ОБРАЗУЕТСЯ: cоответствующая форма to be + Past Participle
They build houses here.
They are building houses.
They have built houses.
They built a house.
They were building a house.
They had built a house.
They will build houses.
They are going to build houses.
They must build houses.
They should build houses.
They made him build a house.
Houses are built here.
Houses are being built.
The houses have been built.
A house was built.
A house was being built.
A house had been built.
Houses will be built.
Houses are going to be built.
Houses must be built.
Houses should be built.
He was made to build a house.
1. have (= own), be, belong, lack, resemble, seem, let:
Mike has a Ferrari – A Ferrari is had by Mike
The dog belongs to me – The dog is belonged to me
They let him go with them – He was let go with them
Причём, даже если они представляют дейcтвие:
We are having a party – A party is being had by us
2. глаголы (не)желания, предпочтения (want, love, hate, prefer и т.п.) за которыми в Active идёт инфинитив:
They wanted him to go away – He was wanted to go away
He preferred his wife to stay at home – His wife was preferred to stay at home
GET (используется вместо to be в разговорной речи, особенно, если что-то происходит случайно или неожиданно):
How did you get hurt? ~ My hand got trapped in the car door.
Without a map, we soon got lost.
Many postmen get bitten by dogs.
I’m always getting chosen for the worst jobs.
Last month, Claire got moved to another department.
The door doesn’t get cleaned very often.
How did the furniture get damaged?
Не используется для описания состояний:
That house is owned by my uncle – That house gets owned by my uncle.
ПЕРЕХОДНЫЕ ГЛАГОЛЫ (за которыми непосредственно (без всякого предлога) следует прямое дополнение (слово, отвечающее на вопрос кого? что? – Винительный падеж))
Passive образуется, как раз, с переходными глаголами:
I read (кого, что?) books – Books are read.
He is writing (кого, что?) a letter – A letter is being written.
They have demolished (кого, что?) the building – The building has been demolished.
a если после глагола нет прямого дополнения, то и Passive невозможен:
The post has arrived.
The car rushed by me.
The cat is sleeping in the box.
Некоторые глаголы могут быть переходными ИЛИ непереходными:
Are they meeting her at the airport? (переходный) – Is she being met at the airport?
When are you meeting? (непереходный – Passive возможен)
Обычно избегают повторяющихся Passive-конструкций:
The treaty has been signed and has been sealed in front of several witnesses.
The treaty has been signed and sealed in front of several witnesses.
Active И Passive позволяют представить информацию под разными углами:
The rains washed out the roads.
(Речь о дождях и о том, что они натворили)
The roads are washed out by the rains.
(Речь о дорогах и о том, что с ними произошло)
Passive часто предпочтительней, чем Active, если исполнитель неизвестен ИЛИ не имеет значения. В таких предложениях исполнитель обезличенный:
Our apartment was broken into when we were at the sea (В нашу квартиру залезли, пока мы…)
People in the area have been told that they should stay indoors (Людям сказали оставаться…)
These objects should be handled with care (С этими предметами нужно обращаться…)
He is being treated in hospital (Его лечат…)
The new computer system is being installed next month (… установят в следующем месяце)
It can be seen that prices rose sharply in September (Можно видеть, что…)
1. It + Passive + Infinitive
(agree, decide, forbid, hope, plan И propose)
It is forbidden to make noise here (Здесь запрещено шуметь)
It was agreed to postpone the meeting (Договорились перенести встречу)
It has been decided to build a road around the village (Было решено построить дорогу вокруг деревни)
2. две равнозначные конструкции:
It + Passive + that
It was expected that the damage would be extensive (Ожидалось, что вред будет…)
It had been thought that the chemicals convey important information to the brain (Раньше полагали, что…)
Subject + Passive + Infinitive
The damage was expected to be extensive.
The chemicals had been thought to convey important information to the brain.
3. две равнозначные конструкции:
… that + there + be
It is thought (that) there are several ways to solve this problem (Полагают, что есть несколько способов решить эту проблему)
there + Passive + to be
There are thought to be several ways to solve this problem.
4. -ing форма
после like, love, hate, enjoy, appreciate и т.п.
She hates her husband cheating her (Она ненавидит, что её муж её обманывает)
He likes others flattering him (Ему нравится, когда / что другие льстят ему)
perfect -ing form
Having finished the job, we went out to have a drink (Закончив работу, мы…)
Not having received the test results, we were unable to make any conclusion (Не получив результатов теста, мы….)
object + -ing form
They saw the thief climbing over the fence.
being + past participle
She hates being cheated by her husband (Ей ненавистно быть обманываемой своим мужем)
He likes being flattered by others.
I really love being given presents.
having been + past participle
The job having been finished, we went out to have a drink (Когда работа была закончена…)
The test results not having been received, we were unable to make any conclusion (Так как результаты теста не были получены, …)
be + past participle + -ing
The thief was seen climbing over the fence.
5. Passive Infinitive
– to be + past participle
My cat loves to be stroked and picked up (… любит, когда его гладят и берут на руки)
To be married to a nobleman was her greatest ambition (Выйти замуж за дворянина было её…)
– to have been + past participle
This book is the first to have been written by him this year(Эта книга является первой, написанной им…)
– ask for + object + Passive Infinitive
He asked for the money to be paid immediately (Он попросил, чтобы деньги заплатили немедленно)
– need to be + past participle = need + -ing форма
That cellar really needs to be cleaned (= That cellar really needs cleaning) (Подвал, действительно, нужно убрать = Подвал, действительно, нуждается в уборке)
6. I was given …
(allow, award, feed, give, grant, hand, leave (в завещании), lend, offer, owe, pay, promise, sell, send, show, teach)
verb + object + object
Bob gave Mary his books (Боб дал Мэри свои книги)
Mary was given books (Мэри дали книги)
She offered me a cake.
I was offered a cake.
verb + object + prepositional object
Bob gave his books to Mary (Боб дал свои книги Мэри)
Books were given to Mary (Книги отдали Мэри)
She offered a cake to me.
A cake was offered to me.
(explain, describe, demonstrate, introduce, mention, report, suggest) – в Active и Passive употребляются только в предложной форме verb + object + prepositional object.
He explained the rule to me (NOT He explained me the rule)
The rule was explained to me (NOT I was explained the rule)
It is said that…
(agree, allege, announce, assure, believe, consider, decide, expect, explain, hope, know, report, say, suggest, suppose, think, understand)
It is said that Henry likes Mary (Говорят, что Генри….)
It is believed that the company is planning a new advertising campaign (Полагают, что компания…)
It was reported that the Queen had suffered a heart attack (Сообщили, что королева…)
It has been agreed that changes to the law are necessary (Согласились / договорились, что….)
It’s supposed to be very dangerous (Считается, что это…)
He is said + Infinitive…
(believe, expect, find, know, report, say, think, understand)
Henry is said to be in love with Mary (Говорят, что Генри…)
They were expected to win (Ожидалось, что они…)
The company is believed to be planning a new advertising campaign (Полагают, что компания…)
The Queen was reported to have suffered a heart attack (Сообщили, что королева…)
7. Have / get + object + past participle (‘get’ здесь – разговорная форма показывает, что что-то было сделано для кого-то кем-то другим
I repaired my car yesterday (я отремонтировал…)
They’ve painted their apartment today (они покрасили…)
We’re cleaning the carpet (мы чистим…)
Do you check your heating every year?
I’ll do my hair this afternoon.
Did you repair the roof only last Friday?
Our neighbors are building a new garage.
I had my car repaired yesterday (мне отремонтировали…)
They’ve had their apartment painted today (им покрасили…)
We’re getting the carpet cleaned (нам чистят…)
Do you get your heating checked every year?
I will get my hair done this afternoon.
Did you have the roof repaired only last Friday?
Our neighbors are having a new garage built.
won’t (ИЛИ will not) have (NOT get)
I won’t have my name dragged through the dirt by the press (Я не позволю, чтобы моё имя смешивали с грязью)
I won’t have him spoken to like that (Я не позволю, чтобы с ним так разговаривали)