country)
I didn’t see her again for a whole year.
2. с географическими названиями
The strike is affecting the whole of France / the whole of Europe.
“All of” также возможно
This is the best restaurant in the whole of France = This is the best restaurant in all of France.

с мн. числом ИЛИ неисчисляемым существительным
He ate all of the peanuts. All are gone.
I love all music, not just classical.
Remember all that trouble we had with the police last year?
All information about the new product is confidential.
She was given all the advice she needed (NOT She was given the whole advice …)
He was passionate about all literature.
All the equipment is supplied.
“whole” тоже используется с множественным числом, но есть нюанс. Сравните:
All families normally shared one bedroom in the nineteenth century (Все семьи, обычно,…)
Whole families
normally shared one room in the nineteenth century (Целые семьи, обычно,…)
Sometimes they spent whole nights talking.
Whole villages were burnt to the ground.

along, alongside

1. вдоль
There were lots of shops along the main street.
The young man led Mark Ryle along a corridor.
The palm trees along the shore swayed in the wind.
2. с кем-либо, с собой
Why don’t you come along with us to the party?
They said they’d bring the bikes along and we can ride to the swimming pool.
This is open to women of all ages, so bring along your friends and colleagues.
Cut out this voucher and take it along to your nearest store.

1. рядом
A car drew up alongside.
Put your bike alongside mine.
The trees alongside the fence have all been damaged by the wind.
Much of the industry was located alongside rivers.
The dog ran alongside me all the way
2. вместе, бок о бок (работать, существовать)
Charles spent a week working alongside the miners.
Organized crime flourishes alongside the mainstream economy.
He had worked alongside Frank and Mark and they had become friends.

altogether, at all

1. вообще, полностью, совершенно (в утвердительных предложениях)
The best option would be to cancel the trip altogether.
The train slowed down and then stopped altogether.
In Canada, the situation is altogether different.
2. не совсем, не так уж (в отрицательных предложениях – чтобы смягчить категоричность)
We were not altogether sure that the comet would miss the Earth.
‘I’m not altogether a fool,’ she said gruffly.
The results were not altogether surprising.
I wasn’t altogether happy about Mike staying over.

1. вообще (в отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях)
They’ve done nothing at all to try and put the problem right.
Has the situation improved at all?
There were no roads at all.
I’m afraid I have nothing at all to say.
His argument wasn’t at all convincing – in fact it was nonsense.
Is there any uncertainty at all about the way she died?
2. вообще (в условных предложениях)
If you do it at all, do it well.
Even if he knows anything at all, he says nothing.
If it’s at all possible, I’d like you to take part in the next meeting.

alone, lonely

1. один (одни), без кого-либо вокруг, рядом (констатация)
He was all alone in the middle of the hall.
I got the impression that they’d rather be alone.
You’re mad to walk home alone at this time of night.
I couldn’t imagine why he would want to be alone with me.
We were alone in the office.
2. ~ только (лишь)
You alone should determine what is right for you.
She alone knows what happened.
The blame is my alone.
Price alone is not a reliable indicator of quality.
I based my decision on her recommendation alone.
3. без помощи ИЛИ поддержки
He said he could do it alone.
He was working alone and did not have an accomplice.

1. одинокий (подразумевает грусть. печаль)
She was a lonely child with few friends.
She gets lonely now that all the kids have left home.
He was feeling lonely without his wife and children.
She describes her life as confined, isolated and lonely.
I’ve been lonely since my friends moved away.
I know what it’s like to be lonely, so I do feel for her.
Don’t you get lonely being on your own all day?
2. уединённое, пустынное, безлюдное (о месте)
It felt like the loneliest place in the world.
…dark, lonely streets.
He used to seek out a lonely spot outside the town, which he would visit again and again.
What should I do with it, here on this lonely island?
But for his shack, there was nothing else in that lonely place.

apparent, obvious, evident

Apparent (п.1) и obvious являются синонимами и обозначают то, что ясно видно, просто очевидно и даже не требует никаких дополнительных умозаключений. Это просто лежит на поверхности.
Evident используется, когда доказательства или видимые признаки приводят к определенным выводам.

1. явный, очевидный
apparent error – явная ошибка
apparent contradiction – явное противоречие
apparent to the naked eye
2. кажущийся, напускной (кажется, что такой, но на самом деле не такой)
apparent indifference – напускное безразличие
Her love was more apparent than real.

явный, очевидный
obvious advantage – очевидное преимущество
an obvious intention – явное намерение
for an obvious reason – по вполне понятной причине
The obvious thing to do is to leave – Ясно, что следует уйти.
It might be obvious to you, but it isn’t to me.

ясный, понятный (на основании чего-то)
The full extent of what had happened only became evident two weeks later – Полный масштаб произошедшего стал ясен двумя неделями позже.
On the basis of the clues, Mr. Watson, it’s evident that the butler did it.
It soon became evident that she was seriously ill.

approve, approve of

одобрять официально = дать согласие, позволить
Congress approved the budget.
Don will only buy the motorcycle if his parents approve.
Congress voted not to approve the President’s plans for cutting the arms budget.
MPs approved the Bill by a majority of 97.

одобрять = относиться с одобрением
You’ve never approved of Henry, have you?
Catherine’s parents approve of her marriage.
I don’t approve of cosmetic surgery.
“I don’t approve of his behavior” she said, pursing her lips.
You may not approve of what he did, but he’s still your brother.

avoid, escape

1. избегать, сторониться
Have you been trying to avoid me?
I’m anxious to avoid the motorway at rush hour.
Try to avoid foods which contain a lot of fat.
3. избегать делать что-то
I try to avoid going shopping on Saturdays.
There are ways of legally avoiding (paying) taxes.
She carefully avoided (looking in) his eyes.
2. избежать = предотвратить
Road safety is taught to young children to avoid road accidents.
It is important to take measures to avoid the risk of fire.
I left the pub to avoid a fight.
The bus driver swerved to avoid hitting the cyclists.
The pilots had to take emergency action to avoid a disaster.

1. сбежать, ускользнуть
A prisoner has escaped from a jail in northern England.
They are reported to have escaped to the other side of the border.
They must not be allowed to escape justice.
He broke down the locked door and escaped.
2. избежать (большой опасности)
He narrowly escaped with his life when he was attacked by a bear.
He narrowly escaped death in an avalanche.
He was lucky to escape with minor injuries.
3. ~вылететь из головы
It was an actor whose name escapes me for the moment.
For some reason which escapes me, we had to take a taxi.
4. (о газе, жидкости) выходить, вытекать
Leave a vent open to let some moist air escape.

be out, be away

отсутствовать = выйти на короткое время, отлучиться (из дома, офиса…)
Did anyone call while I was out?
My parents are both out at the moment.
I tried to get in touch with you yesterday evening, but I think you were out.
If someone calls while I am out, tell them I’ll soon be back.

отсутствовать продолжительное время (отпуск, болезнь, командировка…)
Ms Watson is away on holiday until the end of the week.
Jason was away on a business trip.
You must bring a note from your parents if you’ve been away from school.
My wife is away seeing her parents (на день, несколько дней)

below, under

Their flat is under / below ours – можно и так, и эдак; разница в нюансах: ‘under’, в данном случае, – ‘под’, а ‘below’ – ‘ниже’

1. когда одно находится на более низком уровне ИЛИ ниже по вертикальной шкале, чем другое
He appeared from the apartment directly below Leonard’s.
The sun dipped below the horizon.
Most of this city is below sea level.
The temperature is below zero.
The author’s name was printed below the title.
Somewhere far below, a door slammed.
Captain Parker went below (=to the lower level of the ship), leaving Clooney in charge.
2. ниже по реке
There is good fishing below – Ниже по течению хорошо ловится
… is moored a mile below town – … пришвартован в миле ниже города.
3. к югу от
located 20 miles below the capital
4. ниже по званию
A lieutenant is below a captain.
This ruling applies to the ranks of Inspector and below.
No one below a senior manager was present at the meeting.
5. ниже (достоинства)
It is below you – Это недостойно вас
It would be below me to answer him.
It is below his dignity.
2. меньше по количеству, качеству или в меньшей степени
He is below his schoolfellows in class – Он отстаёт от других учеников в классе
His work is below average.
It’s for young kids below the age of six.

1. когда одно, каким-то образом, накрыто другим (часто подразумевает контакт)
Do you always wear a west under your shirt?
He was buried under by an avalanche – Его засыпало снежной лавиной,
She bent down to look under the table.
She used to hide her diary under her pillow.
2. условия, обстоятельства
The work was completed under very difficult conditions.
Now that the deadline is approaching we all feel under pressure.
The chair broke under his weight.
Under the current rules, you need the agreement of at least 6 out of 10 committee membеrs.
The situation is still not under control.
We are under attack! – На нас напали!
under repair – в ремонте; ремонтируется
I imagine he’s under a lot of pressure at the moment.
3. контроль, управление, руководство
I wonder what Britain was like under the Romans (= during the time when the Romans controlled Britain).
People born under the zodiac sign Pisces are supposed to be dreamy and artistic.
to bring under – подчинить
4. при указании чего-то измеримого – количества, скорости, расстояния, времени
All this costs under a pound.
Is she under 21?
books for under tens – книги для детей до десяти лет
The total cost was under $50.
I managed to get all three suitcases for under $200.

big, large, great


BIG informal
a big town/city/house/flat
a big field/park/bag/apple
LARGE formal
a large town/city/house/flat
a large field/park/bag/apple
GREAT rare (за исключением некоторых устоявшихся выражений)
The Great Fire of London, The Great Bear (созвездие), The Great Lakes
для усиления, в разговоре может использоваться great big
Jim has a great big heart and helps others whenever he can.


BIG not used
a big amount of information
a big number of books
a big deal of energy
LARGE formal
A large amount of woodland was flooded.
They export large quantities of corn.
on a large scale – в больших масштабах, по-крупному
The incident caused a large number of problems.
They publish a great number of articles on biology.
He spent a great amount of time teaching her to swim.
The paintings cost a great deal (=a lot) of money.


BIG informal
That news was a big shock to them.
It is a big disappointment to me.
LARGE not used
a large surprise
a large relief
GREAT formal
They have great hopes for his help.
I can’t say that his behavior was a great surprise to me.
It was a great relief to know that she was safely home.


The biggest problem now is lack of time and money.
That could cause big difficulties.
LARGE not used
He exposes himself to large danger.
I see no large difficulty about it.
with great troubles – с большими неприятностями; с множеством хлопот
These climbers are now in great danger.


Важный=влиятельный (о человеке)
a bigwig=a big noise=a big shot – большая “шишка”
a big moment / day – важный, решающий момент / день
Крупный, широкомасштабный
big business
to think big=to have big ideas – мыслить масштабно


Известный, знаменитый, великий
a great writer
a great novel
a great leader

on this great occasion – по этому замечательному случаю
Tomorrow is a great day.

body parts and clothing

Ann broke her arm skiing.
He stood there, his eyes closed and his hands in his pockets.
He sighed and opened his eyes.
She combed her hair and put on lipstick.
I put on my jacket and hat and left the house.
He took off his shoes and tiptoed into the room.

ЕСЛИ ЕСТЬ ПРЕДЛОГ, ЧАСТО С THE (часть тела в этом случае рассматривается не как принадлежность, а как МЕСТО)
He’s got a pain in the chest.
Ann’s got a cold in the hand.
She hit me on the head.
I looked him in the eye.
He received two bullets in the head and died on the spot.

bring, take, fetch, collect

привести/принести С СОБОЙ (по направлению К говорящему или центру внимания)
Come to the front and bring your book with you.
Bring me that chair so that I can sit down.
I’ve brought you some flowers.

отвести/отнести = взять КУДА-ТО с собой (по направлению ОТ говорящего или центра внимания)
Go back to your place and take your book with you.
Take this chair away. It’s brocken.
Let’s take Helen some flowers.

сходить и привести/принести = сходить ЗА кем-то/чем-то, сходить забрать
(Go) and fetch some chalk please.
Fetch a doctor at once!
It’s time to fetch the children from school.
I must (go and) fetch my skirt from the cleaner’s.

=fetch, если лицо или предмет ждут, что его заберут
I must go to the post office and collect my mail.
She collected the children from school.
Collect a doctor!
Go and collect some chalk.

care for, take care of, care about

Care for и take care of подразумевают ДЕЙСТВИЕ и бывают (п.1) взаимозаменяемы.

1. заботиться (помогать, защищать, ухаживать…) о ком-то. Предпринимать какие-то действия.
She cares for her elderly patients.
The child is being cared for by a relative.
Who is caring for your cat while you are at the seaside?
Most people would prefer to be cared for at home rather than in a hospital.
2. испытывать привязанность
I got the feeling he never really cared for me.
3. когда что-то не нравится
I don’t care for seafood.
4. спросить = предложить
Would you care for some orange juice?
He said he was off to the beach and would we care to join him.

1. =care for (1) заботиться о ком-то, чём-то (что-то делать)
He is home taking care of a sick child.
I just want to make enough money to take care of my family.
Can you take care of my cat this weekend?
Each operator can take care of three machines.
The pirates did not return, and we had time to take care of the wounded.
2. позаботиться о чём-либо = взять на себя
My assistant takes care of all our travel arrangements.
He offered to take care of [=pay] the bill.
I’ll take care of parking the car.
If you can see to the drinks for the party, I’ll take care of the food.

переживать о чём-либо, за кого-либо, придавать значение
…a company that cares about the environment.
He cares about nobody but himself – Он заботится = переживает только о себе.
Does anybody know we’re here, does anybody care?
I don’t care what people say – Мне всё равно, что говорят.
I don’t care about his feelings.
They don’t care about the privacy of the people who use their services.
You don’t need to be a vegetarian to care about animals.
It made me realize how many people care about me.
I like cooking for those I care about.

classic, classical

1. классический = типичный
The show is a classic example of TV made for children.
Too many job hunters make the classic mistake of thinking only about what’s in it for them.
2. классный = замечательный, высокого класса, качества
Roy scored a classic goal in the 90th minute.
3. классический (об одежде, стиле…)
She chose a classic navy suit for the ceremony.
It’s a classic motorbike from the 1940s.

классический (относящийся к традиционной науке, культуре, образованию (прошлого))
Mozart is probably the best-known classical composer.
She’s only eight years old and she has learned to dance both classical and modern ballet.
The problem involves classical physics, as opposed to quantum physics.
She grew up to love classical music.
classical architecture.

comfortable, convenient

1. (об одежде мебели…) обеспечивающий физический комфорт
a comfortable chair
comfortable shoes
2. в состоянии физического или душевного комфорта; довольный и спокойный
I don’t feel comfortable in the same room with her.
3. (о человеке, ситуации и т.п.) создающий душевный комфорт или легкость
He’s a comfortable person to work with.
4. более чем адекватный или достаточный
a comfortable salary
The bill should pass in the House by a comfortable margin.

1. удобный (для использования, в применении; также о времени)
Mail-order catalogs are a convenient way to shop.
Is three o’clock convenient for you?
This is a safe and convenient way to dispose of chemicals.
And the meeting time is convenient for the public.
2. под рукой; легкодоступный
The bus stop around the corner is probably the most convenient.
Martin drove along until he found a convenient parking place.
It was very conveniently situated just across the road from the City Reference Library.
He chose Simi Valley mainly because it was conveniently close to Los Angeles.

content, contents

1. содержание = количество вещества, которое содержится в чем-либо, особенно в еде или напитке
These hamburgers have a high fat content; they’re not good for you.
The water here has a low salt content.
He was astonished at the high gold content in the 340 million-year-old rock.
2. содержание = идеи, факты или мнения, содержащиеся в речи, письме, фильме, программе…
This film has adult content; it is not suitable for children.
Many of the essays are political in content.
His speech was very flowery, but it lacked content and was quite superficial.

1. вещи, которые находятся внутри коробки, сумки, комнаты…
The customs official rummaged through the contents of his briefcase.
Most of the gallery’s contents were damaged in the fire.
2. содержание письма, документа или доклада
She kept the contents of the letter a secret.
He could not provide a copy of the report but outlined its contents.
3. = table of contents (список в начале документа, показывающий различные части, на которые он разделен)
The program automatically creates a table of contents.
If you look at the contents, you’ll see there’s a chapter on Japanese folk music.


При написании допустимы сокращения:
– месяцы
(за исключением ‘May’) Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec
– дни недели
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun

1. пишем
9 Sept ИЛИ 9 September 
9 September 2024 ИЛИ 9th September 2024
the 9th of September 2024 ИЛИ the 9th of September, 2024
Saturday, 15 August 2024 ИЛИ Saturday the 15th of August, 2024
2. говорим
… on the sixth of May 2019
… on the third of June 2018

1. пишем
September 9 
September 9, 2024 
Monday, September 9, 2024
2. говорим
on July 6, 2009 → ‘on July (the) sixth…’ (NOT six!)
on October 5, 2015 → ‘on October (the) fifth …’ (NOT five!)
November 7, 2023 → ‘on November (the) seventh …’ (NOT seven!)

defend, protect

1. активно защищать
The sentry defended the gate against sudden attack.
They would have killed him if he had not defended himself.
The world champion was defending his title.
2. выступать (в т.ч. в суде), говорить или писать в поддержку
Cooper wrote to the journal immediately, defending himself.
She defended her claim successfully.
He has defended some of the most notorious criminals.
We must defend democracy against fascism.
Matt defended all of Clarence’s decisions, right or wrong.

защищать = оберегать, предохранять от вреда, повреждений (часто предупредительными, превентивными мерами)
Are we doing enough to protect the environment?
Waxing your car will help protect against rust.
So, what can women do to protect themselves from heart disease?
Many manufacturers have policies to protect themselves against blackmailers.
Vitamin C may help protect against cancer.
She packed the vase in tissue paper to protect it.
A citizens’ group worked to protect forest areas.

differ, distinguish

отличаться = быть непохожими
His views differ considerably from those of his parents.
American English and British English obviously differ in pronunciation.
A lot of painkillers are basically the same, differing only in cost.
Scholars differ widely about when the two manuscripts were written.

различать, отличать одно от другого
I sometimes have difficulty distinguishing Spanish from Portuguese.
They look so similar it’s often difficult to distinguish one from the other.
It can be difficult to distinguish between poisonous and edible mushrooms.

discover, reveal

делать открытие=обнаруживать (часто неожиданно для себя)
She discovered that she was pregnant.
Police discovered 500 pounds of dynamite in the house.
She discovered the job wasn’t as easy as it might seem.

раскрывать (кому-то), делать известным (тайну, правду…)
Doctors are not allowed to reveal confidential information.
His letters reveal a different side of his personality.
The look on my face must have revealed my embarrassment.

draw smb’s attention, attract attention

обратить ЧЬЁ-ЛИБО внимание НА ЧТО-ТО
I have been asked to draw/call your attention to the following points.
May I call your attention to item seven on the agenda?

draw/call attention to oneself=attract attention
They’re trying to draw attention to themselves.
I wanted to shout out to Ken, but I didn’t want to call attention to myself.

привлекать К СЕБЕ внимание
A strange sound attracted my attention.
Why did that man attract your attention?
This picture is always attracting visitors.

each, every

1. ДВА и более, и каждый рассматривается отдельно
He cut the cake into six pieces and gave each child a slice.
He unwrapped each orange before putting it in the scales.
There are five leaflets – please take one of each.
He came in with a cup in each hand, (NOT … in every hand)

Each of (NOT every of) – каждый из
Give a pen to each of them, (NOT … every of them.)
Each of these exercises takes one or two minutes to do.
There were four students in the room, and I gave a ticket to each (of them).
Each of her toenails was a different colour.
Each of you must work alone.
We each got one piece.
We were each given one piece.
We were given one piece each.

1. ТРИ и более, и рассматриваются вместе, как целое
Every orange in the crate was wrapped in tissue paper.
Every time I go to London I get caught in a traffic jam.
Every window was broken.
The Browns go to Benidorm every year
2. ‘as many/much as possible’
He had every opportunity to complete the work.
We wish you every success in your new job.
3. что-то происходит с регулярным интервалом
Every four minutes a car is stolen in this city.
There’s a bus stop every two miles.
Take two tablets every six hours (NOT … each four hours.)
There were traffic lights every ten yards.
4. после ‘almost’ и ‘nearly’
His team lost almost every game.
We run nearly every day (NOT We run nearly each day)

each other , one another

Некоторые справочники и учебники рекомендуют использовать each other, когда речь идёт о двух (The two candidates respected each other), а one another – о трёх (The three nations threaten one another) и более предметах/лицах. Это различие, хотя и чёткое, не соблюдается в реальной жизни. Each other и one another используются взаимозаменяемо.
The two companies are in competition with each other.
Children can be very cruel to each other.
All six involved in the network knew each other before.
The two male hippos sometimes fight and cut one another with their long teeth.
The two countries went to war with one another over oil prices.
The two countries do little trade with one another.
The two families knew one another.
The two girls never argued with one another. They were always chatting to each other. They even wore each other’s / one another’s clothes sometimes.
“each … the other(s)” – действие происходит одновременно в противоположных направлениях
I asked the boys if they had broken the window and each blamed the other.
“one … the other(s)” – действие происходит в одном направлении
There are two buses at 5.30 and one always follows the other in case the first one gets full.

economic, economical

1. экономический = имеющий отношение к экономике
The economic forecast for next year is not good.
The President spoke mostly about economic policy.
Economic growth is slow.

economically – экономически
Economically and politically, this affair couldn’t come at a worse time.
And I think it makes the country economically stronger.
2. приносящий прибыль
Oilfields that are not economic today may become considerably more attractive when oil prices increase.
It is no longer economic to run the service.

экономный = не расходующий много
Hybrid cars are very economical.
Tim’s a very economical person. He always looks around for the best buys.
His gestures were economical, his words generally mild.
We have a very economical heating system, so the bills aren’t high.

economically – экономно, с малыми затратами
Services could be operated more efficiently and economically.
Small trees use space in the garden economically.
We produce food as economically as possible.
They are seeking new ways to produce the oil economically.

efficient, effective

1. (о людях)знающий своё дело, работающий умело, быстро, слаженно
James is highly competent and efficient in all aspects of his job.
Service at the restaurant is efficient and friendly.
For a successful business, efficient staff are essential.
2. (о системе, механизме…) эффективный = хорошо, надёжно, экономично функционирующий
This equipment distributes electrical power more efficiently.
Is this really an efficient use of resources?
Our new air conditioner is more efficient than our old one.
We need more efficient methods of transporting goods.

1. эффективный = дающий ожидаемый результат
The cheaper drugs are just as effective in treating arthritis.
Simple antibiotics are effective against this organism.
There are many effective ways of using videos in language teaching.
In this light, the camera is more effective if you use the flash.
2. эффектный, впечатляющий
an effective photograph
3. действующий, имеющий силу (о законе и т. п.)
effective date – дата вступления в силу
to be / to become effective – вступать в силу

except, besides

кроме = за исключением
The office is open every day except (for) Sundays.
She invited everyone except (for) Tom.
I cycle to work, except when it rains.
Except (for) a man walking his dog, the park was empty.
I don’t take any drugs whatsoever, except (for) aspirin for colds.
The log cabin stayed empty, except when we came.

кроме = помимо, в дополнение
People choose jobs for other reasons besides money.
Besides going to aerobics twice a week, she rides horses on Saturdays.
I wanted to help her out. Besides, I needed the money.
Do you play any other sports besides basketball?
“I’m much too old for you,” he said, “and besides, I’m married.”

1. кроме = за исключением
This is an excellent piece of work, apart from a couple of spelling mistakes.
Apart from going swimming occasionally, I don’t get much exercise.
2. кроме = помимо, в дополнение
Apart from Germany, they also visited Italy and Austria.
In Poland, apart from free public schools, there are also paid non-public schools.

far, a long way

1. далеко (если говорить о физическом расстоянии)
в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях
Have you driven far?
The children don’t go far from home.
How far is it to the station?
I know a nice little Italian restaurant not far from here.

– в утвердительных предложениях с ‘so, too, enough as’ ИЛИ с ‘farther, further’
Where we live is far enough away from the city.
She followed the tracks as far as the road.
Вoth of my sisters moved even farther away from home.
2. намного
The roads here are far better than in our country.
Food costs far more in the UK.

далеко (обычно, в утвердительных предложениях, в прямом и переносном смысле)
San Francisco is a long way from New York.
You must be tired – you’ve come a long way (… вы пришли из далека)
Our team has come such a long way (… прошла такой долгий путь). We lost our first game 0-5!
I can’t see things that are a long way away.
It’s a long way from here to Bristol.
We’re still a long way from achieving our sales targets.
Psychiatry has come a long way (=developed a lot) since the 1920s.
The negotiations are over, but the contract is a long way from being signed.
We’re a long way off retiring yet, Marlene.

farther, further

Если речь идёт о физическом расстоянии (пп.1,2), то ‘farther‘ является более употребительным.

FARTHER (о расстоянии)
1. дальше
The boats were drifting farther and farther apart.
Two miles farther south is the village of Santa Catarina.
He went farther down the road.
His first excursion from the house took him no farther than the garden.
2. дальний
He could see a small boat on the farther shore.
A table stood at the farther end of the kitchen.
A train was about to start on the farther line.
At the farther end of the village stood an old ruined house.
I saw them speaking at the farther side of the hall.

1. дальше (о расстоянии, времени)
They’ve never been further south than San Diego.
The records don’t go any further back than 1960.
2. дальний
At the further end of the village stood an old ruined house.
3. дальнейший, дополнительный
For further information, please ring 095-6710090.
She’s gone to a college of further education.
4. больше, ещё, дополнительно
I do not propose to discuss it any further.
Before you look at your programme, let me explain a little further.
Marcus sank further and further into debt.

fist(ly), at first

в первую очередь, первым делом
I’ll join you in a minute but I need to make a phone call first.
First(ly) I would like to thank you for your kind offer of a job…
First, tell me what you think of my products.

первое время, поначалу
At first, he seemed surprised by my questions.
At first, training seemed like an obligation, but now I really enjoy it.
At first, Gregory was shy and hardly spoke.

fit, suit

1. подходить по размеру
His clothes did not fit him very well.
They had altered the dress so that it fitted perfectly.
Do these shoes still fit you?
2. помещаться
I wanted to put the wardrobe behind the door, but it didn’t fit.
Will this bag fit in the trunk?

1. подходит, устраивает
Wednesday at ten o’clock for the meeting suits me perfectly.
There’s a range of restaurants to suit all tastes.
Either steak or chicken would suit me fine.
2. идти=делать привлекательным
That coat really suits Paul.
That sofa suits the room really well – the colours match the walls.

forget, leave

забыть взять с собой (место не упоминается)
Oh no, I’ve forgotten my spectacles. NOT I’ve forgotten my spectacles at home.
I’ll have to go back; I’ve forgotten my car keys NOT … I’ve forgotten my car keys in the office.
Why did Carol come back? ~She forgot her purse.

забыть взять с собой, НО здесь, обязательно, должно упоминаться место, где это ‘что-то’ забыто
I have no cash on me and I’ve left my card at home NOT I’ve left my card.
Turn the car around. We left the bag in the supermarket NOT … We left the bag.

good, well

She looks good – Она выглядит привлекательно
She looks well – Она выглядит по-здоровому, здор’ово.

1. с существительным
Did you have a good time at the party?
You’ll like Rosie – she’s good company.
I was having such a good time I was reluctant to leave.
также используется с глаголами, выражающими чувства, ощущения: feel, look, seem, smell, sound, taste
I didn’t go to work because I wasn’t feeling too good.
The meat tastes / smells good.
2. когда речь идёт о здоровье
“How’s your mother?” “She’s good, thanks.”
3. стандартный ответ на приветствие
“How are you (doing)?” “I’m good, thanks.”
4. наличие всего желаемого / необходимого; отсутствие желания / необходимости делать что-либо дальше = ~ спасибо, у меня всё есть; с меня хватит и т.п.
“Do you want anything else to drink?” “No thanks, I’m good.”

1. с глаголом
I don’t really know her very well.
Wash your hands well with soap.
He speaks well of you.’ ‘I’m glad to hear that.’
Mix all the ingredients well.
James reads quite well for his age.
Mix the flour and butter well.
2. когда речь идёт о здоровье
I’m not very well today, I can’t come in.
I hope you’re well – Надеюсь, вы здоровы.
I’m very well, thank you – Я в полном здравии…
Нe’s not a well man – Он болезненный человек.
3. = a lot
Stand well back from the bonfire.
It was well after 12 o’clock when they arrived.
The village is well above sea level.
I’m well aware of the problems involved.

grateful, thankful

быть благодарным КОМУ-ТО за доброту, помощь, одолжение
Thank you so much for helping us move house. We are so grateful.
She was grateful to him for being so good to her.
‘That’s kind of you, Sally,’ Claire said gratefully.
If you had the opportunity, we would be very grateful – Если бы у вас нашлась возможность, мы были бы очень (вам) благодарны.
I’m so grateful for your support.
I would be grateful if you could call me back at your earliest convenience.
He was very grateful to his parents for lending him the money.
I am grateful to those who helped me go abroad.
She should be grateful that he was making things easier for her.

радоваться, что произошло что-то хорошее (особенно, когда могло случиться плохое (от Thank God!))
Everyone was thankful to hear the good news.
I am thankful to have met you.
She is thankful that his life was spared in an accident.
He wasn’t badly hurt—that’s something to be thankful for.

to be thankful / grateful for small mercies‘ – быть благодарным, потому что могло быть и хуже
Be thankful for small mercies – И за то скажи спасибо.
I’m thankful for small mercies – И на том спасибо (хорошо хоть так)
She wasn’t badly hurt in the accident, so we’re grateful for small mercies.

greedy, mean

жадный = которому всё мало, гребущий ещё и ещё
Greedy children often tend to put on too much weight.
Don’t be so greedy! Leave some cake for everyone else.
I’ve never met anyone so greedy for power.
He acquired his wealth by being a greedy, unscrupulous businessman.

жадный = скупой, не желающий делиться тем, что у него есть
He’s so mean, he won’t even buy his wife a birthday present.
My landlord’s very mean with the heating – it’s only on for two hours each day.
He’s always been mean with his money.
Don’t count on him. He is too mean to share with you what he has.


1. половина чего-либо
Half an orange.
“What’s half of 96?” “48.”
It took them a day and a half to reach the top of the mountain.
There were some tense moments in the second half of the game.
Мн.ч.halves /hɑ:vz/
She cut the bread into two halves.
Two halves make a whole.
2. ‘half’ ИЛИ ‘half of’ перед:
– существительным с ‘the’
I thought about you half the night.
One phone call and half the city’s police force will be around to arrest you.
They offered to pay half the cost of repairs.
We spent half the time talking.
You’re not half the man you think you are.
I’ve only answered half (of) the questions.
– притяжательным местоимением (my, your…)
Why don’t you have half my chocolate?
I lost half (of) my money.
Almost half of us (NOT half us) were not allowed to vote. It was completely unfair.
– указательным местоимением (this, that…)
At least half of those books can be sold.
Take half (of) this pie.

3. ‘half a’ (OR a half) перед единицами измерения
It’s at least half a kilometre to those shops (NOT half of a kilometre)
We just sat and talked for half an hour or so. (NOT half of an hour )
A pint is more than half a litre.
It’s about a half mile down the road.
They suggest a half day excursion to the island.
You can’t just waltz in a half hour late.
4. наполовину, отчасти
The bottle’s half empty.
His eyes were half closed.
His refrigerator frequently looked half empty.
She was still sleepy and only half aware of what was happening.
I’m half inclined to take the job just because it’s in Argentina.
She’d half expected him to withdraw from the course.
She was half Italian and half English.
The theatre wasn’t even half full.
She is not half as clever as her sister.
She never does things by halves.
He felt half dead with tiredness.
All this time I’ve been half sick about you and why you wouldn’t write.
They’re offering the flowers for almost half price.
Children under sixteen can travel half fare on trains.
A half mask covered his eyes.

hear of, hear about

‘Hear from’ – получать известия от кого-то
She had remarried and moved to Maryland, and now nobody ever heard from her.
Police want to hear from anyone who has any information.

1. получать (вообще, хоть какие-то) известия, новости о ком-то, чём-то
I’m rather alarmed that we haven’t heard anything of Mark lately.
Have you heard much of Polly recently?
2. слышать = знать о существовании
I’ve never heard of such a thing! – Я никогда о таком не слыхал.
If I hear of a job opening, I’ll let you know – Если я услышу о вакансии, дам тебе знать.
Many people have heard of rabies, which is a deadly viral infection spread to humans through the bite of infected animals.
3. I / he /… will not hear of
I will not hear of it -Слышать об этом не хочу.

новая конкретная информация о чём-то, ком-то, уже известном собеседнику. Сравните:
A: Have you heard about Ron ? = “Have you heard the news about Ron?”
B: “Yes, he broke his leg.”
A: Have you heard of Ron ? = “Do you know who Ron is?”
A: “Have you heard about XX restaurant? = “Have you heard the news about XX restaurant?”
B: “Yes, they served cat instead of chicken!”
A: “Have you heard of XX restaurant? = “Do you know the XX restaurant?”
B: “Yes, it is famous for its fried squid.”

helpful, useful

1. (о людях) готовый, желающий помочь
A helpful neighbor shoveled our walkway.
James is a very helpful and cooperative lad.
2. полезный (совет, информация…)
He made several helpful suggestions.
The following information may be helpful to readers.
Your comments were very helpful.
None of these things turned out to be helpful.
The bark of trees is often helpful in identifying them in winter.
She made some very helpful suggestions but her boss rejected them all.
The staff there are so friendly and helpful.

1. практичный (об инструменте, утвари, приборе, НО также о совете, идее, информации)
This mixer is very useful.
The police gained a great deal of useful information about the organization.
They should spend this cash on something useful.
2. (о людях) полезный
Peter’s a useful person to have around.
to come in useful – пригодиться
The money he had found came in (very) useful for paying the rent.
to make oneself useful – помогать
Don’t just sit there. Make yourself useful. Lay the table.

high, tall

1. высокий (о неодушевлённом – горах, зданиях, волнах…)
This is the highest mountain in Japan.
The camp was surrounded by a high fence.
2. расположенный высоко от поверхности
The apartment had spacious rooms with high ceilings.
The light switch is too high for a child to use.
3. об уровне, концентрации, количестве
Temperatures remained high for the rest of the week.
Our guests expect us to maintain high standards.
High levels of radiation have been reported near the nuclear plant.

100 feet/30 metres etc high
waves up to 40 metres high = 40 metre high waves
a statue ten feet high = a ten-foot high statue
How high is the Eiffel Tower?

chest/waist/knee etc high (=as high as your chest etc)
The grass was knee-high.

1. высокий (о людях, животных, растениях)
He’s only 5 feet tall.
The cat was hiding in the tall grass in the backyard.
Do you need to be tall to play basketball well?
Lorna is a little taller than her husband.
The photographer asked the taller people to stand at the back of the group.
2. о зданиях, сооружениях, предметах, особенно, если они высокие и стройные
Two tall marble columns stood at either side of the entrance.
How tall is that building?
How tall is the Eiffel Tower?
a tall glass – фужер
a tall floor lamp
a tall chimney
a tall mast
a twenty-foot-tall partition

historic, historical

Если речь идёт об истории как предмете изучения, то употребляется ‘history’:
the history faculty, a history book (учебник истории), a history student, a history lecture

1. то что имело ИЛИ будет иметь важное значение (о событии, решении…)
In his book, Churchill describes that historic first meeting with Roosevelt.
Within days, the historic deal inexplicably fell apart.
What a historic moment in my life, I thought.
King gave this historic speech the night before he was assassinated.
It is a moment laden with historic significance.
2. хорошо известное, исторически важное
a historic monument
a historic building
3. historic times – времена, история которых известна
prehistoric times – времена, о которых мало что известно
…the famous prehistoric cave paintings of Lascaux.
My mom has these prehistoric ideas about proper dress.

1. нечто, действительно происходившее, имевшее место в истории
The legend of John Henry is based on a real, historical figure.
a historical event – когда-то, действительно, произошедшее событие (важное / не важное – не имеет значения)
a historic event – не просто произошедшее, но и сыгравшее огромную роль
2. описывающий или основанный на событиях прошлого
a historical novel / film
3. об историческом подходе
historical explanation
historical map
historical research
historical study
historical evidence – историческое свидетельство

house, block (of flats)

частный дом
detached house – отдельно стоящий частный дом
Last year they bought a detached house above the bridge.
Detached houses are too expensive for us.
semi-detached house – один из двух соприкасающихся частных домов (имеющих общую стену)
Semi-detached houses are not numerous here.
terrace(d) house – один из ряда соединённых между собой домов
Most of the population here live in terraced houses.

большое (обычно, высокое) здание, разделенное на отдельные части для использования в качестве офисов или квартир (BLOCK (OF FLATS) или просто FLATS)
They are erecting a new office block downtown.
I met him at his apartment block in Manhattan.
She works in a 27-storey office block.
I live in an old block (of flats).
There’s a swimming-pool near her flat.
English people don’t like living in flats (… в многоквартирных домах)

how is… ?, what is… like?

о здоровье ИЛИ состоянии
How’s your son after the accident?
How are
your trees after the storm?
How are your old boots? ~Still hold on (… Ещё держатся)
How’s your car after repairing?

как выглядит, о характере, поведении
What’s your new manager like? ~He’s nice. He’s very good-looking! But he’s quite strict.
What’s her new house like? ~It’s a modern one, quite big, with a nice garden.

if, whether

If и whether часто взаимозаменяемы (‘whether’ более формально)
Call the bakeries around town and find out if / whether any of them sell raspberry pies.
I rang Peter from the station and asked if / whether I could drop in to see him before going back.
в некоторых случаях используется ИМЕННО whether:
1. после предлогов
We discussed the issue of whether to pay.
The police seemed mainly interested in whether there were any locks on the windows.
I talked with my wife about whether I should except their offer.
I am not interested in whether you approve of it or not
2. перед to-infinitive
I didn’t know whether to believe him or not.
We have three days to decide whether to buy this house or move to the USA.
The council is considering whether to approve of the use of firearms.
3. после ‘to question’
‘Are they really terrorists?’
The reporter questioned whether they were really terrorists (NOT … questioned if they were really terrorists for him)
4. ‘whether or not’
There were times when I wondered whether or not we would get there.
Can you tell me whether or not you’re interested in the job.
I asked whether he won or not.
I asked if he won or not.
5. в значении “по-любому”
It seemed to me that she was in trouble whether Mahoney lived or died.
Look, Kate, I’m calling the doctor, whether you like it or not.
Poor farmers, whether owners or tenants, will be worst affected.

imply, infer

Are you implying that I have something to do with those attacks?’ she asked coldly.
What are you implying by that remark?
The results imply that the disease originated in West Africa.
Democracy implies a respect for individual liberties.
High profits do not necessarily imply efficiency.

приходить к выводу, заключать (из увиденного, услышанного, из результатов… )
We can infer from the archaeological evidence that there was slavery in Carthage.
And from this Pooh infers that there really is honey.
It can be inferred that Gilbert supplemented his income with his profits from drug sales.

in future, in the future

отныне, впредь
I asked her to be more careful in future.
In future, I expect you to be at work no later than 9.15.
In future, prisoners must serve at least half of their sentence before qualifying for any type of early release.
In future, staff must wear identity badges at all times.
Don’t do that in future! – Впредь так не делай!

в будущем
We hope to expand this side of the business in the future.
That means this service will become popular in the future.

in the near future – в ближайшем будущем
I don’t anticipate that happening in the near future.
They promised to contact us again in the near future.

in the end, at last, lastly, after all

в конце концов = в конечном итоге
IN THE END (чаще о прошлом)
It took a long time, but in the end I managed to convince him.
But in the end they all die.
In the end, we got the information.

IN THE LONG RUN (чаще о будущем)
All our work will be worth it in the long run.
You want to quit school now, but in the long run, you’ll regret it.
And in the long run, it will help to ensure continuing good health.

наконец = по истечении длительного времени
At long last the government is starting to listen to our problems.
Now, at last, they are coming home.
At last we arrived at the hotel and were taken to our rooms.
At last, we were able to afford a house.
His delegation sincerely hoped that those efforts would at last produce progress.
His dream has come true at last.
Now, at last, they are coming home.

наконец (о последнем в перечислении ИЛИ в высказывании)
Firstly it’s too big, secondly we can’t afford it, and lastly we don’t really need it.
Lastly, could I ask all of you to keep this information secret.
We need eggs, milk, sugar, bread and, lastly, we mustn’t forget yoghurt for Dad.
Lastly, I would like to ask about your future plans.
I’ve thanked my parents but lastly I must thank all my friends for their help.
Lastly, the course trains students to think logically.

в конце концов (уступительное значение)
Never mind – after all, nobody is perfect.
But some things are private, after all.
It was her father’s home, after all.
I do like her – after all, she is my sister.
I don’t know why you’re so concerned; after all, it isn’t your problem.
Something should be celebrated after all, in these dim days.
After all, borders are not impermeable.

in time, on time

прибыть / сделать что-либо вовремя (достаточно рано для / чтобы…)
We’ll have to hurry up if we want to be in time for the show.
Will you be able to finish it in time?
We got to the airport in time to have a coffee before checking in.
We met at Raven Square, Welshpool in time for the 12 o’clock train.
The painting was successfully repaired in time for the opening of the exhibition.
He arrived in time for supper.

1. по расписанию
The plane arrived right on time.
The parade started right on time.
Why is it that the buses never run on time?
2. как договаривались (о времени), без опозданий
Please arrive on time.
Jack was worried about whether he’d be able to get there on time.
My parents got to the house right on time.
Don’t worry, she’ll be on time.

it’s, its

сокращённая форма ‘it is‘, ‘it has
We’re having a party tomorrow. It’s (it is) going to be something extraordinary.
Let me in. It’s (it is) cold out here.
The holiday is over. It’s (it has) gone really quickly.

притяжательное местоимeние (подобно my, his, your…), если существительное можно обозначить словом ‘it
Every house in the street has got its own garage.
The safe stood open, its lock brocken.
The hotel has its own pool.

learn, find out

узнать (случайно, не прилагая усилий, услышать)
It was only after his death that she learned of his affair with Betty.
Later I learnt that the house was to be sold.
She was surprised to learn that he was a lot older than she had thought.
He learned about his appointment by telephone yesterday.
I learned of her death yesterday.

узнать = выяснить (подразумеваются намеренные действия)
Has anyone bothered to find out how much all this is going to cost?
To find out more, visit our website.
Did you find out whether there are any seats left?
“John’s been married twice.” “How did you find that out?”
She found out that her husband was having an affair.

lend, borrow

одолжить КОМУ-ТО
Will you lend me your jacket for a little while?
He had lent the bungalow to the Conrads for a couple of weeks.
The hospital agreed to lend us a wheelchair.

одолжить У КОГО-ТО
Can I borrow your pen for a minute??
He wouldn’t let me borrow his clothes.
English has borrowed words from many languages.

long, a long time

1. долго, продолжительное время
в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях
Marco didn’t stay long at the party.
It won’t take long to finish the work.
Don’t be long – Не задерживайся.
Will it take long? – Это займёт много времени?
Have you known her parents long?

– в утвердительных предложениях с ‘so, too, enough’ ИЛИ с ‘longer’
A month is too long to wait for an appointment.
You took so long. What were you doing?
We’ve waited long enough for a reply. I think we need to phone them.
He stayed there longer than me.
I’ve known her longer than you have.

долго, продолжительное время
в утвердительных предложениях
It happened a long time ago.
They stood for a long time in silence.
We waited for a long time in the rain for the bus.
They took a long time getting here.
A tennis match can last a long time.
You guys were out a long time.
It’s been a long time since we met.
I haven’t got in touch with him for a long time.
That bridge has been out of use for a long time.

– ИЗРЕДКА, в вопросительных и отрицательных
Have you known him for a long time?
I haven’t seen you for a long time. Come and see me once in a while.

make of, make from

1. создавать путём обработки, изменения формы, соединения деталей (исходный материал остаётся самим собой, по-прежнему узнаваем)
Tables are made of wood (но дерево – по прежнему дерево)
Houses are made of bricks (кирпичи остаются кирпичами)
The statue is made of bronze (бронзу обработали, но она осталась бронзой)
Books are made of paper.
2. о мнении, впечатлении
Well, what do you make of her? – Ну, что вы о ней думаете?
What do you make of this news?
Nancy wasn’t sure what to make of Mick’s apology – … как ей воспринимать…

создавать из исходного материала нечто совершенно другое
Paper is made from wood (и бумага – это уже не дерево)
Plastic is made from oil.
What is polyester made from?
Wine is made from grapes.
Do you have any idea what they make this dish from?
The earliest canoes were made from tree trunks (‘from’, потому что это больше не стволы деревьев)
The earliest canoes were made of wood (‘of’, потому что дерево осталось деревом)
Her necklace is made from melted silver coins.
Her necklace is made of silver.

maybe, may be

В обоих случаях речь идёт о предположении, но они не взаимозаменяемы. Сравните:

1. без него можно обойтись – грамматически предложение не пострадает
Maybe it’s all just a big misunderstanding.
He looked like he was thirty, maybe thirty-five years old.
The problems really started maybe two or three years ago.
2. может употребляться отдельно
Are you coming to the party? ~Maybe.
Do you think he recognized you? ~Maybe.

1. без него предложение не складывается
It may be just a big misunderstanding.
He may be thirty years old –
There may be a train at 10.00am.
This may be the last match that he plays for Barcelona.
2. всегда требует после себя какого-то дополнения (что? как? какой? сколько?)
It may be the car I saw yesterday.

mix, mix up

смешать, перемешать (о различных субстанциях…)
Shake the bottle well so that the oil mixes with the vinegar.
The powder is mixed with cold water to form a paste.
Mix in 75 g of butter.
I don’t like to mix business with pleasure.
In a large bowl mix the butter and flour.

1. перепутать
People often mix us up because we look so similar.
I think you’re mixing me up with my sister.
2. сбить с толку
The directions he gave me mixed me up and I went the wrong way.

much, many

с исчисляемыми существительными
Not many films are made in Finland.
Many people would disagree with your ideas.
How many students are there in each class?
Mr Black has been a client of this firm for many years.

many a + ед. число
I’ve told you many a time (много раз) not to ride your bike on the pavement.
Many a mother (многие матери) tries to act out her unrealized dreams through her daughter.
I have spent many an hour (много часов) in the hills.
мы можем использовать ‘much’ и ‘many’ без существительных
People still use butter in cooking, but many say they don’t use as much as before.

1. с неисчисляемыми существительными
How much money do we have?
Is there any wine left? – Not much.
Furniture is so bulky, it takes so much room.
You spend too much on clothes.
There is much truth in what you say.
See just how much fat and cholesterol you’re eating.
If I drink too much coffee, I can’t sleep.
2. с ед. числом ИЛИ с географическими названиями (в этом случае ‘much’ означает ‘большая часть’)
Cats spend much of the day asleep.
It was a dry sunny day over much of Britain.
I hope to see more of Spain this year.
Most of Venice is under water.

‘much of’ и ‘many of’
1. если перед существительным стоит:
артикль Unfortunately, not many of the photographers were there. – указательное местоимение (this, that) How much of this book is fact and how much is fiction? – притяжательное местоимение (my, your, his, her, our, their) Claude spent much of his life in Italy.
2. перед (you, us, them) How many of them can dance, sing and act? How many of you can swim?

a number of, amount of, quantity of

Все три слова используются для обозначения некоторого количества.

с исчисляемыми
We have been friends for a number of years.
A great number of students volunteer each year for environmental projects.
I have a number of things I want to talk to you about.
I’ve had an enormous number of letters from single parents.
A number of people were hurt in the accident.

с неисчисляемыми
We use a huge amount of paper in the office every day.
The amount of time it took to finish the job was very frustrating.
They spend equal amounts of time in California and New York.
Try to reduce the amount of fat in your diet.
Dina encountered a fair amount of envy among her colleagues.

с исчисляемыми И неисчисляемыми (но формальнее, чем ‘number of’ или ‘amount of’)
Thieves escaped with a large quantity of cigarettes.
…a small quantity of water.
Use equal quantities of flour and butter.
He had consumed a large quantity of alcohol.
Large quantities of illegal drugs had been discovered.

offer, suggest, propose

1. предлагать КОМУ-ТО что-то (угощение, деньги, работу, помощь…)
Can I offer you a drink?
The manager offered Kevin a job.
The number of companies offering them work increased.
Don’t offer him a cigarette, he’s trying to give up.
You can’t offer such a low salary to someone who is so highly skilled – it’s insulting.
They are offering farmers $2.15 a bushel for corn.
2. предоставлять
What childcare facilities does your company offer?
Their flimsy tent offered little protection against the severe storm.
3. делать предложение (о браке)
He offered to her after a three months’ courtship.
The newspaper offered to apologise for the article.
He smiled and offered to buy me a drink.
Peter offered to teach them water-skiing.
My father offered to take us to the airport.
His parents offered to lend him the money.
5. возносить (хвалы, молитвы), делать пожертвования
Church leaders offered prayers and condemned the bloodshed.
He will offer the first harvest of rice to the sun goddess.

1. предложить = выдвинуть идею
suggest smth (to smb)
She suggested a drive in the country (to us).
Could you suggest someone to advise me how to do this?
He’s the man to suggest a solution to our problem.
Who would you suggest for the job?

suggest (that) smb (should) do smth
I suggest (that) you ask the sale manager about that.
Johnson suggested to Boswell that they should buy the island.

suggest doing smth
Tracey suggested meeting for a drink after work.
I suggested putting the matter to the committee.
I suggested going to the theatre.
2. предлагать человека, предмет, как подходящий
We suggested him for president.
Could you suggest someone to advise me how to do this?
3. подразумевать (об обстоятельсвах), наводить на мысль
Earlier reports suggested that a meeting would take place on Sunday.
His manner suggested a lack of interest in what we were doing.
The glove suggests that she was at the scene of the crime.

1. синоним (более формальный) ‘suggest’ (пп.1,2)
propose smth (to smb)
Someone proposed a motion to increase the membership fee to £500 a year.
I would like to propose Mr Harrison for the position of Party Treasurer.
She is also rich and is going to London to propose marriage to a young man in her father’s office.
He proposed a compromise to me.

propose (that) smb (should) do smth
It was George who first proposed that we dry clothes in that locker.
I propose that you appoint Ms Hallam.

propose doing smth – предлагать
And where do you propose building such a huge thing?
propose to do smth – собираться
How does he propose to deal with the situation?
2. предлагать тост
I should like to propose a tost to our hostess.
Usually the bride’s father proposes a toast to the health of the bride and groom.
3. делать предложение (о браке)
I remember the night your father proposed to me.
He proposed to Isabel the day after taking his seat in Parliament.
She felt sure he was going to propose.

opposite, in front of

She sat opposite him in his office with the door firmly closed.
Uncle Albert pointed sternly to the chair opposite him.
Hannah lives just opposite.

Suddenly, something ran across the road in front of the car.
There was a small garden in front of the house.
Don’t swear in front of the children!

permit, permission

ОФИЦИАЛЬНЫЙ ДОКУМЕНТ, дающий право, позволяющий что-либо
Farmers must apply for permits to use the new chemicals.
A permit is required for fishing in the canal.
EU citizens no longer need a permit to work in the UK.
You’ll need to apply for a residential parking permit.

НЕ САМ ДОКУМЕНТ, а факт разрешения (пусть даже и в письменной форме)
You’ll have to get permission from your parents if you want to come.
Permission was granted for the interview.
The company has applied for permission to drill for oil.

possibility, opportunity, chance

POSSIBILITY (не употребляется с ‘have’: to have a possibility)
1. возможность (хорошая, плохая, нейтральная…)
There were several possibilities open to each manufacturer.
The possibility of running away never occured to him.
The air seemed charged with possibilities.
2. вероятность
The forecast said that there’s a possibility of snow tonight..
There is a strong possibility that I will not be chosen for the job.
There is a possibility of light snow or a rain-snow mix Friday night into Saturday morning.
We must face the possibility of failure.
There’s always a possibility that he might go back to Seattle.
Tomorrow, there’s a remote possibility of snow on high ground.

удобный случай, хорошая возможность
He goes fishing at every opportunity.

the/an opportunity of doing smth
They have an opportunity of moving into a bigger flat.

the/an opportunity to do smth
I had an opportunity to go to New York and study.
Their meeting afforded an opportunity to exchange views.

an/the opportunity for smb to do smth
It was an excellent opportunity for her to speak to the head of the company.
There are fewer opportunities for new graduates this year.

an/the opportunity for smth
The best reason for a trip to London is the super opportunity for shopping.

неформальный синоним ‘opportunity’ И ‘possibility’
She jumped at the chance of going abroad.
If you give me a chance to speak, I’ll explain.
Do you think they have a chance of beating Australia?
This partnership has a good chance of success.
I didn’t get a chance to say goodbye.
The doctors told my wife I had a 50/50 chance of survival.
There’s no chance of us getting there by eight.
Most likely that any chance of a normal life was over.
People need to be given a fair chance to understand what they are buying.
This increases their chances of surviving.
There is little chance of her being found alive.

prevent, interfere

помешать, воспрепятствовать
His back injury may prevent him from playing in tomorrow’s game.
There were reports that some people had been prevented from voting in the election.
2. предотвратить
The rules are intended to prevent accidents.
To prevent injuries you should always stretch before exercising.

1. (in) вмешиваться
The protestors were peaceful, and the police decided not to interfere.
It’s not the church’s job to interfere in politics.
2.(with) мешать
It interferes with my work.
Anxiety can interfere with children’s performance at school.

price, cost, value, worth

What’s the price of this coat?
The price of petrol has gone up.

cost price – себестоимость
They bought the furniture at cost price.
retail price – розничная цена
wholesale price – оптовая цена

стоимость (о расходах, затратах)
I offered to pay the cost of the taxi.
Higher production costs usually lead to higher prices.
IBM is continuing to cut costs in an effort to be more competitive.
The cost of electricity has fallen in the last twelve months.
If you lose the case, you will face substantial legal costs.

1. стоимость (хотя это “что-то” сейчас и не продаётся)
The alterations doubled the value of the house.
The value of the sculpture was estimated at $500,000.
2. ценность (не о деньгах)
We all know the value of regular excercise.
His advice is of great value to me.

be good/poor value – стоить/не стоить тех денег, которые были потрачены
If your coat wore out in a year it certainly wasn’t good value.
These excursions are very good value.

It is difficult to estimate the current worth of the company.
During his illness he realized his friend’s true worth.

realize, understand

ясно понимать = осознавать, отдавать себе отчёт
Do you realize you’re an hour late?
I’m sorry, I didn’t realize who you were.
Nobody realizes how important this is.
He realized he was made fun of and was heart broken.
He also realized that he was wasting his youth.
I can hardly yet realize the full extent of my loss.
‘That’s my brother.’—’Oh, I hadn’t realized.’
Once they realized their mistake the phone was reconnected again.

понимать в общепринятом смысле слова – смысл, идею, принцип
Students are able to do more, understand more, and achieve more each year.
She doesn’t understand English.
How the drug works isn’t fully understood.
2. делать вывод (из услышанного, увиденного)
I understand that you’re leaving – Я так понимаю, вы уходите.
Am I to understand from this that …? – Должен ли я из этого сделать вывод, что… ?

refuse, give up

1. отказаться принять то, что предлагают, отвергнуть, отклонить
The patient has the right to refuse treatment.
He offered me a second drink which I refused.
She refused a second piece of cake.
The offer seemed too good to refuse.
2. отказаться сделать то, что просят
The chairman refused to answer any more questions.
Mom flatly refused to go back into the hospital.
He expects me to stay on here and I can hardly refuse.
On cold mornings the car always refuses to start.
She steadfastly refused to marry him.
3. отказать кому-то в чём-то
We were refused admission to the building.
She was refused a work permit.
Immigration authorities refused him a visa.

1. отказаться от замысла, бросить начатое, сдаться
You’ll never guess the answer – do you give up? – … Сдаётесь?
We still haven’t given up hope of finding her alive.
I gave up trying to persuade him to continue with his studies.
2. прекратить делать что-либо, заниматься чем-либо
After the accident she had to give up riding and farming.
He gave up his job so that he could look after his wife.
He is thinking of giving up teaching.
3. уступить что-либо
Georgia refuses to give up any territory.
One of the men with him gave up his place on the bench.
4. отказаться от того, что имеешь
He reluctantly gave up his motorbike when he could no longer afford to run it.
I’ll have to give up my ticket to the concert if I can’t find anyone to go with me.

replace, substitute

1. положить (вернуть) на место
The line went dead. Jane replaced the receiver.
The librarian replaced the books correctly on the shelves.
2. заменить кого-то / что-то
The shower has broken and we have to replace it.
Doctors have replaced the top of his hip bone with a metal sphere.
I replaced the old rug with a new one.
We replaced our old air conditioners.
The manual worker is being replaced by the machine.
3. занять место, прийти на смену
Will computers ever completely replace books?
Electricity has replaced gas in lighting.
She was hired to replace the previous manager.

1. заменить что-то чем-то
You can substitute oil for butter (= … заменить масло растительным маслом) in this recipe.
The thieves stole the necklace and substituted a fake (for it)
You can substitute the wheat flour with almond flour (… заменить пшеничную муку миндальной)
They substituted real candles with electric ones.
2. ВРЕМЕННО замещать / заменить кого-то
He was substituting for the injured William Wales.
He was called on to substitute for the ailing star last night.
Ronaldo was substituted early in the second half.
She was asked to substitute for the absent committee chairman.
The manager had no alternative but to substitute him.

rise, arise

1. подниматься вверх
He watched the smoke rise from the chimney.
Spray rose up from the surface of the water.
The road rises steeply from the village.
2. расти (о ценах, показателях…)
Sales rose by 20% over the Christmas period.
The divorce rate has risen steadily since the 1950s.
The number of people seeking asylum in Britain has risen sharply.
3. вставать с кровати = просыпаться
Tony had risen early and gone to the cottage to work.
4. вставать (со стула, из-за стола…)
Luther rose slowly from the chair.
He looked at Livy and Mark, who had risen to greet him.
5. вырастать, выситься, возвышаться (о здании, вершине…)
The building rose before him, tall and stately.
The White Mountains rose up before me.
6. восставать (против)
They rose in rebellion against the king.
They rose up and overthrew the government

1. происходить, возникать (об абстрактом)
All staff are expected to do some overtime, if the need arises.
Several important legal questions arose in the contract negotiations.
An opportunity arose and he decided to take the job in Brussels.
A problem has arisen with my passport.
The conflict arose from tensions between the different ethnic groups.
It is difficult to foresee the consequences that may arise from this action.
Low achievement at school often arises from poverty and bad social conditions.
2. вырастать, выситься, вздыматься (о здании, вершине…)
…the flat terrace, from which arises the cubic volume of the house.
3. вставать с кровати = просыпаться (лит.)
He arose at sunrise to get an early start to the beach.
Daniel arose at dawn.
He arose at 6:30 a.m. as usual.

rouse, arouse

Оба слова используются в формальном контексте и совпадают в пп.1,2

1. возбуждать, пробуждать (о чувстах. эмоциях)
We don’t want to rouse any suspicions.
It roused a feeling of rebellion in him.
This roused my interest in politics and I went to work for the Democrats.
2. разбудить (в прямом и переносном смысле)
She finally roused herself at lunchtime and got out of bed.
His banging roused the neighbours.
Around 2 a.m., I was roused by the sound of screaming.
She seemed to be unable to rouse herself to do anything.
A persistent ringing roused Christina from a pleasant dream.
Kemp’s speech roused the crowd to cheers.
What sounds like a distant waterfall rouses me from sleep in the early morning.
He was roused to action by courageous words.

1. возбуждать, пробуждать (о чувстах. эмоциях)
We left in the daytime so as not to arouse suspicion.
Both lecturers aroused a lot of interest in the subject of geology.
The film has aroused young people’s curiosity about nature in general.
2. разбудить (в прямом и переносном смысле)
About two o’clock, we were aroused (from our sleep) by a knocking at the door.
This place could easily arouse researcher in each of us.
3. просыпаться
At dawn the farmers began to arouse.
3. возбуждать сексуально
She felt aroused by the pressure of his body so close to hers.
Some of the girls aroused him and arousal made him think first of Charmian, then of Marge.

small, little

Там, где small и little взаимозаменяемы, little является менее формальным.

1. о физических размерах (в т.ч. одежды, обуви)
He is small for his age.
The window was far too small for the bear to get through.
Next door to the garage is a small orchard area.
The gloves are on the small side – перчатки маловаты
This coat is small for me.
2. о количестве
Don’t try to do too much in a small amount of time.
They had only a small amount of food.
small audience – небольшая /немногочисленная аудитория
in small numbers – в небольшом количестве
3. незначительного звания, важности, влияния
We may have to make a few small changes.
No detail was too small to escape their attention.
They believe this to be a relatively small problem.
…shops, restaurants and other small businesses.
Tool companies here are generally small.
4. о возрасте
I’ve known him since he was a small boy.

1. маленький, небольшой (о размере)
Little things are small in size.
little house [garden, boat] – домик [садик, лодочка]
She has little feet.
2. о малом, незначительном количестве (когда речь идёт о НЕИЗМЕРИМОМ (неважно, конкретном или абстрактном))
So far little progress has been made towards ending the fighting.
The pudding is quick and easy and needs little attention once in the oven.
Impossible. We have too little money.
3. незначительный, неважный несущественный
a little difficulty – незначительное /несущественное/ затруднение
a little farmer – мелкий фермер
little people / the little – маленькие = не обладающие влиянием люди
a little war – малая война
4. о возрасте
They have a little girl of 5.
This is my little brother – Это мой младший брат.

some, any

1. в утвердительных предложениях
I need some apples for this recipe.
My mother has inherited some land.
They’re looking for someone with some experience.
The doctor gave her some medicine for her cough.
2. в вопросах, предполагающих утвердительный ответ
Did you get some new furniture?
Can I borrow some paper?
Would you like some tea?
Could I have some coffee? Sure. And would you like some biscuits?

1. в вопросительных предложениях
Have you got any money?
Do you need any further information?
Are there any other questions?
2. в отрицательных предложениях
They didn’t invite any of us.They haven’t shown any interest at all in my research.
3. c “never, hardly, without, refuse, doubt” (которые подразумевают отрицание) ИЛИ “if”
We got there without any difficulty.
He never has any fun.
I refuse to give him any help.
If you find any mistakes, please tell me.

sorry, excuse me

1. извинение ПОСЛЕ, сожаление о сделанном
Sorry for being so late – Извините что я так опоздал.
Oh, sorry, am I sitting in your chair?
I’m sorry for damaging your camera.
I’m sorry about what I said.
2. сообщение неприятной новости
I’m sorry but all the rooms this weekend are taken.
3. отказ в просьбе
Sorry but I won’t make it to dinner. I have to work late!

1. извинение ДО (за предполагаемое неудобство)
Excuse me for a minute. I need to make a phone call.
Excuse me interrupting, but there’s a thing I feel I’ve got to say.
Excuse me, but I want to know what all this has to do with us.
2. чтобы вежливо привлечь чьё-либо внимание
Excuse me, but are you Mr Honig?
Excuse me, could you tell me where the Sales Department is?
Excuse me, could I have a menu, please?

specially, especially

1. специально (для чего-то) = especially п.3
He has his shirts made specially for him by a tailor in London.
We ordered pizza specially for you.
The kayaks are specially designed for use in the ocean.
2. особенным образом
I don’t want to be treated specially.
We need specially trained police dogs.
2. разговорная форма ‘especially’ (особенно – п.1)
What was specially enjoyable about that job?
It can become extremely hot and dry, specially in a small glasshouse.
We specially wanted to see the Eiffel Tower and Montmartre.
The children really liked the museum, specially the dinosaurs.

1. особенно=больше, чем обычно, очень, крайне
She loves flowers, especially roses.
I am especially grateful to all those who supported me.
There is nothing especially radical about that idea.
The food was not especially good.
2. особенно
I never liked long walks, especially in winter.
She can’t be sure she will win, especially at this early stage of the campaign.
The appetizers and especially the soup were delicious. 
3. especially for – специально для = specially п.1
She bought a new pair of trainers especially for the trip.
I bought it especially for her, and she didn’t even thank me.

start, begin

В большинстве случаев ‘start’ и ‘begin’ взаимозаменяемы и используются в сходных ситуациях (‘begin’ является более формальным).
мы используем ‘START’, если речь идёт:
1. о механизмах
Press this button to start the printer.
The lawnmower won’t start.
She started her car and drove off.
He couldn’t get the engine started.
2. о начале нового бизнеса, создании организации
He borrowed money to start a restaurant.
Now is a good time to start your own business.

still, yet, already

“ЕЩЁ” (действие продолжается)
He is still asleep (он (всё) ещё спит.
Is he still asleep? (он (всё) ещё спит?)
He is still not asleep (он (всё) ещё не спит)
We still do not know exactly what happened.
It was still dark outside.
I can still remember them.
Do you still have Julie’s phone number?

утвердительное (о событиях совершившихся, завершенных)
We’ve already discussed all the hard points.
Sorry John, but the meeting is already finished.

YET (всегда в конце предложения)
“ЕЩЁ НЕ” (действие ещё не состоялось)
I haven’t talked to them yet (я с ними ещё не говорил)
She hasn’t completed her meeting yet (она ещё не закончила встречу
Is he asleep yet? (он ещё не проснулся?)
He is asleep yet (он ещё не проснулся)
He is awake yet (он ещё не уснул)
Have you met your colleagues yet? (ты уже встречался с коллегами?)
Has he left the country yet? (он уже покинул страну?)

think of, think about

1. ~ приходить в голову (нет упора на сам мыслительный процесс)
Have you ever thought of marrying her?
We should have thought of phoning you.
Can you think of a good reason to ask for some more money?
Think of me while I’m away!
2. мнение
I think of him as someone who will always help me.
What do you think of (= do you like) my new dress?
I never knew what he really thought of me.
3. представить себе, подумать
I can think of no better day for her to be given enough rope to hang herself.
We’ll think of some indoor games to play if it’s wet.
I tried to think of all the problems that lay ahead of me.

1. размышлять, серьёзно и тщательно обдумывать
I’ll think about it. — Я подумаю об этом.
He was thinking about the time he spent in the army.
It still upsets him when he thinks about the accident.
I was just thinking about you when you called.
What are you thinking about? — О чем вы думаете?
Don’t even think about calling him.
This is something James Robinson has spent a lot of time thinking about.
She lay awake thinking about the money.
2. мнение (хотя чаще – ‘think of’)
What do you think of that? = What do you think about that?
What do you think about the latest plans for improving the underground system?
What do you think about your new school?

tired of, tired from

= надоело
I’m tired of cleaning up after you.
He was tired of being a bookkeeper.
We are tired of the same food every day.
Don’t you get tired of arguing all the time?
I’m tired of his eternal excuses.

устал физически
What are you so tired from?
They both are very tired from walking all day.
Our dog is never tired of running (ей никогда не надоедает)
Our dog is never tired from running (она никогда не устаёт)

tiring, tiresome

утомительный, изнури́тельный

Working 12 hours a day is quite tiring.
If I had to hear it 24 hours, non-stop, it might be very tiring.
It had been a long and tiring day.
Looking after small children can be very tiring.
Visiting museums is surprisingly tiring.
Feeding is a tiring process for a child who is only three weeks old.
They don’t come down to London much because it’s too tiring with the kids.

1. надоедливый, докучливый
I don’t like this tiresome child.
…the tiresome old lady next door.
2. скучный
It would be too tiresome to wait in the queue.
What a tiresome lecture we had.
How tiresome! – Какая скука!
3. раздражающий
He has the tiresome habit of finishing your sentences for you.

touch, touch on

прикасаться (к чему-либо)
Her tiny hands gently touched my face.
He touched the cow’s side with his stick.
His diet is vegetarian, and he hasn’t touched meat for six years.

касаться, затрагивать (вопрос, тему…)
The report touches on the relationship between poverty and poor health.
These issues were touched on in Chapter 2.

verbs of speaking

say (describe, explain, admit, announce, mention, murmur, report, shout, suggest, whisper) smth to smb
He said “Hello” to me (NOT He said me “Hello”)
He described the man to them (NOT He described them the man)
He explained the plan to us (NOT He explained us the plan)
Cordon announced his resignation to the staff members.
He turned and murmured something to the professor.
He murmured sweet nothings to her.
I reported the theft to the police.
She shouted something to me from the window.
Who suggested his candidacy to you?
He whispered the message to David.

cost (fine, bet, grudge, deny, refuse, forgive) smb smth
The mistake cost us a lot of money (NOT The mistake cost a lot of money to us)
They fined him 250$ (NOT They fined 250$ to him)
I bet you 5$ (NOT I bet 5$ to you)
I do not grudge him his success (NOT I grudge his success to him)
I can’t deny them that (NOT I can’t deny that to them)
Tom can’t refuse his children anything (NOT … refuse anything to them)
Still, for those flashes of genius, you can forgive him anything (NOT … forgive anything to him)

work, job

1. деятельность (физическая или умственная), обычно, за деньги
Carrying heavy loads around all day is hard work.
What sort of work are you experienced in?
His work involves a lot of travelling.
They pay me next to nothing but I really enjoy the work.
Do you want to go for a drink after work?
2. место, где человек работает
I didn’t go to work yesterday.
I like the convenience of living so near work.
We back up our computer files at work on a daily basis.
I had an accident on the way to work.
3. предмет, материал, с которым надлежит работать (здесь можно и ‘job’)
I’ll have to take this work / job home with me and finish it there.
4. что-то, созданное в результате приложенных усилий, особенно, картина, художественное или музыкальное произведение…
The museum’s collection includes works of art from all around the world.
This novel is his best work to date.
Sand dunes are the work of sea and wind.

1. ~ = место, должность
He got a part-time job as a waiter.
He gave up his job to become a full-time novelist.
a temporary/permanent job
It’s difficult trying to bring up two children while doing a full-time job.
She got a job as a lab assistant.
2. задание, разовая работа
Kitty was given the job of delivering the bad news.
He’s really good at tricky painting jobs.
This man does odd jobs around the house.
I’ve got plenty of jobs to keep you busy.
3. сфера ответственности
Whose job was it to bring the tickets?
The heart’s job is to circulate blood.
It was my job to make sure there was enough food to go round.
4. что-то трудное, проблематичное
It was a real job getting the wheel off the bike.
We were only given an hour for the exam, and I had a job finishing it.
5. результат работы
Last time he did a nice job.


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