Lingua Hut - Advanced English Territory

Advanced English Territory

You need them to speak English fluently

Наиболее распространённые в разговорном английском
фразовые глаголы


быть поблизости, неподалёку, где-то здесь

I have just seen him. He must be somewhere about.

добиваться чего-либо, стремиться получить или сделать
I wonder what he is after.
Martin is after career.

заниматься чем-либо
I think I know the little game they are at.
What are you at?
He’s been at his essay all night.

отсутствовать, быть в отъезде
The director is away.
Next week I’ll be away on a business trip.

Don’t go away. I’ll be back in a minute.
We must be back on Sunday evening.

1. иметь задолженность
I’m behind in the rent for my flat.
Dear colleagues, we are behind in some of the work we’ve been doing.
2. опаздывать
The train leaves in 10 minutes. I am afraid we are behind.
3. отставать
He is behind the group.
What! Your parents are behind the times? (… отстали от времени?)
4. оказывать поддержку
Don’t worry. You have the whole organization behind you.

1. снизиться, уменьшиться
Don’t worry, the temperature is down, he’s getting over it.
On the whole, the prices are down.
2. (on smb) напуститься, обращаться сурово ИЛИ несправедливо
He’s been really down on me lately.

быть без средств, сильно нуждаться
He hadn’t a penny. He was down and out.
The thought of being down and out again was unbearable.

быть за, поддерживать
I am all for what you say.

1. быть дома, на работе, в помещении
Hello Peggy. Is Tom in?
Bridget, if that’s Mrs. Gabber, I’m not in.
2. быть в моде
Miniskirts are in this season.
3. быть избранным

The Democrats are in for another term.

1. быть в доле
I’d like to be in on the deal.
2. принимать участие, быть вовлечённым
Are you in on the secret?

меня / нас / его /… ожидает что-то (особенно, о неприятном)
It looks we are in for a storm.
After that I knew that I was in for trouble.

1. уходить
I must be off.
2. быть свободным от работы
When will you be off?
I am off for the afternoon today.
3. быть отменённым
The meeting is off.
4. быть выключенным
The freezer was off. All the food has gone bad.
Is the TV set off?

1. быть включенным
The light has been on since 7.
2. происходить, иметь место
What’s on?
The exhibition will be on next week.
Is the party still on?
3. идти, демонстрироваться
There is a good film on here.
4. (smb) за чей-то счёт (о выпивке, билетах, угощении…)
The drinks are on me tonight.

1. обнаружиться = стать известным
I wouldn’t like this information to be out.
It’s no use trying to keep it back. The news will be out anyway.
2. выйти, отлучиться
Call up later. He is out at the moment.
3. закончиться (о деньгах, запасах…)
Bad news. The money is out = We are out of money.
In two days we’ll be out of food and water.
4. (for smth) очень стараться сделать, получить что-то
He’s out for revenge.
Everyone’s just out for what they can get these days.

поправиться после болезни, хорошо себя чувствовать
I hope she will be out and about before long.

(with smb / smth) покончить с
He said he was through with drugs.
Aren’t you through yet? You’ve been ages!

1. проснуться, встать; быть на ногах
Well, since you are up, let’s go to the Browns.
I am always up at seven o’clock.
I’ve been up all night.
2. подняться, достигнуть высокого положения
The prices are up again.
He is up in the world now.
3. подниматься (о ветре…)
If the wind’s up we’d better stay at home.
3. истекать, заканчиваться (о сроке…), терять силу (о законе…)
The time is up.
4. случаться, происходить (если подразумевается плохое)
You look terrible. What’s up?

1. замышлять
I hope you are not up to any mischief.
The kids are quiet. I’m sure they are up to no good.
2. быть чьим-то правом, обязанностью…
It’s up to me to decide whether I’lI do it or not.
I believe it’s up to them to decide that.
It’s up to parents to bring up their children properly.


1. сломаться, выйти из строя (о механизме…)
The machine has broken down.
My car broke down on a lonely road.
Her health broke down as a result of the strain.
2. расстроить(ся), нарушить(ся) (о планах…)
All my plans are broken down. I’m in despair.
That broke down our plans completely.
Their marriage broke down after three years.
3. упасть духом, “сломаться”
He broke down when he had to say goodbye to his mother.
As she drove away I just broke down and wept.

обрывать, внезапно прекращать
They broke off the conversation.
Dear Emily, I regret having broken off our engagement.
Britain threatened to break off diplomatic relations.

1. неожиданно начаться, вспыхнуть
(о войнах, пожарах, болезнях…), разразиться
What steps are taken when an epidemic breaks out?
A fire broke out during the night.
Applause broke out when the ballet was over.
2. сбежать
Two terrorists have broken out of Blackwall prison.

прорываться (в т.ч. переносн.)
The demonstrators broke through the police cordon.
It stopped raining, and the sun broke through the clouds.

1. прекращать занятия
The schoolchildren break up next week.
закрываться на каникулы
The school broke up in May.
2. расходиться (о группе людей)
We were glad when the crowd broke up.
разгонять (толпу…)
The police tried to break up the meeting.

порвать с кем-то. с чем-то
He has broken (off) with all his old friends.
It’s difficult to break (off) with old habits.
The prince broke with tradition by going to study abroad.


вызывать, служить причиной
Nobody knew what brought about the quarrel.
What brings about changes in the weather?

вызвать воспоминание о

Her letter brought back the days of their friendship.
The story brought back happy memories.

снижать (цены, отметку, количество, уровень…)
The good harvest brought down the price of wheat.
Clinton succeded in bringing down the number of unempoyed.
It can hardly bring down inflation.

1. вносить
Don’t forget to bring the suitcase in.
The servant brought in tea.
2. приносить (доход)
I don’t now how much the new factory will bring in.
His job only brought him in a small income.
3. приводить (аргументы…)
I want you to bring in some facts to be more convincing.
4. привлекать КОГО-ТО (on smth)
Can we deal without bringing the police in?
I’d like to bring Inspector Lacey in on the investigation.
David was brought in to coach young players.

1. публиковать (книгу…), показывать (фильм, пьесу..), выпускать (о товаре..)
When are you going to bring out your new book?
How many albums have the band brought out?
They have brought out a new play.
They are bringing out a new sports car this year.
2. выявлять
He was clever enough to bring out the importance of that factor.
A crisis invariably brings out the worst in people.
3. выделять, делать более отчётливым
This dress brings out the color of your eyes.

What they said and demonstrated brought him over (to their view).

приводить в чувство
She fainted but a little brandy brought her round.
She gently slapped his face to bring him round.

1. воспитывать
She brought up four children.
2. поднимать вопрос
She is sure to bring up the matter at the meeting.
3. вырвать (о тошноте)
The baby has just brought up his breakfast.


1. зайти ненадолго, забежать, заглянуть КУДА-ТО
Could you call at his office on your way to the station?
2. делать остановку (о поезде, автобусе, корабле…)
This train calls at all stations to Broxbourne.
The steamer calls at several ports along the way.

заскочить куда-то / к кому-то ненадолго (по пути куда-то)
Could you call by on your way home?

1. заходить, заезжать за кем-то / чем-то
I’ll call for you at eight o’clock.
The parcel is to be called for.
2. взывать,
призывать к чему-либо
The Church has called for reform of the law.
Human Rights groups are calling for the release of political prisoners.
Wait! Somebody’s calling for help.
3. требовать (об обстоятельствах)
The situation calls for urgent measures.
This news calls for a celebration.

1. вызывать, приглашать
(починить, для оказания услуги, консультации…)
When he grew worse we called in a second doctor.
Why are you waiting? Call in the police.
2. отозвать (о бракованном изделии)
The manufacturer called in the faulty goods.

1. отменять (о встрече, собрании…)
The arrangement was called off at short notice.
The flight was called off.
2. прекратить то, что было начато
Police called off the search for the climbers at dusk.
3. отозвать (собаку, войска, поисковую группу…)
Please call your dog off.

зайти ненадолго,
заглянуть К КОМУ-ТО
Let’s call on James on the way home.
Why don’t you call on my sister when you’re in Brighton?
On our way back we called on grandma.

…ON SMB AT / IN a place
заходить к кому-то куда-то, навещать
Did you call on them in Bristol
We called on the Butlers at their country house.

призывать кого-то сделать что-то
The McNamara Bill calls on Parliament to outlaw foxhunting.
Western countries call on to support the democratically elected government.

1. громко объявлять, выкрикивать

He called out each name twice.
“Come in”, he called out from the balcony.
2. вызывать на помощь (врача, полицию, пожарных…)
The doctor is called out. He is not available now.

заказать по телефону
Let’s call out for pizza.

кричать кому-то
He called to the gardener to open the gates.
Did you hear your mother call to you?

Call the waiter over.

1. призывать в армию
Young people are called up at eighteen.
When the war began he was too old to be called up.
2. звонить по телефону
I called him up and asked if he had any news.
Call me up when you are ready to leave.
Call up and make a reservation for 7 o’clock.
2. вызвать в памяти, напомнить
The sound of their laughter called up the memory of his own childhood.
3. призвать (о человеческих качествах)
He called up all his courage.


1. (smth) убирать (со стола…)
Don’t bother to clear away. I’ll do it myself.
Can you clear your books away?
2. (smb) прогнать, разогнать
The police cleared them away.

уходить прочь, убираться, проваливать
Don’t stay here. Clear off!
He cleared off as soon as he heard the police car.

1. убирать что-то; освобождать что-либо
We have to clear out the cupboards.
Clear all that rubbish out of the greenhouse.
2. быстро покинуть какое-то место
I told him to cleat out of the house by Monday.
Would it be better for you if I just cleared out and went back to London?

1. проясниться (о погоде)
Wait till the weather clears up.
Does it often clear up at autumn here?
For a week it rained all day and cleared up in the evening.
It’s unlikely to clear up soon.
2. прояснить, решить (о проблеме, недоразумении…)
I’m glad we’ve cleared that misunderstanding up.
He called on me yesterday ro clear up a few points.

3. убирать = приводить в порядок
The room needs clearing up after the party.
Clear up the mess here before you go.
I suppose she’s cleaning up the rooms.
It’s twice today the room has been cleared up.


произойти, случиться
How did it come about that you went to leave in the Far East.
It’s hard to understand how the accident came about.

1. неожиданно встретить
He’s the most unpleasant person I’ve ever come across.
2. наткнуться, неожиданно найти
I came across some old letters yesterday.

развалиться на части (в т.ч. перен.)
The teapot just came apart in my hands.
The project is coming apart at the seams (… трещит по швам)

And suddenly it all came back to him.
It’s all coming back to me now.

1. пройти/проехать мимо

Some kids on bikes came by, but they didn’t notice me.
2. зайти ненадолго, заглянуть к кому-то
Thanks for coming by yesterday.
If you come by the office tomorrow, I’ll have it ready for you.
3. достать, раздобыть
This book is difficult to come by.
Jobs are hard to come by these days.
Betty came by her house through her father.

набрасываться = сурово критиковать или наказывать
His mother didn’t like it and came down heavily on him.
The courts are coming down hard on drug dealers.

…DOWN TO SMB (from smb) переходить (по наследству)
The estate came down to her from her garndfather.

сводиться к чему-то
What it comes down to is a choice between money and happiness.
It all comes down to a matter of priorities after all.

заходить за кем-то/чем-то
He is coming for us at 7.
Has she come for the book yet?

1. происходить из (о семье)
He comes from a poor family.
поступать из
(о товаре…)
Most of the wines we sell come from France.
Does your information come from a reliable source?
2. быть уроженцем ИЛИ проживать где-то
Where do you come from?
She comes from London.

присоединиться (к проекту, бизнесу…)
Do you want to come in with me on Joe’s present?
Do you want to come in on the deal?

1. оторваться (о пуговице…), выпадать (о волосах), свалиться
The button has come off (my coat)
My glasses came off when I tripped.

перестать употреблять (лекарство. алкоголь. наркотики = ~ “слезть”)
It’s time she tried to come off sleeping pills.

1. подбадривать (ну же!, живей!, давай!, идём!)
Come on, the taxi is here.
Come on, we’ll be late.
2. используется, для выражения недоверия (~ та ладно)
Come on! You don’t really expect me to believe you, do you?
3. приближаться, надвигаться
It’s getting colder. Winter’s coming on.
Don’t forget that the election is coming on.

1. выходить (по направлению к говорящему)
Come out, I can’t see you there.
Come out! I know you are there.
2. появляться в печати, выходить
(о фильме, пьесе…)
Her new novel’s just come out.
3. (о сыпи, прыщах…) выступать, появляться
The child’s got scarlet fever and the rash has come out.
покрываться (in smth) The cream made her face come out in a rash
4. распускаться (о почках), расцветать
The buds are coming out now.
The daffodils came out late this year.
5. обнаружиться, проявиться
The truth finally came out.
His arrogance come out in every speech he makes.
It’ll come out sometime.
6. появиться (о солнце, луне, звёздах)
The sun came out in the afternoon.

выступать (с заявлением, разоблачением, требованием…)
I can’t believe the things he comes out with.
Do you know the proposal he’s going to come out with?

!. (to smb) прийти, приехать к кому-то ненадолго (обычно, домой)
Come over and see us next week.
Our neighbors came over to our house last night.
2. охватить, овладеть (о чувстве)
A fear came over him.
Sorry, I don’t know what came over me (… не знаю, что на меня нашло)
What’s come over him? He looks queer.

1. зайти, заглянуть (к кому-либо)
They live in the next street and occasionally come round to spend an evening with us.
Come round and see us sometime.
2. прийти в себя, в сознание
He hasn’t yet come round after the anasthetic.
When she came round, her sister was sitting beside her bed.
3. согласиться, изменив свою точку зрения
Don’t push him. He’ll come round in time.

достигать, составлять
What do your monthly gas and electricity bills come to?

1. возникать, становиться предметом обсуждения
This question is sure to come up at the meeting
2. произойти (особенно, неожиданно)
Something urgent has come up. I have to go.
Opportunities like this don’t come up every day.

приходить в голову
It came upon me that I hadn’t turned off the light in my room.


“срезать” (о пути)
We’ll get there quicker if we cut across the fields.

1. урезать, сократить (расходы, потребление…)
Last month we cut back considerably our electricity consumption.
2. подстричь (дерево, куст)
This rose bush needs cutting back a lot.

1. сокращать, урезать
Why haven’t you cut down your expenses?
I just cut down the explanations not to be boring.
Cut down your essay.

2. заставить кого-л. выглядеть или чувствовать себя глупо (особенно, в присутствии других)
He always cuts her down in front of his friends.
She’s always cutting down my lifestyle.

1. (on smb/smth) перебивать, вставлять замечание
‘Listen to me’, she cut in impatiently.
Stop cutting in with your remarks.
2. (on smb/smth) “подрезать” (о манере вождения)
The lorry cut in (on me) suddenly and I had to brake sharpy.
3. влезть без очереди
Someone tried to cut in in front of them.

1. перебить
He cut me off in mid-sentence.
My explanation was abruptly cut off.
2. отрезать (газ, воду, электричество)
The water supply was cut off.
3. отрезать = изолировать
We were cut off by the tide.
The police cut off all their escape routes.

1. заглохнуть (о двигатель)
One of the aicraft’s engines cut out.
2. вырезать (из газеты, журнала…), кроить
He cut a picture out of a newspaper.
I’m cutting out a dress.

3. опустить = не упомянуть в разговоре, при написании
The editor cut out the last paragraph.
You can cut out the unimportant details.

быть (словно) созданным для чего-либо
I’m not cut out for that kind of work.
I don’t think you’re cut out for country life.

1. порезать на мелкие кусочки
Who’s going to cut up the vegetables?
2. (smb/smth) “подрезать” (о манере вождения)
Did you see how he cut me up?


1. (smth) покончить с чем-либо
We did away with illiteracy many years ago.
They’ve done away with the uniform at our school.
2. (smb) покончить с кем-либо, убить
No one had seen him for a while and my father joked that his wife had done away with him.
The man did away with himself.

критиковать таким образом, чтобы выставить хуже, чем на самом деле
Don’t do him down. He’s a good worker.
She’s always doing herself down.
Don’t do yourself down. You look lovely.

1. погубить (в т.ч. перен.), убить, уничтожить
The last bout of pneumonia nealy did for her.
The gloves are not worth repairing. They are done for.
If he sees us, we are done for.
2. (о вещах предметах) служить заменой, выполнять роль
This polished piece of metal does for a mirror.

1. вымотать, очень утомить

That’s done me in, lifting all those boxes.
2. убить
Does he get done in at the end of the film?
to do oneself in – покончить с собой

выманить (лишить обманным путём)
She tried to do me out of my inheritance.
The residents of the block have been done out of a lot of money.

1. (smb) наброситься и избить
They threatend to do her over if she didn’t pay.
2. обворовать со взломом (дом, квартиру)
I got back to find the house had been done over.
3. переделывать, делать заново
Your handwriting is too messy. Do it over.
I’m glad the campaign was successful. I wouldn’t like to do it over.

1. застегнуть, завязать
Could you do up my dress?
I can’t do the zip up.
2. ремонтировать, отделывать

The flat needs doing up.
We’ve had the kitchen done up.
3. (oneself) наряжаться, прихорашиваться
She spent hours doing herself up for their first date.

обойтись, довольствоваться чем-либо

I had to do with ten dollars.

обходиться без
I can’t do without this dictionary.
In a week you’ll be able to do without crutches.


1. (о поезде) медленно вползти на станцию/к платформе и остановиться
The London train drew in late.
I got to the platform just as the train was drawing into the station.
2. (smb) втянуть во что-либо
I refuse to be drawn into this argument.
The USA didn’t want to be drawn into a grand war in Kosovo.

отводить (воду, жидкость)
Farmers draw off water from the river and use it for their crops.
Draw off the fluid from the wound.

1. задействовать, прибегнуть к чему-либо
I don’t want to draw on my savings to pay the rent.
The state drew on emergency funds to help the victims of the tornado.
2. затянуться (сигаретой…)
He drew on his cigar.
I paused and drew deeply on my pipe.
3. медленно проходить, тянуться (времени)
As night drew on it became clear he was not coming.
The days drew on so that it seemed as if life had stopped.

1. (о поезде) медленно выползать со станции
I arrived in time to see the train draw out (of the station).
2. (smb) разговорить
I tried to draw him out on the subject of his life in Africa.
You can probably draw them out if start talking about politics.
3. (smth) затягивать (собрание, переговоры, процесс…)
They drew the interview out to over an hour.
4. (о днях, ночах) становиться длиннее
After March the days started drawing out.

She had drawn herself up, looking outraged. “You have no right to ask me that question.”

1. подъехать и остановить(ся)
A man in a Sedan drew up beside Candice and whistled at her.
A taxi drew up outside.
He drew the car up at the front door.
2. составлять (план, контракт…)
Management is drawing up plans to reorganize the department.
I’II have my lawyer draw up a contract for you to look over.


зайти ненадолго, заглянуть
(обычно. без предупреждения)
If your’re in the area again just drop by and say hello.
See you later, Willy. Thanks for dropping by.
I dropped by to check you were OK.
Her grandchildren drop round and see her from time to time.

1. зайти ненадолго, заглянуть к кому-либо ИЛИ куда-либо (обычно. без предупреждения)

I’m glad you dropped in — its good to see you.
He used to drop into the office for a chat whenever he was passing that way.
I think I’ll drop in on Jill on my way home.
2. = drop smth into smth – занести по дороге, “закинуть”
I’ll put a copy on disk for you, and drop it in on my way to work.
Could you drop my coat into the cleaner’s on your way to work?
I’ll drop it into the office while I’m in town.

1. задремать
He’s always dropping off in front of the TV.
I must have dropped off. When I opened my eyes, I saw…
2. (подвезти и) высадить/выгрузить
Drop me off at the station?
I’ll drop you off at the corner, OK?
I just have to drop these books off at Emmas place.
3. уменьшаться (количестве), снижаться (о качестве)
The numbers of applicants have dropped off sharply.

1. выходить (из бизнеса, сделки, команды, партии…)
The company had to drop out of the deal due to rising costs.
Several members of the tearn had to drop out at the last minute.
2. бросить (школу, университет)
She dropped out (of college) after only a few weeks.

занести что-либо кому-то, “закинуть”
I’ve got a present for you — I’ll try and drop it round this weekend.
I’ll drop those papers round later.


1. ((at) smth) “съедать”, постепенно разрушать
Something is eating away the folliage.
The sea is eating away the coastline.
Pollution is eating away at the stone.
2. (at smb) “съедать” (о чувствах, воспоминаниях…)
Economic anxiety eats away at people who work in America.
Jealosy is eating away at him.
What she did eats away at her.

1. есть дома (а не где-то)
I’m too tired to go out. Let’s eat in instead.
2. купить еду и есть её там же, а не на вынос

Two burgers and two coffees, please. ~To eat in or take away?
Is this food to eat in or to take away?

вгрызаться (в т.ч. перен.)
Woodworm had eaten into most of the furniture.

есть в кафе, ресторане (а не дома)
We ate out almost every night.

1. съедать всё И/ИЛИ быстро
Eat up! You’ll be late for school.
In parts of Binh Dinh province, huge rats were eating up the crops.
2. “съедать”перен.)
My car broke down last month, and the repairs ate up all my savings.

The job ate up most of his time, including weekends and holidays.
3. (smb) “съедать” (о чувствах, воспоминаниях)
It just eats me up how those kids are totally ignored by their parents.
Angel lay on his bed, eaten up by jealousy.

eat sb up inside -съедать кого-то изнутри
If he did kill his wife, its going to eat him up inside.
This thought eats me up inside.


закончиться чем-то
In Britain, two out of three marriages end in divorce.
His first attempt to run a marathon ended in disaster.
All this will end up in scandal.

оказаться (в конечном итоге) в каком-то месте ИЛИ положении
He ended up in prison.
You’ll end up with pneumonia if you’re not careful.

закончить (каким образом?), делая что-то, что не собирался или не хотел
We always end up arguing with each other.
I expect I’ll end up paying as usual.


…ABOUT (laughing)
расхохотаться, покатиться со смеху
The situation was so ridiculous that we all just fell about (laughing).
AlI the kids fell about laughing as soon as the teacher left the room.

разваливаться (в т.ч. перен.)
The school was in a very old building, which looked like it was falling apart.
If you buy cheap shoes, they’ll fall apart after a few months.
After my marriage fell apart I moved away.
I fell apart when she left.

1. отваливаться, откалываться, осыпаться
As soon as I picked up the flower, its petals fell away.
The pĺaster was falling away in
big chunks.
2. постепенно стихать (о ветре, музыке, голосах…)
The singers voice grew louder, and then slowly fell away.
The wind which started in the morning, fell away by the night.
3. уменьшаться (о количестве, объёме)
The number of appilcanls has
fallen away sharply.
4. постепенно исчезать
Gradually, all his cares and
worries fell away.
When things got difficult, his
supporters all fell away.

1. отстать (в беге, ходьбе…)
Bett had been leading but fell back with ten laps to go.
He did his best not to fall back but in vain.

2. отпрянуть, попятиться, отступить
Flossie’s father was so surprised that he fell back against the door.
When the troops moved forward, the crowd fell back.
3. отступать (о войсках)
General Patton immediately ordered his men to fall back.
4. уменьшиться (о показателях)
Prices have fallen back slightly.
Car sales fell back dramatically in the second half of the year.

отставать (в гонке, конкуренции, учёбе…)
I started to fall behind almost as soon as the race began.
Children from poor families often fall behind at school.

отставать с чем-то, не укладываться
He fell behind with his rent and was thrown out of the apartment.
He began falling behind in his schoolwork.

потерпеть неудачу, провалиться
What if someone doesn’t keep up with the payments? ~That’s when the whole system falls down.

1. почувствовать влечение, интерес к
Directly she saw Gefferson she fell for him.
We fell for the cottage as soon as we saw it.
2. “клюнуть” на что-то, “попасться на крючок”
Politicians seem to think that we’ll fall for any old rubbish.
Don’t fall for what he promises.

провалиться (о крыше, потолке)
The house was still there but windows were all broken and the roof had fallen in.

1. подружиться с
I hope she doesnt fall in with the wrong kind of people at college.
2. согласиться, поддержать. принять (чьё-то мнение. план)
l’m quite happy to fall in with whatever you decide.
Lea decided it was best to fall in with his wishes, in order to keep the peace.

1. отвалиться
The door handle has fallen off.
I picked up the suitcase and the handle fell off.
All June’s friends had fallen off one by one.
2. падать (о количестве, качестве, уровне, стандартах)
Attendance has fallen off recently.
The standard of cooking fell off when the old chief left.

1. выпадать (на какой-то день)
Christmas fell on a Saturday that year.
2. свалиться (об обязанностях, неприятностях…)
When her mother died, responsibility for the family fell upon Sheila.
Most of the cost fell on us.
Alexi was afraid of the revenge that might fall upon him.
3. наброситься
He fell on the meal in front of him.
Some of the older boys fell on him, and broke his glasses.

1. выпадать (о зубах, волосах)
My Dad’s hair fell out when he was only thirty.
2. разойтись! (команда солдатам. стоящим в строю)
3. (with smb) поссориться и перестать общаться
Becker was depressed because had fallen out with his girlfriend.
Apparently the two men fell out over money.

(smth) споткнуться обо что-то и упасть
I fell over an empty box that someone had left by the door.
to be falling over oneself – из кожи леть, чтобы…
The manager was falling over herself to be helpful.

провалиться (о планах, договорённостях)
My holiday plans have fallen through, so I don’t know where I’ll go this year.
We’d accepted an offer of $200,000 for the house, but the sale fell through at the last moment.

становиться чьей-то обязанностью, выпадать кому-то (о чём-то малоприятном)
The task of telling them the news fell to me.
No one else wanted to do it, so the job fell to me.

попасть под контроль, влияние, очарование

The education system fell under the control of the church.
As soon as I went to Paris, I fell under its spell.


1 (for) искать наощупь
Richard reached into the attic and felt around for the boxes.
He stood there feeling around for some pocket change to make a phone call.

1. (smb) сочувствовать

I feel for Donnie — its not easy being a teenager.
I really fell for her, bringing up her chlldren alone.
I do feel for you, honestly.
2. (smth) искать наощупь
I felt for the list I had put in my pocket.
Suzanne entered the dark hotel room and felt for the light switch.

(smb) “прощупывать” с целью выяснить мнение, взгляды
I’Il try and feel him out about the idea and see what he thinks.

Some guy tried to feel me up at the bar last night.

чувствовать себя в состоянии сделать что-то
Can we go for a run another time? I don’t really feel up to it today.
I didn’t feel up to arguing with him, so I just agreed with everything he said.
Are you sure you feel up to going into work?


1. (= fill out) заполнять (анкету, формуляр…)
Before you can open your account you’ll need to fill in this form.
I’ve left gaps on the sheet for you lo fiII in the details.
Fill in the blank spaces with one of these words.
The patients all had to fill out a questionnaire.
2. заполнять (углубление, выемку, отверстие)
You’ll need to fill in all the cracks before you paint the walls.

We’ll have to fill the holes in with cement.
3. (smb on smth) снабдить кого-либо информацией о том, что произошло
Talk to Jenny — she can fill you in on the details.
Mom calls us every Sunday to fill us in on all the latest family news.
4. (for smb) временно замещать кого-то
Quinn is filling in for the newspapers regular reporter.
I can’t find anyone to fill in for me on Wednesday

заполнять свободное время
We’ve got some time to fill in before the show — let’s go and have a drink.

становиться полнее. круглее
The baby’s filled out a lot recently.
By age 13, her body had already started to fill out.

1. наполнять (ёмкость)
Can I fill up your glass?

We brought two baskets for the apples, and filled them up.
2. заправить(ся) (о машине)
They stopped to fill up at the next gas station.
Fill the tank up with diesel.
3. заполняться (о помещении, пространстве)
The room began to fill up with smoke.
New roads rapidly fill up with cars.
4. заполнять (о времени)
The manager expects us to fill up every minute of the day with work.


1. быть в состоянии передвигаться
(о старых, больных)
My grandfather’s eighty now, and he doesn’t get about much.
Phil had broken his leg, but could still get about on crutches.
2. перемещаться, передвигаться
(по городу…)
The streets are filled with bicycles, still the best way of getting about in Parma.
3. ходить, циркулировать, распространяться (о слухах)
“Who told you that!” “Well, you know how things get about in a small community”.

быть о себе чересчур высокого мнения, заноситься
She’s been getting a bit above
since winning that award.

перебираться, переправляться
Don’t try to get across while the lights are against you.
The only way to get across the lake is by boat.

гоняться, преследовать

He’s in danger. The police are getting after him.

продвигаться успешнее других

It is not easy to get ahead in the movie business.
By doing extra homework he soon got ahead of his classmates.

продвигаться (в каком-то деле, вопросе)
How are you getting along with your work?
I’m sure you can’t get along without him.

обойти (правило, закон, ограничение)
Most companies are looking for ways to get around the tax laws.

1. придираться
My Mum’ always getting at me about my clothes.
2. иметь в виду, клонить к чему-либо
I see what you’re getting at, but I think you’re wrong.
3. воздействовать (угрозами, подкупом)
At least eight members of the jury were got at.
4. добраться, получить
He dropped his hat in the water and we couldn’t get at it.
I can’t get at my inheritance until I’m 21.
The crowd pounded on the vehicle in an effort to get at the man who had been detained.

1. улизнуть, удрать, отделаться
Two officers went after them, sir, but they got away.
The two men got away in a blue pickup truck.
People come to the national park to get away from city noise and traffic.
2. уехать на время от места, где вы обычно живете

Are you going to be able to get away this summer?
I need to get away for a few days.

легко отделаться, выйти сухим из воды
I don’t think you’ll manage to get away with what you did.
For such a serious offence he was lucky to get away with a fine.

(at smb) мстить
This is his way of getting back at me for arguing with him.
I’ll get back for what she’s done.

1. отставать (с платежами, работой…)
Werner got behind on / with his rent after he lost his job.
2. оказывать поддержку
The England fans were great. They really got behind us.

1. обходиться, справляться (~ мне хватает)
How does she get by on such a small salary?
I don’t know a lot of Italian, but I can get by.
2. (=get past) пройти, проехать мимо
Cars pulled into the side of the road to let the ambulance get by.
He tried to get past them and run for the door.

1. (smb) давить, угнетать
I’d been unemployed since I left college, and it was really getting me down.
2. (smth) быстро записать
Let me get your number down before I forget it.

приступать, браться за что-то (работу, учёбу…)
Now, if you have nothing against, we’ll get down to business.

1. садиться (в машину, лодку)
Gegs pulled up in his car. “Get in — I’ll give you a ride.”
Eric held the boat steady while the children got in.
2. приходить домой или на работу; прибывать (о поезде, автобусе…)
Listen, I’ll have Mike call you when he gets in.
Our flight was delayed and we got in late.
What time does your train get in?
3. убирать внутрь
The whole village was working to get the harvest in.
Help me get the washing in.
4. поступить (в универститет…)
With his marks he has no hope of getting in.

1. влезaть
(в одежду), напялить
He can’t get into his pullover. It’s shrunk.
2. влезать (в т.ч. перен.)
Jerry was always getting into trouble as a boy.
The company has got into difficulties.

1. сходить (с поезда, автобуса, корабля, самолёта…)
Ask the driver where to get off.
Let’s get off the bus and walk the rest of the way.
2. легко отделаться, избежать наказания

He got off with a small fine.

3. “отмазать” от наказания
His lawyer got him off on a plea of temporary insanity.
4. снимать (одежду), удалять (краску. налёт…)
your coat off and come and sit down.
He couldn’t get the paint off his sleeve.
5. получить оргазм
I just could not get off, so we went to see a sex therapist.
6. “торчать” (о наркомане)
Jack used to get off on cocaine, but he’s straightened up now.
7. не прикасаться
Get off
those cakes! They’re for your grandparents.
Get off (me). You are hurting my arm.

1. садиться (на лошадь. поезд. самолёт…)
Let’s get on the first bus that comes along.
The inspector examined my ticket. “Where did you get on?” “Trafalgar Square.”
2. продвигаться (в каком-либо деле)
Martins getting on very well in his new job.
3. ладить (об отношениях)
“How do you get on with Julie?” “Oh, fine.”
Janet’s a lovely person. We’ve always got on well together.
4. стареть
“How old is she now?” “I don’t know but she’s getting on (in years).”

1. выходить (из машины)
I got out (of the car) and strode up to the front porch.
2. выбраться (откуда-то, из какого-нибудь положения. ситуации)
We were lucky to get out alive. The whole building was on fire.
“Dad’s dead” she told me. “And I’m getting out of this god-damned business, before it kills me too.”
3. вытащить (что-то; кого-то (в т.ч. из какой-то ситуации))
The firefighters managed to get both of them out.
I couldn’t get the kids out of bed this morning.
4. вытащить = выведать
I couldn’t get a word out of her.
The reportes got the whole story out of him.

1. приходить в себя после чего-либо (в т.ч. перен.)
It took me a year to get over Lester’s death.
I’m still getting over my cold.
2. перейти, перелезть, переправиться

Ton Sawyer got over the fence and was gone.
Can you get over the wall on your own?
3. преодолеть, справиться (с проблемой, затруднением)
Don’t worry. We’ll get over this problem.

can’t/couldn’t get over smth – выражает крайнее удивление
I can’t get over the way you look,” Deborah exclaimed.
The play was terrible! I just couldn’t get over how bad it was.
4. доставить, привести, вызвать
Get reporters over here straight away!

1. обойти (проблему, закон…)
Skilful lawyers are often able to get round laws.
Don’t try to get round the regulations.
2. распространяться (о новостях, слухах)
News soon got round that Nick was back in town.
It’s a small place so gossip gets round pretty quickly.
3. убеждать
Freddie knows exactly how to get round his mum.
If she thinks she can get round me with her soft talk, she’s mistaken.

1. закончить
I hope we’ll get through that pile of work on Saturday.
I have a lot of work to get through.
2. преодолеть что-то
Getting through law school was tough.
The exam wasn’t easy. Tom failed but his sister got through.
3. дозвониться
We tried to call you up last night but coudn’t get through.
4. провести(закон…)
It took four years to get the bill through Parliament.
5. провести, пронести, протащить
Get your car through the gate.
My hair was so tangled that I couldn’t get a comb through it.
5. пролезть, пробраться сквозь, пробиться
The gap is not very wide. Do you think you can get through?
The sun was getting through the clouds.
6. тратить, расходовать
She gets through at least £200 every weekend.
You got through those biscuits quickly!

1. добраться
What time did you get to the hotel?
2. “доставать” = надоедать. раздражать
She’s always complaining, it’s really getting to me.
Rachels having a bad time at work — its beginning to get to her.

where has smth/smb got to? – куда подевался? (нет там, где ему положено быть)
I wonder where Sophie’s got to? She should be here by now.
Where’s my bag got to? It was here on the table a minute ago.

1. встать (со стула…)
He got up slowly from his chair.
Get up off the floor!
2. проснуться; разбудить
What time do you usually get up?
Get me up early tomorrow?
3. организовать
The residents got up a petition, demanding one more bus.
One of the teachers tried to get up a rugby team.
4. подниматься (о ветре, буре)
The wind got up during the night, and blew their tent away.
5. “подтянуть” (о знаниях)
If you’re going to Mexico, you’d better get your Spanish up.

get it up (об эрекции)
When it came to their wedding night, poor Fred found he couldn’t get it up at all.


1. отдавать замуж
The bride was given away by her uncle, Andrew Johnson.
2. отдавать даром, раздавать
He decided to give most of his money away.
We have 2000 tickets to give away free to our viewers.
3. выдавать, предавать
It was her eyes that gave her away.
She gave state secrets away to the enemy.
Someone gave the drugdealer away to the police.

1. уступить (уговорам, доводам, соблазну)
We mustn’t give in to terrorist demands.
With a sigh, she gave in. “Okay, Ellie, we’ll do it your way.
In the end he gave in to temptation and lit up his first cigarette of the day.
2. сдаться
There was no way out and finally the bankrobbers had to give in (to the police)

3. вручать (письмо…)
The next day Davies gave in his resignation.
сдавать (сочинение…)I still haven’t finished my homework yet, and we’re supposed to give it in tomorrow.

испускать, издавать (жар. запах, звук…)
liquid gave off a strong smell.
The flowers gave off a sweet scent.
…the enormous amount of energy which is given off by nuclear reactions.

выходить на (об окне, двери, комнате…)
The sitting-room gives onto a garden full of fruit trees.
Our apartment gave onto a balcony that overlooked the sea.

1. раздавать, распределять

A young woman gave out leaflets to those who entered the room.
“Are there any more plates?” “No. I’ve given them all out.”

3. изнашиваться (о механизме, организме), садиться (о батарейке), иссякать (о запасах)
When we were a few miles from the village the petrol gave out.
My patience finally gave out.
We were fine until the batteries in the torch gave out.

1. брось = та ладно – выражение недоверия
“Susan says she and Curly are getting engaged.” “Give over! They’ve hardly known each other five minutes!”
2. приказать прекратить что-либо
Give over, you two! If there’s any more trouble, you’ll both go straight to bed.
3. передавать контроль
He gave the boy over to the care of the local authority.
Control over the country’s finances was given over to Parliament.

1. бросить заниматься чем-то, отказаться

He’s given up the idea of becoming a model.
After about ten minutes I gave up trying to explain it to her.
I used to play football, but I had to give it up after the accident.
2. сдаться (в т.ч. перен.)
Two of the escaped prisoners have given themselves up to the police.

to give up hope (of doing smth) – утратить надежду
When the factory closed, most of the workers gave up hope of ever getting another job.

махнуть рукой, как на безнадёжного
He’d been in a coma for six month

s, and the doctors had almost given up on him.
You’ve left the tickets behind? I give up on you, Henry, I really do.

предаваться чему-либо
When, at last, we were together, we gave ourselves up to the pleasures of love.


1. ходить, ездить, перемещаться

The tourists went about Paris.
She went about the room, putting everything back in its place.
Before an election, party leaders usually go about from town to town making speeches.
(о манере делать что-либо)
Growing orchids is not so difficult, providing you go about it in the right way.
I want to help but I don’t know how to go about it.

пытаться поймать
(кого-то), заполучить (что-то)
He went after the burglars.
We’re both going after this job.

He went at me like a wild animal.
He went at the food as though he hadn’t eaten for days.

1. уходить
Go away! You’re annoying me.
Go away and think about it a bit.
2. уйти, уехать на время
They went away for the weekend.
Are you going away for the holiday this year?
3. постепенно исчезать, затихать
After about an hour, the pain started to go away.

повторно обдумывать, обсуждать, исследовать

The judge went back over all the evidence at the end of a trial.

передумать, не выполнить обещанного, того, чём договорились

Everyone was hoping that he wouldn’t go back on his promises.

1. проходить (о времени)
Twenty years had gone by since I last saw him.
As time went by, our fears for her safety increased.
2. проходить мимо
Several number nine buses went by, one after the other.
3. зайти по пути куда-то / к кому-то (за чем-то)
We have to go by the store on the way home to get something for dinner.
“Where were you?” “I just went by Jason to pick up my jacket.”

to let it go by – проигнорировать
“I’ll let it go by this time,” the teacher said, “but I don’t want it to happen again.”
4. руководствоваться
In deciding the question you shouldn’t go by instinct.

5. работать на чём-то (о двигателе…)
This engine goes by electricity.

1. уезжать (на юг, за город….)
We’re going down to London next week.
Three days a week Kate went down to Camberwell to teach at the School of Arts and Crafts.
2. идти по улице, коридору…
Go down the street, turn right and you’ll see the station in front of you.
I went down the corridor and knocked on the staffroom door.
3. затонуть
After the collision the ship went down.
4. утихать (о ветре…), снижаться (о показателях…)
Petrol is going down.
The temperature went down by ten degrees overnight.
5. упасть
She tripped and went down with a bump.
6. спустить (о шине)
My tire’s gone down again.
7. отправиться в тюрьму
He’s gone down for twenty years.
8. происходить
She always knows what’s going down.
What’s going down?
8. запомниться, войти в историю (тж. go down in history)
David Robinson is sure to go down as one of the greatest ever basketball players.

заболеть чем-либо
I think, I’m going down with a cold.

1. наброситься
Ben lifted his arm and I thought he was going to go for me.
She always used to go for him in meetings.
2. добиваться, стремиться
Make up you mind what you want in life and go for it.
2.уйти по какой-то цене
How much did the painting go for in the end?
Houses in Notting Hill now go for well over £1 million.
3. уходить на что-то (о средствах)
$54 million went for resettlement of refugees.

1. спрятаться за тучи
The sun had gone in and it was starting to get cold.
2. “доходить” = становиться понятной (об информации)
I tried to concentrate on what he was saying, but it just wasn’t going in.
Sometimes you have to repeat things to her several times before it goes in.

заниматься чем-то, увлекаться
He goes in for swimming.

объединиться с кем-либо для какого-то дела
Jack went in with friends to start a car hire business.

1. изучать, вникать, расследовать

We’ll have to go into the whole subject.
2. врезаться
I didn’t see the red lights and I went into the back of a BMW.

1. взорваться, выстрелить
The bomb went off.
2. “взорваться” (о человеке), “отвязаться” на кого-то
Randy totally went off when I told him I will not see him any more.
Melissa really went off on Rich when he came home.
3. пройти (о мероприятии)
The concert went off well.
The compaign didn’t go off as well as Blair had hoped.
4. потерять свежесть, стать хуже, испортиться

The ham has gone off slightly.
Her books have gone off in recent years.
5. ответвляться (о дороге, линии)
About two miles further the road goes off to the right.
Draw a line and another going off (it) at an angle of 90 degrees.
6. “отключиться” = потерять сознание
She went off at once under the anaesthetic.

продолжать что-либо; идти дальше
Go on
Go on with your story.
Don’t wait for me. Go on and I’ll catch you up.
2. происходить
What’s going on?

1. бывать в обществе (ходить в кино, на концерты…)
I don’t feel like going out today.
He asked her to go out with him.
2. погаснуть (об освещении, пламени…)
The lights went out.
In the end there was no more wood and the fire went out.
3. выходить (о новостях)
The news went out that Mandela was about to be released.

1. съездить куда-то / к кому-то
Debbie is out of hospital — I think I might go over and see her this evening.
I’m going over to Steve for dinner.

2. просматривать, прорабатывать
The President was in his study, going over his speech.
The jury spent 14 hours going over all the evidence.

1. тщательно изучать или обсуждать (пункт за пунктом)
Let’s go through the arguments again.
2. пройти через что-то = испытать, пережить
During the war we went through a great deal of hardships.
3. израсходовать

Have we gone through all that milk already?
Austria is very expensive — we went through all our money in the first week.

пойти на что-то (о риске, расходах…)
Parents often go to a great deal of expense in order to give their children a good education.

1. закрыться = прекратить существование (о предприятии)
Many retaurants go under in their first year.
2. “отключиться” (при анестезии)
The nurse injected something in my arm and I felt immediatly going under.
3. пойти ко дну
We watched from the lifeboat as the great ship finally went under.

1. расти (о ценах, температуре…)
The price of cigarettes is going up.
2. подойти
He went up to the house and knocked on the door.
3. ездить (в столицу с переферии, на север, из деревни в город)
He used to go up to town every Sunday.
4. загореться или взорваться

If one of the gas tanks goes up there will be massive damage.

принять, поддержать
(план, идею)
I think, we should go with his idea. I can’t think of anything better.

обходиться без чего-либо
She went without sleep for three days.
We’ll have to go without a holiday this year.


1. (=hang around) находиться где-то ничего не делая или ожидая кого-то
Daisy hung about until Drew and the team came back.
Normally he hung about the house during the day, and went out before his father got back.
2. (=hang around) медлить, мешкать
The boss wants it done by this afternoon, so you’d better not hang about.
3. (=hang on) стоп!, подожди! – когда вы о чём-то подумали/вспомнили/не поняли
Hang about! Where did she get all the money from?
Hang about! How much did you say it was?

to keep smb hanging about – заставлять кого-то ждать
They kept us hanging about at the airport for nearly 5 hours.

продолжать пытаться даже если шансов мало
Running has taught me to hang in there until the whistle is blown. I don’t give up.
Just hang in there, Mr. Mieuli, things will get better.

1. зависеть от
My whole future hung on his decision.
Everything hangs on the next game. If England lose, they re out of the World Cup.
2. (to smth/smb) держаться
Hang on to my hand while we cross the road.
The bus went around a sharp bend, and we all had to hang on tight.
The boy tried to get away, but she hung on (to him) and refused to let go.
3. (to smth/smb) (co)хранить

She showed me a photo from their honeymoon, which she had hung on to for all these years.
The company is incapable of hanging on to its stuff.
3. держаться (в сложной ситуции)
I’m wondering if the President can hang on for another year.
The economy is in a bad way, and some firms are barely hanging on.

“вешать” на кого-то
You can’t hang the damage to your computer on me. I wasn’t even there.
The police are hanging the murder on Jordache.

развешивать (бельё), вывешивать (флаги)
Mrs Drake was hanging out the washing in the backyard.

Jn 1962 the threat of nuclear war hung over the whole world.
The threat of dismissal hung over our heads.

1. повесить (одежду), висеть (об одежде)
My dress is hanging up in the wardrobe.
Shall I hang up your coat?
2. положить трубку
Don’t hang up. I want to talk to David too.
(on smb) бросить трубку при разговоре с кем-либо
She hung up on me.

тусоваться, проводить много времени с кем-либо
Royce usually had to hang with my friends because no-one his age lived in the neighbourhood.


1. препятствовать, удерживать (от чего-либо), удерживаться
High interest rates hold back Ecuador’s economic growth.
I nearly told him what I thought of him but I held back.
Struggling to hold back her tears, she watched him get into the car.

How long do you think you can hold off the attack.
He is in trouble — he needs $15 million to hold off his creditors.

1. продолжать делать что-то

Hold on along this road for another five minutes and you’ll see the buiding site.
The company managed to hold on, in spite of the recession.

2. просить подождать немного
Can you hold on a moment — she’s just coming.
3. просить не ложить трубку

“Can I speak to Chris? ” “Yeah, hold on.”
4. стоп!, подожди! – когда вы чему-то удивились/не поняли
Hold on, what are you talking about?
Hold on, how is it possible?

1. крепко держать(ся)

The youths tried to grab the cash from him, but he held on to it and they ran off.
2. хранить (не отдавать, не продавать, не выбрасывать)
Its a beautiful picture, you should hold on to it.
Hold onto the receipt in case you need to take the dress back to the shop.

1. протянуть (руку…)
She held her cup out for more coffee.
“You must be Kate,” he said, holding out his hand.
2. упорствовать, держаться
I hope the engine will hold out until we get home.
Do you think the fine weather will hold out?
The rebels held out for as long as they could.

заставить выполнить обещание
“Next time, I’ll buy you a drink.” “I’ll hold you to that!”

1. поднимать (руку…)
She held up her hand to stop him.
He held up his trophy as the crowd applauded.

2. поддерживать = удерживать от падения
His trousers were held up with sttrings.
Two pillars held the ceiling up.
3. задерживать (продвижение)
We were held up in a traffic jam.
She phoned to say she’d been held up at the office.
4. ограбить
Have they caught those who held up the bank?
A gang held up a bus and robbed some 50 passengers.

приводить в пример
My mother held up my cousin as an example of a good student.

(smth) соглашаться, одобрять
I don’t hold with these new theories of education.


делать что-либо с упорством, нaстойчиво
I know the training is hard, but keep at it. Dont give up.
Keep at it, you’ve nearly finished!

держаться впереди
We need to keep ahead of our competitors.
If you want to keep ahead in this industry, you have to be ruthless.

не подходить / не подпускать близко
Keep away from the fire.
He kept away while we were in the town.
This liquid keeps roaches away.

скрывать, утаивать
He kept back from them that he was leaving soon.
I’m sure she’s keeping something back (from us).

1. держать в подчинении
Poor fellow, his parents kept him down all the time.
2. не (давать) повышаться
No sugar, thanks — I’m trying to keep my weight down.
Despite the poor harvest the price of apples has kept down.
3. (smb) оставить на второй год
I was kept down because I failed the exam.

(smth/doing smth) воздерживаться от / удерживать от, не позволять
Bains complained that he had been kept from seeing his children by his ex-wife.
At the stadium police kept fans from coming onto the field.

оставаться / оставлять в помещении, не выходить, не выпускать

They were kept in by the heavy rain.
They kept me in overnight just for observation.
Keep in. You are too tired to go out.

1. не заходить / не пускать на участок, территорию…
The children had been told to keep off the beach.
There was a sign saying, ‘Keep off the grass.’
Please, could you keep the children off the flower beds.
2. воздерживаться от
/ удерживать от
If you want to lose weight, you should keep off fatty foods.
The programme is aimed at keeping teenagers off drugs.
3. (о дожде, буре…) собираться, но не начинаться
The rain kept off until we boarded our coach at 6.15.

(doing smth / with smtn) продолжать делать что-то
No car appeared so he kept on walking.
If it continues to rain, the players wont be able to keep on with the game.

постоянно повторять/надоедать просьбами, указаниями…
He had a bad leg but they still kept on at him to hurry up.
If I didn’t keep on at the children, they’d never get their homework done.

не впускать/оставаться снаружи
I try to keep the children out of the kitchen when I’m cooking.
We hung a curtain at the door trying to keep the cold out.
There was a sign saying “Keep out

придерживаться чего-либо
Please try and keep to the subject under discussion.
Keep to the point.
Keep to the left.

to keep to oneself – быть замкнутым
He keeps to himself and nobody knows much about him.

угнетать, подавлять
The local people are kept under by the army.

1. поддерживать в хорошем состоянии

The car will last long if you keep it up.
The house is becoming too expensive for them to keep it up.
2. не давать снижаться, стимулировать

Something must be done to keep up the prices.
You’re doing a great job. Keep it up!
3. не давать спать
One of the students kept Mike up for hours talking about his problems.
The noise from the party kept us all up.

1. (smb)поддерживать отношения
How many of your old school friends do you keep up with?
2. (smth) оставаться в курсе событий
I try to keep up with current affairs.
3. продолжать делать что-то
He couldn’t keep up with the repayments on the loan.
4. двигаться в том же темпе, что и кто-то
I had to run to keep up with him.


1. неформально обсуждаться
We’ve been kicking around the idea of asking Gretsky to join our team.
The idea of a business merger has been kicked about for more than a year now.
2. где-то бесцельно находиться, слоняться, путешествовать
After university, I decided to kick around Europe for the summer.

be kicking about/around – (о чём-то позабытом, заброшенном) ~ находиться, валяться (без использования)
His letter is kicking about somewhere.
3. помыкать
Don’t let the boss to kick you around.
Some of the staff definitely feel that they get kicked around too much.

It’s no use kicking (out) against the system.

Its the story of a young girl growing up and kicking (out) against society.

1. расслабляться
I spent the evening kicking back in the hotel’s piano bar.
The players have been kicking back a little before their next game.

2. производить откат = возвращать часть денег
The travel agencies kicked back part of their commission to corporations who signed contracts with them.
Contractors winning construction jobs had to kick back 2 percent of the contract price to the mafia.

выбить ногой (окно, дверь…)
He threatened to kick down the door if she didn’t open it.

1. выбить ногой (окно, дверь…)
Firemen kicked in a window and got the children out of the house.
They had kicked the front door in.

2. давать эффект, начинать действовать
For some people it can take several hours before the effects of the drug kick in.
You’ll feel better when the antibiotics kick in.
включиться, заработать
The heating will kick in if the temperature falls below 10⁰ C.
After a few minutes the emergency electricity supply kicked in.
3. (smth) участвовать (деньгами, помощью)
If you and your neighbors will donate $100, I’ll kick in $300.
He doesn’t really kick in and do his share of the housework.

1. начинаться, стартовать (об игре, мероприятии…)
The conference is scheduled to kick off at noon.
The tour kicks off with a concert in Nottingham.
2. выкидывать (из интернета, из программы)
I keep getting kicked off the Internet for no reason.

1. выкинуть, вышвырнуть
The landlord kicked me out of my apartment as soon as I couldn’t pay the rent.
They were kicked out of the night club for fighting.
2. (at smb) лягаться = (пытаться) ударить ногой
She kicked out wildly (at him) as he tried to grab her.

1. опрокинуть (ударив ногой)
She almost kicked the bucket over.
2. завестись, заработать (о двигателе…)
It won’t kick over, so I guess we’ll have to tow the car to the garage.

поднять (цену, налоги…)
When the landlord kicked up his rent, Mallory packed his bags and left without notice.


1. где-то находиться. ничего не делая
(о людях) ИЛИ не будучи использованным (о предметах)
These choclates have been knocking around since New Year
This book was knocking
the lounge for ages.
There were a few kids knocking about in the street outside.
2. (with smb) “тусоваться”, проводить время
On Saturdays I knock around with my friends from school.
Moore used to knock around with a very strange-looking woman.

быстро (или много) выпить
He knocked back two pints of beer.

1. сбить
She was knocked down by a bus.
He knocked down his opponent in the first round.
2. продать с молотка
The painting was knocked down for $5000.

(smth) загнать ударом, забить, вколотить
She knocked some nails into the wall.
Barnes knocked in two goals.

1. убить
He was knocked off by another gang.
2. (smb) “трахнуть”

Apparently he’d been knocking off one of his secretaries in the lunch hour.
3. подделывать (на продажу)
They are known for knocking off brand clothing.
4. сбить (c чего-либо)
I was knocked off my bike this morning.
5. “стырить”
Who would want to knock off these old bycicles?
6. сделать что-то быстро и без особых усилий

I had much to do, but I knocked it off in no time.

1. (smb) “трахнуть” (сделав беременной)
2. разбудить стуком в дверь

Do you want me to knock you up in the morning?
3. набрать, выбить (об очках)
Cockbain played well for his side, knocking up 59 out of 150.

1. “вырубить”, “отключить”
I’ll knock him out in the first round.
The nurse gave him some pills to knock him out.
2. произвести огромное впечатление
That movie just knocked me out.

1. перевернуть, опрокинуть
At that moment Sally jumped up, knocking over her glass of wine.
2. сбить (о пешеходе…)
A woman was knocked over by a van outside her home.


набрасываться на кого-то
He started to lay about me with his walking stick.

I laid my book aside and picked up the letter.
He laid aside everything in order to help his wife.

закладывать (об основах чего-либо)
The foundations of future health are laid down in childhood.
The course aims to lay down the basis for a career in teaching.

откладывать (про запас)
The villagers have begun laying in supplies of food and firewood for the winter.


When I got home my wife started laying into me because I’d forgotten it was our wedding anniversary.
She laid into him with her fists.

1. прекратить (делать что-то)
Lay off bulling your brother.
His doctor told him to lay off the drugs.
отстать (от кого-то), оставить в покое
Lay off him, Jonno. He’s never done anything to you.
Listen, just lay off, will you? She doesn’t need your advice.
2. уволить (обычно, на время, в связи с нехваткой работы)
We’ve had to lay off hundreds of workers.

возлагать (обязанности…)
I’m sorry to lay this on you, but someone must do this job.

to lay it on thick -преувеличивать
Calling him a genius is Iaying it on a bit thick.

расставлять, раскладывать

Peggy laid out the clothes she was going to wear that day on the bed.
The plates were already laid out for the evening meal.
Lay out the cards on the table.

1. создавать (себе) проблемы, неприятности

Anyone who goes out with a married man is just laying up trouble for themselves.

You’re laying up problems for yourself by not tackling it now.
2. “залечь” = спрятаться и ничего не предпринимать
Captain Warr’s men laid up all the following day, expecting to be attacked at any moment.
The otters find shelter in the undergrowth by the river and lay up there during the day.
3. собирать и откладывать про запас
The villagers were already laying up firewood for the winter.

(о ком-то) слечь, выйти из строя (из-за болезни, травмы…)
Both his legs were broken and he was laid up for nine months.
I had been laid up with flu for a week.


1. (smb) подвести
She said she would help, but let them down in the last minute.
My car has never let me down.
2. (smb) сообщить плохую новость
The kids will be really upset the trip’s been cancelled – try to let them down gently.
3. отпустить=сделать длиннее (об одежде)
Mum, can you let these trousers down? They’re too short.
4. делать менее впечатляющим
Her Italian is excellent, but her pronunciation lets her down.
5. спустить ( велосипедную камеру, надувной матрас…)
When he came back to his bike, some idiot had let his tyres down.
If you’ve finished with the airbed, I’ll let it down.

Let me in! It’s cold out here.
I have a key. I’ll let you in.

Then the door opened, letting in a cold damp gust of wind.

ввязать(ся), впутать(ся)
If I had known what I was letting myself in for.
And don’t let my husband in for it.

(=let smb into smth) сообщить (по секрету, что-то конфиденциальное)
Are you going to let them in on your plans?
I’ll let you into a little secret.

1. лишь слегка наказать ИЛИ вообще не наказать
She was let off with a fine.
I’ll let you off this time but don’t do it again.
2. взрывать, стрелять
The boys were letting off fireworks.
He let off a warning shot.
3. высадить (из автобуса..)
Do you want me to let you off here?

4. издавать (звук), испускать (пар, тепло…)
It’s only a small radiator, so it doesn’t let off much heat.
The ship let off a couple of blasts from its siren.
Ugh! What a stink! Who’s let off?

выдавать (секрет…), показывать (о чувствах…)
They knew he was coming but didn’t let on to anyone.
Perhaps Anna’s death upset him more than he let on.

1. выпустить
The doctors might let me out tomorrow.
Harrison was let out of prison a week ago.
“Stop the car and let me out,” Elly screamed.
I went downstairs to let the cat out.
2. выдать (секрет), выболтать
George was the only person who could have let this information out.
What if he lets out our secret?

3. отпустить= сделать шире (об одежде)
I’ll never get into this skirt again unless I can let it out a bit.
4. освободить от обещания, обязанности
I’ve got school tomorrow, so that lets me out (of helping).
5. сдавать в аренду
We could let out a room to make a bit of extra cash.

пропустить=дать пройти, проехать мимо
Could you let me past, please!

The security guard refused to let me through the gate.
There were thick velvet curtains that didn’t let any light through.

I’ll drive you into town as soon as the snow lets up.
The economic crisis showed no sign of letting up.


1. руководствоваться

Women living in a men’s world have to live by men’s rules.
Clare lives by the philosophy that you can do anything if you are determined enough.
2. зарабатывать на жизнь

She lived by giving private lessons.

изгладить свой поступок из чьей-то памяти, заставить забыть
I don’t think he’ll ever live this down!
The next morning I woke up and remembered what I’d done. How could I ever live it down?

жить для чего-то/кого-то
He seemed to be one of those boring old professors who live for their work.
What have I got to live for now?

жить прямо по месту работы/учёбы
They have a nanny living in.

жить с чего-то, за счёт чего-то/кого-то
He had to live off his savings.
She can’t go on living off her parents forever.

1. жить на какие-то средства

How did you manage to live on a student grant?
At that time we were living on $50 a week.
(=off smth) “сидеть” на чём-то (о питании)
Most of the population live on a diet of rice.
She’s living on fruit and raw vegetables.
When I was a student I lived off bread and cheese.

1. жить как мечтал, как представлял
Their win made it possible for them to live out their dreams.
On holiday in Texas I lived out my childhood fantasy of being a cowboy.
2. прожить (жизнь)
She lived out the rest of her life in poverty.
Maybe I’ll live out my days in the peace of the mountains.

пережить что-то тяжёлое
He lived through both world wars.
It is something I don’t want to llve

жить интересно, весело и на широкую ногу
I hear Tom’s living it up in L.A.
My brother likes living it up at expensive hotels and night clubs.

cоответствовать, оправдать ожидания
Patissier lived up to her reputation, and easily won the womens event.

live up to expectations
The result of the negotiations did not live up to expectations.

быть вынужденным смириться и жить с чем-то неприятным, тягостным…
There was no treatment for the disease, and so Rebecca learnt to live with it.
She wouldn’t be able to live with herself if she hurt him.


1. закрыть на ключ = запереть в помещении, в сундуке…, чтобы обезопасить)
Barry knew that the bottles of white pills were locked away in the school secretary’s cupboard.
The police are advising people to lock their cars away at night.
The silver knives and forks were always locked up when they weren’t in use.
2. “закрыть” = посадить в тюрьму или психиатрическую лечебницу
It’s my job to catch thieves and lock them away.

People like that should be locked up!

запереть кого-либо
The guard locked him in, then sat down outside the door.
Help! I’m locked in!

be locked in/into – быть вовлечённым, втянутым в (о чём-то трудном, неприятном)
The couple, now divorced, are locked in a long battle over their children.
Neither side wants to get locked into a long civil war.

(=lock onto) захватить цель (о ракете)
The missile can lock onto a target from a kilometer away.

1. запереть дверь и не впускать кого-либо
I arrived home to find the landlady had locked me out.

lock oneself out (of smth) – забыть ключи внутри и теперь не иметь возможности войти
Oh no! I’ve locked myself out of my room!

We always leave a spare key with our neighbours now, in case we lock ourselves out.
2. не допускать до работы
The management will lock out anyone who refuses to sign a new contract.

замкнуть (дом, комнату…)
When we arrived, the house was all locked up and there was no sign of anyone.
Did you remember to turn off the lights and lock up?


His parents are looking after the children for the weekend.
They are old enough to look after themseves.
Hugh looks after the financial side of the business.

look after yourself – ~береги себя (при прощании)
“See you, Tony.” “ Yeah, you look after yourself!”

планировать, думать о будущем
It’s important to look ahead and make sufficient provision. financially for your retirement.

1. бродить и осматривать что-либо
They spent the morning looking around the old part of the city.
Welcome to your new home! Would you like to look around while I make some coffee?
2. (=about) оглядеться
He looked around the classroom angrily.
I looked about me at the other passengers.

(on smb/smth) смотреть свысока=пренебрежительно

He looks down on people who haven’t been to college.

(something/doing smth) с нетерпением ждать
Are you looking forward to your trip?
I’m not looking forward to going to the dentist.

(on smb) заглянуть к кому-то
I’ll look in at your place tomorrow.
I thought I’d’ look in on Michael on my way home.

(вопрос), детально исследовать
We’re looking into the possibility of moving to France.
Police authorities say they will look into the matter.

1. наблюдать со стороны
He took no part in the fight. He stood and looked on.
Passers-by just looked on as he was attacked.
2. смотреть как на кого-то/что-то=считать
We’ve always looked on Jack as one of the family.
Instead of being pleased, he appeared to look on the offer as an insult.

быть настороже
Look out, there’s a train coming.
Look out!” yelled Willie. “He’s got a gun!”

1. заботиться
Emily’s brothers always looked out for her.
Once in London, he had to look out for himself.
2. высматривать
We kept looking out for him but there was no sigh at all.
3. быть осторожным, чтобы избежать чего-либо
Look out for pickpockets.

1. осматривать
We were invited to look over the new classrooms.
I’d like the doctor to look him over.
2. просматривать
He looked over his examination paper before he handed it in.

1. смотреть “сквозь”=намеренно не замечать
I waved to her in the street, but she just looked straight through me.
2. просматривать

I looked through the paper while I was waiting.

1. рассчитывать
I look to you to obey the rules.
They looked to us for help.
Many students can’t look to their parents for financial support.
2. думать о чём-то
We’re looking to the future with confidence.
Look to your own behavior before critisizing others.

1. улучшаться (о делах, погоде…)
In Cuba the economy is looking up.
Things started to look up for me after I got a job.
2. зайти к кому-то в гости (если оказался в тех местах)
If you’re ever in Atlanta, look me up.
3. искать что-либо (в справочнике, в компьютере…)
If you don’t know what the word means, look it up in a dictionary.
Hang on! I’ll just look up her phone number.

уважать, считать авторитетом

She always looked up to her older sister.
He was looked up to by the rest of the team.


броситься за кем-то, погнаться

Hencke made after the man, but all he could see was his back in the distance.

1. украсть что-либо и скрыться
Thieves made away with thousands of dollars worth of jewellery.
2. покончить с кем-то=убить
Do you think he made away with his accomplices?

1. направиться
She made straight for me.
The boy was making for the nearest railway station.
2. способствовать

The two-hour journey to work doesn’t make for good humour.

превратить во что-то
You’re trying to make her into something she isn’t.
The film made her into a star overnight.
This sofa can be made into two beds.

(о впечатлении, мнении, выводе)
What did you make of the play?

The information is too confused. It is hard to make anything of it.

The boy made off with our bags.
The youths made off in a stolen car.

1. различать (зрительно, на слух, на ощупь…)
I could just make out the shape of a house in the darkness.
2. разобрать=понять
His handwriting is not easy to make out.
He couldn’t make out what was going on.
3. выписывать (рецепт, чек, счёт)
I’d like you to make out the list of the people invited to the party.
He made out a check of $100.
4. как справляетесь?, как прошло?…

Did you make out all right in the interview?
How did you make out in the race yesterday?
How are you making out in your new house?
5. целоваться
A couple of teenagers were making out in the back of the movie theater.
I saw her making out with Billy.

1. переделать
They decided to make over the whole house when they moved in.
2. переписать=официально передать (собственность…)
When Rose reached sixty, she made over the farm to her son.
The hous was made over to the charity three years ago.

Without a word, Bert gently picked up the frightened child and made towards the house.
I saw them making towards the exit.

1. составлять ( какое-то количество)
Students made up the majority of the audience.
Indonesia is made up of over 13,000 islands.
The group was made up of a psychologist, a social worker, and myself.
2. выдумывать, сочинять

He was making up stories for the children.
She made up an excuse for been late.

3. приготовлять (рецепт, блюдо, постель…)
She didn’t know how to make up that dish.
My wife’s made up a bed for you in the spare room.
4. (=make it up (with smb)) помириться
Let’s kiss and make up.
5. наносить макияж
It takes her an hour to make up before going on stage.
The children had been made up to look like clowns.
6. собрать=получить в результате
We still need $500 to make up the required sum.
We need two more players to make up the team.

make up your mind – принять решение
In the fall of 1945 he made up his mind to quit school.

компенсировать, возмещать
Can I buy you lunch to make up for being late?
Mike forgot his wife’s birthday — so he took her to Paris to make up for it.

He’s always making up to the boss.


1. выяснять (в состязании…) кто лучше (обычно в Passive)
He will be matched against a far more experienced player.
2. сравнить с кем-либо/чем-либо
No fingerprints were found in the car which could be matched against the ones in the flat.

Match what he said against the details on the computer.

1. (with) совпадать
Do their names match up with any in our database?
What other people say does not always match up with our own experience.

2. (to) соответствовать (ожиданиям, стандартам…)
It was fashionable to be very thin and my figure just didn’t match up.
They know what they want and I just don’t match up.
The movie didn’t match up to my expectations.
3. (to) не уступать (по качеству, навыкам…)

I can say that the film matches up to the book in every way.
He returned from his holiday early, complaining that Rome did not match up to London!

подобрать=найти подходящее
The agency failed to match me up with a suitable job.


1. дурачиться (вместо того, чтобы работать, заниматься…)
Stop messing about you two!
I used to mess about a lot in class when I was at school.
2. проводить время, развлекаясь, расслабляясь или играя
Children love to mess about in water.
She spends most of her weekends messing around at the beach.
3. (with smb) иметь сексуальные отношения
I can’t stand men who mess around with other people’s wives.

4. (with smth) возиться с чем-то (пытаться улучшить, отремонтировать, особенно, если лучше этого не делать)
The message here is simple — don’t mess around with a system that already works perfectly well.
Who knows what might happen if we mess around with nature.

морочить кому-то голову (обманывая, не выполняя обещаний)
I still haven’t had my money from the insurance company — they’ve really messed me around.

1. (smth)испортить (планы, работу…)
She messed up all our arrangements by coming late.
If you make a mistake like that it can easily mess up a whole day’s work.
I’m sorry if I messed up all your plans.
2. (smth) устроить беспорядок
The wind messed up her hair.
Don’t come in here with those muddy boots. You’ll mess up the carpet.
3. (smb) причинять страдания,

вызывать эмоциональные или психические потрясения
She had a lot of problems when she was young, which really messed her up in later years.

1. (smb) связываться=конфликтовать
I wouldn’t mess with Frank if I were you.
2. (smth) связываться=иметь дело с чем-то опасным
His kid messed with drugs.
3. (smth) обращаться небрежно, причиняя вред
Who’s been messing with the answering machine?


Mix the eggs in slowly.
Mix a little cream into the source.

1. (smb) сбивать с толку
Now you’ve missed me up completely.
Jerry’s directions mixed them up, and they drove around lost for about 30 minutes.
2. (with smb/smth) перепутать=обознаться
You’re mixing me up with my brother.
My bag got mixed up with somebody else’s at the airport.
You ‘ve got me mixed up with some other guy.

3. смешать, привести в беспорядок
I’ve sorted all my clothes into piles, so please don’t mix them up.
My letters have all been mixed up with yours.
4. смешивать
(превращая в одну субстанцию)
Put the chopped eggs, butter, salt and pepper in a bowl and mix them all up into a paste.

be/get mixed up in smth – впутываться, ввязываться
He had been mixed up in some shady deals in the Middle East.
Why didn’t you call the police, instead of getting mixed up in the fight?

be/get mixed up with smb – связываться с кем-то сомнительным
Davies was anxious that his client might be mixed up with a terrorist organization.
Mum and Dad were worried that I was getting mixed up with the wrong crowd.

1. соревноваться
He can mix it with the best of them.
2. ругаться, драться с кем-либо
He was arrested Tuesday after mixing it with a police officer.
2. проводить время с кем-либо
She loves mixing it with the rich and famous.


(о двери, комнате…) вести куда-либо = открываться
The hallway opened into a large well-lit room.
At the bottom of the stairs was a door opening into the cellar.

(о двери, комнате…) вести (откуда-то)
Several doors opened off the hall.
The offices opened off the reception area.

(об окне, комнате…) выходить на
Patio doors opened onto a sunlit garden.
The windows of our apartment opened onto the market square.

1. (о дороге…) расширяться (и переходить в…)
I followed the narrow drive until it opened out into a large paved courtyard.
A valley opened out in front of us.
2. (об окне, комнате…) выходить
The hotel lounge opens out into a wide covered terrace.
3. раздвигать (ся) (о столе…)
The table opens out so that more people can sit at it.
распускаться (о почках…)
The buds on the trees have all opened out.
разворачивать (ся) (о карте…)
Opening out the map he traced the line of the river with his finger.

1. отпирать
Open up! This is the police.
Only the janitor is authorized to lock and open up the building.
2. открыть огонь = начать стрелять
As our troops moved forward, the enemy opened up with machine guns.
The anti-aircraft guns opened up.
3. открыться кому-либо = откровенно сообщить
Once she knew she could trust me, Melissa started to open up.
Will you open up to me and tell me what’s worrying you.
4. вскрыть
The doctors said they’ll have to open him up and remove the damaged tissue.

5. открыть (ся) (о бизнесе)
It was 1946 when Siegel opened up the Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas.
The company are opening up a new mill in Wales (о магазине…)
The store opens up at 7 o’clock.
6. открыть (ящик, коробку…)
He opened up his briefcase and took out a photograph.
The grave had been opened up and the body removed.
7. открыть(ся) (о возможностях, перспективах)
A whole new life was opening up before her.
A move to New York would open up all kinds of exciting possibilities.


She couldn’t stand the way her husband ordered her about.
You’ve no right to order the children around like that.

1. (приказать) ввести (войска…)

When rioting broke out, Governor Wallace ordered the troops in.
Special police units were ordered in from outside the city to deal with the gangs.
2. (о еде) заказать на дом, в офис…
I’m too tired to cook – let’s order in.

1. высадить = в приказном порядке
The driver ordered the boys off for messing around on the bus.
2. удалить с поля (об игроке)
Four minutes from half-time Morgan was ordered off for punching another player.

(for smth) заказать еду на дом, в офис…
We could oder out for pizza.

заказать еду в номер
I went back to my room and ordered up a light supper.


1. “клевать”=есть мало, без аппетита
Chantal was picking at the salad without much enthusiasm.
2. ковырять
“So,” said Andrea, picking at a pool of wax on the table, “why did you come back? ”
3. придираться
My two boys pick at each other all day about stupid little things.

1. “снять” (выстрелом…)
One of our men was picked off by a sniper.
2. отбирать лучших
The company contimues to pick off the brightest graduates.
3. обрывать (листья…), отщипывать
She watered the plants and picked off the dead leaves.

1. (smb) “клевать”, придираться
You’re always picking on me!
Marjorie was always being picked on and bullied at school.
(smb) выбирать
I don’t know why he picked on me; I’ve never been very attractive.
The teacher always picked on Tom to answer difficult questions.

1. выбирать
Sophie naturally picked out the most expensive ring in the whole shop.
The judges picked her work out as the best in the show.
2. узнать (среди других людей/вещей)
The watchman was able to pick out his attackers at an identification parade.
3. разглядеть
My eyes had become accustomed to the dark, so I could pick out shapes about seventy yards away.

1. перебирать (в поисках чего-либо)
People were picking over piles of old clothes on the market stalls.
2. обсуждать
The weekly magazines have been picking over the details of the trial.
She hated the idea of her personal life being picked over by the media.

рыться в чём-то (в поисках чего-либо)
Rescue workers are picking through the ruins, looking for survivors.

1. улучшаться
We are waiting until the weather picks up a bit.
In recent months the economy has started to pick up again.
Don’t worry, I’m sure things will soon pick up.
2. возобновить (с того, на чём остановился)
La Plante’s new detective thriller picks up at the point where the previous one ended.
3. “подцепить” (о кавалере…)
Bridget woke up with some strange man who she’d picked up at a party the night before.
He went around picking up half-drunk girls in pubs and spending the night with them.
4. задержать (о полиции)
Angel was picked up by police half a mile from her home.
5. убрать, навести порядок
You can’t go out until you pick up your room.
6. “подхватить” (о болезни)
She’s got a nasty cough. We think she must have picked it up at school.
Charles may have picked up malaria when he was in Africa.
7. взять, поднять с земли, с пола
Pick your coat up off the floor!

8. снять трубку=ответить по телефону
I called him but didn’t pick up.
9. разглядеть, расслышать
I just picked up the sound of a car in the distance.
10. перенять (привычку, навык, акцент..)
Its said that British soldiers picked up the habit of drinking wine in France during the war.

наводить порядок после кого-то
All I seem to do is wash, clean, and pick up after the children.

сделать замечание, поправить
She asked me to pick her up on any mistakes in her English.

заметить=обратить внимание
Children tend to pick up on your worries and stress.
I think Errol was the only one who picked up on my mood.

возобновить отношения
Amelia was looking forward to picking up with her old friends when she got back home again.


делать вид, что согласен, что
(чтобы получить преимущество…)
He realized they’d mistaken him for the gardener, but decided to play along.
Hugh realized that the only way to get more information was to play along.

1. вести себя беззаботно, не задумываясь о результатах
Stop playing about and go on with your work!
Don’t pay around with matches!
2. ~”ходить налево”
I played around a bit when I was young, but now I’ve settled down with one man.
He started playing around with younger women.

3. (=play with) пробовать новый метод, идею…
We’re still playing around with ideas for the new program.
As an artist, he played with a variety of techniques.

играть во что-то
Little girls often play at doctors and nurses.
If you’re serious about politics, you can’t just play at it — it’s your whole life.

намеренно принижать значение чего-либо
The governement is wants to play down its involvement in the affair.
They will try to play down the scandal.

1. играть на чьих-то чуствах (для получения выгоды)
Advertising achieves its aim by playing on our weaknesses and emotions.
2. использовать преимущество
Some people said that she had played on her connections in order to get the job.

1. намеренно преувеличивать важность чего-либо
When applying for a job, its a good idea to play up your strong points.
She played up her achievements in an attempt to impress us.
2. (=play smb up) барахлить (о машине, организме…)
The car started playing up some two weeks ago.

The computer’s playing me up.
My back plays me up from time to time.
3. (=play smb up)(о детях) баловаться; дразнить кого-либо
The kids have been playing up all day.
All kids play new teachers up.

играть (роль), разыграть (сцену)
Now she was a teenager, she could no longer play out the role of Daddy’ little girl.
The teacher chose three of the older children to play out the scene.

подыгрывать, угождать
She always played up to her boss.


1. вырываться вперёд
The two swam neck and neck for over half the race, before Akers suddenly pulled ahead.
The industrial north performed badly, while the south-east was clearly pulling ahead.
2. обогнать (машину)
Chrissie stepped on the accelerator and pulled ahead of the truck again.

1. раздвинуть, растащить
It took several of us to pull them apart.
2. разорвать
The fox was pulled apart by the dogs.
3. “разорвать”=сильно критиковать, намного превзойти (в состязании. драке…)
She pulled my work apart and made me do it again.
4. разобрать (механизм)
I pulled the machine apart but didn’t find what was wrong with it.

1. отвести в сторонку
I pulled him aside to warn him not to say anything.
2. отодвинуть
She pulled the curtain aside to reveal a small door.

The little boy pulled anxiously at her sleeve.

1. отъезжать
The train was pulling away as we reached the station.
2. отрываться
(в соревновании)
The British boat began to pull away from the Italians.
3. быстро отодвинуться, опрянуть
She pulled away from him in horror.
4. оттащить
I pulled her away from the edge.

отступать; отводить (об армии…)
Even though the Red Army was pulling back from Eastern Europe, Bush kept a large American force in Germany.
At the same time Washington was pulling back American forces from South Vietnam.

1. сносить
The old railway station was closed and pulled down around 1965.
2. угнетать (эмоционально…)
I can’t say that the scandal with the neighbors is pulling her down.

поддерживать и подбадривать
I’m pulling for the Dolphins.
We’re all pulling for you, Kim.

1. подъехать к бордюру, к обочине, к остановке (о машине…), к платформе (о поезде), и остановиться
We ran onto the platform just as the train was pulling in.
2. арестовать и доставить в участок
The police suspected that Stevenson was the murderer, but didn’t have enough evidence to pull him in.

1. прибыть (о поезде, автобусе…), въехать
By the time the train pulled into King’s Cross Station the next day, we were all exhausted.
2. втянуть (в конфликт, во что-то сомнительное)
It was only a matter of time before America was pulled into the conflict.

1. съехать с дороги
I pulled off the road, put my seat back and fell asleep.

2. оттащить (кого-то от чего-то)
They tried to pull off the dogs.
He had to be pulled off the man by two policemen.
3. стащить (об одежде)
He pulled off his coat and gloves.
4. справиться с чем-либо
If anyone can pull it off, I’m sure you can.

1. натянуть (об одежде)
I pulled my shorts on and run outside.
2. (on smth=at smth) затянуться (сигаретой, трубкой..)
She pulled on her cigar.

1. отъезжать (о машине, поезде, автобусе..)
Mike got into the car and pulled out onto the highway.
The train pulled out (of the station) on time.
2. вытащить (из неприятной ситуации…)
As the crisis deepened, both America and Britain decided to pull out their embassy staff.
They’re pulling their troops out of the war zone.

1. подъехать к обочине и остановиться

I pulled over and jumped out of the car.
2. (о полиции) остановить чью-то машину
He was pulled over for speeding.

приходить в себя (после болезни, обморока…)
It was several weeks before George began to pull round after his operation.

1. успешно преодолеть

Few people expected him to pull through after the accident.
She has pulled through the operation remarkably well.

прикрыть (дверь…)
Pull the door to on your way out.

1. взять себя в руки
Nina made an effort to pull herself together, and wiped away her tears.
Stop crying and pull yourself together.
2. взяться всем вместе, сообща
If we all pull together, we’ll finish by Friday.

1. подъехать и остановиться
He pulled up alongside me at the traffic lights.
A taxi pulled up outside.
2. подтянуть поближе (о стуле, табуретке)
Pull up a chair — we can go through this report together.
3. критиковать
She pulled him up sharply for his handwriting.
I was pulled up for not using the correct procedure.
4. заставить резко прекратить что-либо

The expansion of the industry was pulled up sharply by an economic crisis.

1. встать (со стула, дивана.., особенно, придерживаясь за что-то)
Julia pulled herself up from the sofa.
I pulled myself up to my full height.
2. резко остановиться=перестать делать или говорить
I started to ask her about her family, but pulled myself up sharply when she started to cry.


грубо указывать делать, помыкать

Why do you always let other people push you around?
I was beginning to feel I was being pushed about at work, and lost some of my enthusiasm.

решительно продолжать (задуманноe)
I’d like you all to push ahead and get the job done as soon as possible.

протолкаться (мимо кого-то)
He followed me to the door and pushed past me into the house.
She pushed by without saying a word.

настаивать на чём-либо
Kehoe said she will push for more after-school activities aimed at keeping kids off the streets.
2. просить о чём-либо
They are pushing me for a decision on the matter.

1. проталкиваться
She pushed forward through the crowd.

2. решительно продвигаться (преодолевая трудности)
At that time France was pushing forward the development of its own nuclear weapons.
3. “проталкивать”
(закон, предложение…)
He was still trying to push forward the idea of a coalition government.

push oneself forward – стараться выделиться
He’s not the sort of person who pushes himself forward.

влезть без очереди
We were just about to get on the bus when someone else pushed in.

1. “отвали!”=прогонять
Push off,” she shouted. “How dare you come here?”
I told him to push off and he hit me.

2. уходить
If you’re okay, we’ll push off now and see you again tomorrow.
Its time I pushed off home — they’ll be wondering where I am.
3. отчаливать (на лодке), отъезжать (на велосипеде)
We hurriedly pushed off and rowed out into the middle of the river.
Brenda pushed off from the kerb and began to ride away.

продолжать двигаться дальше (в т.ч. перен.)
Finding the roads almost traffic-free, I decided to push on towards the west coast.
The president decided to push on with his re-election campaign, despite his heart problems.

навязывать (товар, мнение…)
He keeps pushing his attentions on her.

выживать кого-либо, заставлять чувствовать себя лишним

He refused to resign, so his colleageus pushed him out.
Many children feel they have been pushed out when a new baby arrives in the family.

опрокинуть, повалить
One of the older boys had pushed him over and sat on him.
Maggie jumped up quickly, pushing her chair over by mistake.

“проталкивать” (закон, предложение…)
The Prime Minister promised to push the bill through Parliament quickly.

прикрыть (дверь)
I pushed the door to.

1. подталкивать к чему-либо
The need for aid finally pushed them towards the cooperation with the USA.
2. продвигаться (к цели…)
We are pushing towards full monetary union in Europe.


распространять недостоверную информацию
Rumours were put about that the shop was closing.
Tammy’s been putting it about that I’m trying to get her job. In fact nothing could be further from the truth.

донести (мысль…)
She’s very good at putting across her ideas.

put oneself across – выражать себя= доносить свою суть
She puts herself across well at interviews.

1. выделить время (для чего-то)
We need to put aside some time to deal with this issue.
2. отложить (разногласия…)
Doctors have to put their personal feelings aside.
They must put aside their differences.
3. отложить (что-то для заказчика)
I asked them to put the dress aside for me.
4. (=put away=put by) откладывать (деньги)
He decided to put some money aside every month.
Why don ‘t you put by a little money each week?

примерно прикидывать (количество. сумму, возраст…)
The cost of this year’s show has been put at over £350,000.
I’d put his age at about sixty.

1. “упрятать” (в тюрьму, психиатрическую больницу)
If you’re found guilty, they’ll put you away for a long time.
He was put away for 15 years.
2. “убрать” = убить
He was ordered to put the witness away.

1. перенести (на другое время)
The meeting was put back to next week.
2. отодвинуть=задержать
The strike put back our deliveries by over a month.
3. быстро и много пить (об алкоголе)
He must have drunk ten pints. He can certainly put it back.

ставить выше=отдавать предпочтение
Some airlines are putting profits before passenger safety.
Most big companies expect their employees to put their work before their family life.

не думать о прошлом (о неприятном, тягостном)
She wanted to put the past behind her.
His first wife committed suicide in 1961, and he was really never able to put this behind him.

1. приземляться
The plane put down at Manchester airport.
One of the engines caught fire and he had to put down in the desert.
2. язвительно критиковать
Her ex-husband was always putting her down in front of her friends.
I’m fed up with being put down and made to feel stupid by him.

put oneself down – “прибедняться”
Of course you’re a good teacher. You shouldn’t put yourself down all the time.
3. высадить (о пассажире)
The bus stopped to put down some passengers.
Ask the driver to put you down outside the City Hall.
4. записать (на бумаге)
Put it down or you’ll forget it.
5. записать
(внести в список, вписать)
I’m organizing a trip to the lakes. Shall I put you down?
She put herself down for an aerobics class.

6. усыпить (животное)
We had to have our cat put down.
7. подавить силой
The revolt was swiftly put down.

посчитать кого-то/что-то кем-то/чем-то
I put the boy as a troublemaker as soon as I saw him.
I would never have put you down as an athlete.

приписать что-либо чему-то=считать причиной
I didn’t feel too good the next morning, but I put it down to a hangover.

1. выдвинуть (кандидатуру, версию, предложение…)
We’d like to put you forward as head of department.
A number of theories were put forward at the time about the possible causes of his death.
2. (о часах) перевести вперёд
We have to put the clocks forward one hour this weekend.
3. перенести на более раннее время
We’ve put the meeting forward a couple of days.
The meeting has been put forward to tomorrow.

1. зайти в порт (о корабле)=сделать короткую остановку
The ship put in at Lisbon.
Anyone who put into port on the island was sure of a warm welcome.
2. вставить слово
“But what about us?” he put in quickly?
Could I put in a word?
3. поместить в тюрьму, больницу…
Opposition leaders are being arrested and put in prison.
My mother needed full-time nursing care, and we decided to put her into a nursing home.
4. вкладывать (деньги, время, энергию, усилия)
The whole team put in a tremendous amount of effort.
Her husband died about five years ago and she’s put all her emotional energy into her job.
The school has put a lot of money in buying new equipment.

1. откладывать (на другое время)
Why don’t you talk to him about it? You can’t keep putting it off forever.
He keeps putting off going to the dentist.
2. высаживать (пассажира)
Ask the driver to put you off near the town center.
3. оттолкнуть, отвернуть=отбить желание
His behaviour puts people off.
The way he treated his wife really put me off him.
4. отвлекать=мешать
Don’t put me off when I’m trying to concentrate.
Stop giggling! You’re putting me off!
5. выключить (свет, электроприбор)
Don’t forget to put off the lights when you leave.

1. одевать
She put on her coat and went outside.
I liked the shoes, and when I put them on they fitted perfectly.
наносить (грим, косметику)
She sat down in front of the mirror and began to put on her make-up.
2. включать (свет, электроприбор)
Can you put the lights on? I can’t see what I’m doing.
She put on the kettle, craving her morning cup of coffee.
3. разыгрывать кого-либо
I thought you were putting me on!
You scored three goals? You’re putting me on!
4. (пере)дать телефонную трубку
Put Jane on for a minute, will you?
She put Tim on the phone.

5. посадить (на поезд, самолёт…)
We put Jane on the bus to Carlisle.
6. прописать (диету, лекарство…)
The doctor put him on the antiniotics.
He was put on a low-fat diet.
7. поставить кого-либо (на должность, на участок работы…)
They are going to put someone else on this project.
8. набирать (вес)
I’ve put on two kilos in two weeks.
9. изображать (чувство…)=”исполнять”
He put on a hurt expression.
He seemed furious, but I think it was all put on.
10. поставить=начать готовить (о пище)
I put your supper on an hour ago. It should be ready by now.
11. ставить (деньги на что-либо)
He went to the bookies and put $100 on a horse called Lady Luck.

навести (на кого-либо/что-либо)=подсказать
Its a great restaurant. I think it was Wendi who first put me onto it.
Do you know who put the police onto the hackers?

1. выходить в море
The ship put out to sea by night.
We put out to Liverpool.
2. (о женщине) согласиться на секс
She won’t put out on the first date.
3. (smb) доставлять проблемы, неприятности
Thanks for letting me use your car. I hope I’m not putting you out.
4. затушить (огонь, свечу, сигарету)
He put his cigarette out with his foot.
5. выключить (свет, лампу…)
Don’t forget to put the lights out before you leave the building.
She turned over and put out the bedside lamp.
6. протянуть (руку, ногу)
When he put out his hand to shake hands with her, she just ignored him.
Kate put her arms out and embraced her sister.
7. публиковать, выпускать в эфир
This program will be put out on Channel 4.
The police put out an urgent appeal for witnesses.
8. выпускать (о продукции)
The company puts out 500 cars a week.
9. (о растении) выпускать (почки, побеги)
The roses are putting out new shoots akready.
10. вывихнуть
She fell off her horse and put her shoulder out.

be put out-быть огорчённым ИЛИ оскорблённым
Jeff wasn’t at all put out by what I said.
I was a bit put out that I hadn’t been invited.

put oneself out-наизнанку выворачиваться=очень стараться
Please don’t put yourself out on our account.
She really put herself out for the visitors.

донести (мысль, идею)
Minority groups had the chance to come into the studio and put over their point of view.
Christie’s the ideal man to put this message over to young athletes.

put one over (on smb)
1. “нахлобучить”=обмануть
She thought that the salesman was trying to put one over on her, and said she wasn t interested in their offer.
2. “нахлобучить”=нанести поражение
This is an ideal chance to put one over on the Americans after last years defeat.
Reg had achieved a considerable reputation in the boxing ring. No one could put one over on him.

I wouldn’t put it past smb-я бы не удивился, если бы…
“Do you think Harry took the money?” “I wouldn’t put it past him.”
I wouldn’t put it past her to slip something into his drink when he wasn’t looking.

1. заставить испытать что-либо неприятное
He put his parents through hell.
Why put yourself through it?
2. испытать, протестировать

We put the machines through a series of tests.
3. пропустить (через мясорубку, соковыжималку…)
She put some oranges through the juicer.
The fish is then put through the smoking process.

1. подвергать
I hope we’re not putting you to too much trouble?
2. предложить для рассмотрения
When are you going to put the idea to your parents?
Your proposal will be put to the board of directors.

собрать (из частей в единое целое)
He took the clock apart and couldn’t put it together again.
The Rolling Stones have recently put together an album of their greatest hits.
Paul needed to be somewhere quiet, somewhere where he could put his thoughts together.

“отключить” общим наркозом

I’m afraid we’ll need to put you under for the operation.

1. возводить
After the war, huge apartment buildings were put up around Paris.
2. повышать (цены, налоги)
Ford has announced plans to put up car prices by as much as 5%.
3. повесить (полку, картину, объявление)
The owner had put up signs everywhere saying ‘Private Property. Keep Out’.
It’s a nice letter. I’ll put it up on the noticeboard.
4. приютить (на короткое время)
Some friends have offered to put us up for the night.
Guests were put up in the Inter-Continental Hotel in the middle of Beirut.
5. выдвигать (аргумент, кандидатуру…)
Leith put up several arguments, but she had an answer for every one of them.
We want to put you up for club secretary.

подталкивать=к каким-либо действиям
“Has Candy put you up to this?” Rory demanded.
He’s normally such a well-behaved child. Someone must have put him up to it.

смириться, терпеливо переносить
The police have to put up with a lot of abuse.
I’m surprised that she’s put up with him for all of these years.

злоупотреблять (чьей-то добротой, слабохарактерностью…)
I felt that my mother was put upon.


покатываться со смеху
Hector’s jokes had us all rolling about helplessly.
The two boys were rolling around with laughter at the thought of what had happened.

The grassy plains roll away in all directions as far as you can see.

1. снизить (цены, зарплаты…)
We must roll back inflation.
The Senate voted to roll back the gas tax by 5 cents a gallon.
2. оттеснить
Von Ludendorff’s army pressed forward in the hope of rolling back the British to the Channel.

катиться (о времени, годах…)
As the years rolled by, we saw less and less of our wealthy cousins.

1. откатить (рукава…)
He rolled down her sleeves.
2. опустить окно (в машине)
Mom, will you roll down your window a little?

1. поступать в больших количествах (о деньгах, заказах, корреспонденции…)
Since Kylie appeared on her first TV show, letters from fans have kept rolling in.
Offers of help continue to roll in.
2. ввалиться, явиться (с опозданием и без всяких извинений/объяснений)
It was after midnight when he finally rolled in. He hadn’t even bothered to phone us.
You can’t just roll into the office an hour late without explanation.

1. катиться (о времени…)
As the years rolled on the painfull memories began to fade.

2. продолжаться без особых изменений
For the next few weeks the debate rolled on.

1. задействовать
He rolled out all his old friends to help him win the election.
2. раскатать (о тесте), развернуть (о рулоне)
Roll out the pastry with a clean rolling pin.
I rolled out my sleeping bag and crawled in.
3. вывести на рынок (о новом продукте, товаре)
L’Oreal rolled out a line of skin-care products called Plenitude.

1. перевернуть(ся) (о лежащем)=повернуться на другой бок
She rolled over and went back to sleep.
Magee knelt beside the dying man and rolled him over onto his back.

2. покатиться=перевернуться
The car rolled over into the ditch.
3. отсрочить (выплату долга…)
The government agreed to roll over the debt.

1. подкатить (рукава…)
He rolled up his sleeves and started washing the dishes.
2. свернуть в рулон
She rolled up the sleeping bag.
3. закрыть окно (в машине)
She rolled up the window and drove off.
3. свернуться (о животном)
When threatened, a hedgehog will roll up (into a tight ball).
4. (о людях) прибывать куда-либо в больших количествах ИЛИ на машине
Thousands rolled up to watch the race.
She had her eye on Rupert Davenport, who had just rolled up in a dark green Ferrari.


округлять до ближайшего целого
You can work the sum out mentally by rounding off the £1.19 to £1.20, and taking away 1 pence.
Round down your calculations to the nearest pound. Example: £17,582.45 becomes £17,582.

1. (о мероприятии) завершить (приятным образом)

We rounded off the meal with coffee.
The evening was rounded off with a disco.
2. сгладить острые края, углы
Use an electric sander to round off the corners.

наброситься (физически или с критикой)
Sibyl rounded on him, knife in hand, and he moved back out of her reach.

He rounded on her angrily and told her to keep her mouth shut!

1. дополнять
A side dish of garlicky potato salad rounded up the meal nicely.
2. (о людях, животных, предметах) собирать вместе
See if you can round up a few friends to help you.
Shane and two other cowboys rounded up the ponies and drove them into the corral.

3. (о группе людей) разыскать и арестовать
Police quickly rounded up dozens of suspected terrorists and threw them in jail.
74,000 French Jews were rounded up by the Nazis and shipped to concentration camps.


наткнуться=случайно встретить, найти
I ran across Mary in town.
I ran across an advertisement in the Times, which said they were looking for English teachers in Japan.

1. бегать за кем-либо
When we were at college she was always running after some man or other.
He’s always running after younger women.
2. бежать за кем-либо; гнаться
She began to run after him, calling his name.
My father ran after the thieves, but they got away.

бегатьтуда-сюда= суетиться, быть очень занятым
I ran around like a mad thing all day.
I’ve been running around all morning trying to get everything ready for Cathy’s birthday.

бегать вокруг кого-либо=чрезмерно опекать
His last wife got fed up with running around after him all the time.
She seemed content to let Valerie run around after her and do everything for her.

проводить много времени с кем-либо
Her son runs around with a bad crowd.
He had forgotten the faces of most of the girls he ran around with at university.

находиться на определённом уровне
The inflation is running at 26%.
Interest rates were running at record levels.

сбежать (от мужа. жены)
Jimmy abandoned his wife and ran away to Italy with a singer.
We think John and Susie have run off together.

run away with smb-захватывать (о мыслях, эмоциях)
My tongue ran away with me and I told things I regretted.
Her imaginationn tends to run away with her.

легко выиграть, оказаться намного лучше всех
Their team run away with the championship.
She ran away with the show.

рассказать, чтобы узнать мнение
It sounds like a good idea, but we’d better run it by Michael first.

1. садить(ся) (о батарейке, аккумуляторе)
The toy stopped moving. Its batteries had obviously run down.
Someone had left the lights on and run down the car’s battery.
2. постепенно уменьшаться (о запасах…)
Oil supplies in the region will start to run down in the next decade.
3. “загнать”=привести в плачевное состояние (об делах. экономике. организации)
Every time a new party gets into power, they always accuse the previous government of running down the economy.
4. пробежаться (по списку)=быстро просмотреть
Do you want me to run down the list of possible candidates?
5. разыскать
I finally managed to run him down at his club in Mayfair.
He finally ran the book down in the college library.

be run down-чувствовать себя разбитым
She looked rather run down when I last saw her.
I was feeling generally run down and in need of a vacation.

run oneself down-ругать, корить себя (часто незаслуженно)
Stop running yourself down. It’s not your fault.

1. наткнуться (на знакомого)
You rarely run into people you know in London.
2. столкнуться (с трудностями)
The company ran into financial difficulties during the recession.
Plans to build another runway at Heathrow airport have run into strong opposition from local residents.
3. врезаться
Someone had run into the back of the bus.
Di and Dodi were killed when their car ran into a wall at high speed in Paris.

1. убежать
The robbers ran off down a nearby street.
Her T-shirt caught fire and she ran off screaming.
Gillian was thirteen when her father ran off with one of his pupils who’d left school a year earlier.
2. (об электроприборе) работать, питаться от чего-либо
It’s designed to run off batteries or mains electricity.
The stove was run off a portable generator, which was kept in the basement.

1. (о программе) работать на…
The software will run on any PC.
In those days all our machines ran on OS2.
использовать на…
Can you run it on Windows 10?
2. (о механизме, устройстве) работать на чём-либо
Every new car that is sold in the UK must be able to run on unleaded fuel.
эксплуатировать на…
You can run the stove on coal or firewood.
3. продолжаться дольше, чем планировалось, ожидалось
The meeting ran on until after 6 o’clock.

1. забежать
I’ll run in on my way home.
Can you run into dry-cleaner’s on your way to work?
2. задержать и доставить в отделение

She was run in for shop-lifting.
3. (о машине) обкатывать
The car had a sign on the back which read “Running in. Please pass”.
4. подбросить до центра (города)
I need to go into town. Could you run me in.

1. (о деньгах, запасах…) закончиться, исчерпаться
My husband tries to be sympathetic, but I can tell his patience is running out.
Brazil’s luck ran out in the final and they lost to France 3:0.
(of) исчерпать
We’re running out of money.
I’ve run out of patience with her.
I’ve run out of space on the disk.

2. истекать, заканчиваться
His contract with the club runs out at the end of the season.

бросить (в трудную минуту), сбежать (от жены, семьи, друзей)
She ran out on him as soon as things got difficult.
Joey’s wife had run out on him 13 years earlier.

1. (о ёмкости, жидкости) сбежать
Don’t let the bath run over.
The tea ran over into the saucer.
2. пробежаться (глазами, мысленно, быстро обсудить)
I ran over the possibilities in my mind.
Let’s run over the plans again.
3. переехать (кого-либо/что-либо машиной)
Two children were run over by a truck and killed.
You nearly ran me over!

быстро просмотреть, обсудить
She mentally ran through the list of who to invite.
Let’s run through what I’m meant to do again.

достигать (о сумме, объёме, количестве…)
The total cost runs to hundreds of pounds.
The report already runs to 800 pages.

1. подбежать
A man with a gun ran up and shot him dead.
Anne ran up to Mrs Lynde. “I hate you!” she shouted.
2. поднимать (о флаге)
The school had run up the South African flag in honour of Mandela’s visit.
They ran up a white flag and surrended.
3. быстро пошить на швейной машинке
Could you run me up some curtains?

столкнуться (с трудностями, препятствием…)
He plays a truly malicious killer, who runs up against a small-town sheriff.
We’re running up against the lack of funds.


позаботиться о чём-либо (в т.ч. распорядиться)
I’ll go and see about lunch.

I’ll/we’ll see about that-посмотрим=подумаем над этим
“Mom, can I have a car for my birthday?” “We’ll have to see about it. I’ll have to talk to your father.”

прогуливаться, осматривая
Would you like to see around the castle before dinner?

1. увидеть, рассмотреть (о положительном качестве)
Peter saw a combination of humor and intelligence in Kate that he had never found in anyone else.
I don’t know what you see in him, anyway.
I have no idea what he sees in Rachel, but he seems to adore her.

2. провести гостя, посетителя (В дом, офис…)
My secretary will see you in. Please see the guests in when they arrive.

see in the new year-встречать Новый Год
They saw in the New Year with friends.

1. проводить (в аэропорт, на вокзал…)
Let’s go to the airport to see her off.
2. выпроводить=прогнать
If you do not leave, sir, I will have the security guards see you off.

3. одержать победу (над кем-либо)
She saw off her opponent and now goes into the final.
The British saw the French off at the battle of Trafalgar.

4. убить
He realizes that the men have been hired to see him off, and so he poisons them.

1. проводить гостя, посетителя (ИЗ дома, офиса…)
I’Il see you out. This way, please.
Klein shook Carson’ hand and saw him out.
2. (=see through) закончить, довести до конца (о деле)
My job is terrible, but I’m going to see it out until the end of the year.
Its a difficult job, but I’m going to see it through.

осматривать (дом, квартиру…)
We saw round dozens of houses before we found one we wanted to buy.
We’d like to see over the flat again before we rent it.

1. видеть насквозь
We saw through him straight away.
I can see through your little game.
2. (о деньгах, запасах…) для того, чтобы
The harvest was good, and the people had enough food to see them through the winter.
Can I borrow $30? That should be enough to see me through until payday.

позаботиться (о чём-либо)
Can you see to it that everyone knows the date of the meeting?
You don’t need to do anything — it’s all been seen to already.
It looks like a nasty cut – you should get it seen to.


приступить, взяться
You’ve set about this problem the wrong way.
We set about cleaning the flat.

1. восстанавливать против
The civil war set brother against brother.
His behavior set everybody against him.
2. ~ на фоне
Red and orange autumn leaves, set against a clear blue sky.
A region of rice fields and jungles, set against a horizon of hazy mountains.

перевести вперёд (о часах)
Don’t forget to set your clocks ahead tonight.

1. отличать, выделять (на общем фоне)
What sets Brandy apart from other teenage pop singers is her voice.
His confidence sets him apart from his classmates.
2. выделять (для чего-то)
Traditionally, these days were set apart for prayer and fasting.
This part of the house was set apart for guests to stay in.

1. выделять (время, место…)
Try to set aside at least an hour each day for learning new vocabulary.
Restaurants must set aside an area for non-smokers.
откладывать (деньги…)
You should have set aside some cash to pay household expenses.
2. отложить в сторону (в т.ч. перен.)
I set her letter aside, meaning to read it later.
We decided to set our differences aside.

1. тормозить (процесс, развитие…), отбрасывать назад
The Revolution set back the modernization of the country by many years.
The Challenger disaster set back the nation’s space program for years.
2. ~ стоить немалых денег
That’s a nice coat — I bet that set you back.
This watch set me back $200.
3. перевести назад (о часах)
I forgot to set my watch back last night.

1. ставить (на стол, на пол, на землю)
He had set down a bag of washing (on the floor) between his feet.
2. определять (об официальном документе)
Countries wishing to join the Eco- and Monetary Union must meet the criteria set down in the Maastricht Treaty.
3. записывать,излагать в письменном виде
I wanted to set my thoughts down on paper.
It’s a good idea to set down your complaint in writing.
4. высадить (о пассажире)
The taxi driver set me down at the station.

1. изложить
The President set forth his views in a long television broadcast.
2. отправиться
They set forth for Crete.
They were about to set forth on a voyage into the unknown.

установиться, наступить
I need to mend the roof before the winter sets in.
Panic set in when she realized how much work there was to do.

1. отправиться=уйти, уехать
I set off for work at seven.
When are you planning to set off?
2. взорвать
They set the bomb off as soon as they were a safe distance away.
3. заставить сработать (о сигнализации…), вызвать=послужить причиной
The wind was so bad it set off all the car alarms.
The news set off a wave of panic on world markets.
4. оттенять=делать более привлекательным
The scarf sets off the blue of her eyes.

The farmer threatened to set his dogs on us.

1. отправиться (в поездку, путешествие)
Columbus set out from Europe to discover a new route for the spice trade from the Orient.
In late 1941, he set out for China, over the treacherous mountain trails.
2. понятно изложить
This document sets out our objections to the proposal.
3. расставлять, размещать
She began setting out plates and glasses.
On Saturday morning we set out tables and chairs ready for the party.

From 1900 his government set out on a programme of economic modernization.

решительно, энергично взяться, приступить
If we all set to, we can finish the cleaning in half an hour.

1. открыть (бизнесс, фирму…)
They want to set up their own import-export business.
The Race Relations Board was originally set up in 1965.

set (oneself) up -открыть своё дело
He borrowed $5000 and set himself up in the catering business.
John used the money he inherited to set up as a fashion designer.

set oneself up as-позиционировать себя как, выдавать себя за
He set himself up as an authority on modern art.
2. организовать
I’ll get my secretary to set up a meeting.
3. обеспечить (деньгами)
If you win tonight’s fight you’ll be set up for life.
4. “подставить”
He claimed he had been set up by the police.
Cahill still insists that someone set him up.
5. зарядить (бодростью, здоровьем)
A good breakfast will set you up for the day.
6. свести=познакомить
“How did you meet your husband?” “A friend set us up.”
7. установить, разместить
Every year they get a huge Christmas tree from Norway and set it up in the main square.
Napoleon set up a monument to honour his great army.

A group of youths wearing leather jackets set upon him and pushed him to the ground.
He was set upon by a gang of hooligans as he left the bar.


откинуться (в кресле, на подушках…)
She reached for her wine glass and settled back against the pillows, lighting a cigarette.

1. (удобно) устроиться

She settled down in an arm-chair to read.
Tom settled himself down at the table.
2. успокаивать(ся)
The children finally settled down and started to work.
The teacher had trouble settling the class down.

3. остепениться
He got married and settled down.
4. (об обстановке…) становиться менее напряжённой, успокаиваться
I’ve been really busy at work, but things should settle down soon.
“I have missed seeing you,” he wrote. “When things settle down, I’ll call you.”
5. втянуться=привыкнуть, освоиться
It took him a while to get used to his new school, but I think he’s settled down now.
Has Vanessa settled down in her new job?

приниматься за что-либо
They had just settled down to dinner when the telephone rang.

согласиться на… (за неимением лучшего выбора)
He’d hoped to get $8000 for his car but had to settle for a lot less.
As they hadn’t any champagne, we settled for white wine.

She soon settled in at school.
It took her a while to settle into her new job.

1. остановиться на чём-то=выбрать
They haven t settled on a name for the baby yet.
We couldn’t decide where lo go but we eventually settled on ltaly.
2. оформить на кого-либо (об имуществе)
He settled his entire estate on his son.

We settled up and checked out of the hotel.
l’ll settle up with the bartender and then we can leave.


водить и показывать
In the morning the Professor showed us around the university.
A representative had arranged to meet us at the house that afternoon and show us round.
If you’re interested in the garden I can show you over some time.

вводить (о посетителе)
Sarah showed the visitors in.
I was shown into the waiting room.

1. заниматься показухой
Stop showing off!
I can’t stand the way she shows off in front of the other students.

2. демонстрировать
She brought her new boyfriend along to show him off.
She wanted to show off her new outfit at the party.
3. подчёркивать=делать более выразительным
Her jeans were tight-fitting, showing off her tall slim figure.

проводить (из дома, офиса… – о посетителе)
I’ll show you out.

1. проявлять себя (о чувстве, отношении, способностях…)
The senator replied politely, but his irritation showed through.

When he spoke his bitterness showed through.
2. проступать
This paper is so thin the ink shows through.

1. явиться
We spent half an hour waiting for Martin to show up.
Macari failed to show up for the match.
2. (о проблеме, ошибке) быть видимым, заметным
In the sunlight, the decayed state of the house showed up clearly.
We were told that the bone was definitely broken — it had shown up on the X-ray.

3. (о проблеме, ошибке) показать, проявить
These results have shown up serious faults in our examination system.
Richards is to have further tests on his injured shoulder, which should show up the extent of the damage.
4. смутить, заставить стыдиться
He said I’d shown him up in
front of his fiiends.
You really showed me up by snoring during the concert.

show smb/smth up as/for… – ~ показать в истинном свете
The book shows her up for what she really is: a fraud.


стоять, ничего не делая
There are lots of young men standing around on street corners, obviously without a job to go to.

выступать против; находиться в оппозиции
America is determined to stand against terrorism.

1. выделяться (на фоне других)
Excellent service will make our company stand apart.
2. стоять в стороне = не вмешиваться, не участвовать
Finn tends to stand apart and watch as others take control of the board meetings.

1. посторониться
Stand aside, please, and let the runners pass.
The shopkeeper demanded that we stand aside and not block the entrance to his store.
2. стоять в стороне = не вмешиваться
I can’t stand aside and let you waste the opportunity like that.
3. отойти в сторону = уступить – о должности…
It’s time he stood aside and let someone younger take his place.

1. отступить назад, отодвинуться

The artist stood back and admired the painting when he’d finished.
A gunman ordered the receptionist to stand back as he took the money from the drawer.
2. оставаться безучастным, ничего не предпринимать
How can people just stand back when so many families need help?
“We can’t just stand back and let the fire burn itself out,” said a Forestry Service official.

Your lack of confidence is all that stands between you and a much better job.
Only three people stood between him and the crown.

1. быть безучастным наблюдателем
I can’t stand by and see you ruin your life.
2. (for smth) быть наготове, готовым (к чему-то)
Fire crews are standing by in case of an explosion.
3. поддерживать (в трудной ситуации)
I’ll stand by you whatever happens.
4. по-прежнему утверждать=не изменить (мнение, показания…)
I’ll stand by what I said before.
At the news conference, Asbell stood by his story and denied any involvement in the murder.

оставить должность; снять свою кандидатуру

He stood down after only three months as chairman.
I’m prepared to stand down in favour of another candidate.

1. означать (об аббревиатуре)
What does DVD stand for?
2. выступать за…
Our party stands for racial harmony.
I hated him and all he stood for.

временно заменить кого-либо
Quarterback Jeff Kemp stood in for Jim McMahon, who suffered four broken ribs last Sunday.

1. (from/against) отчётливо выделяться
The church tower stands out against the sky.
They painted the door blue, to make it stand out.
This building stands out from the rest because of its superior design.
2. (against/for) открыто выступать против/за
Am I the only person to stand out against the budget cuts?

стоять над кем-то = контролировать

I can’t work with you standing over me like that.
Mom always stood over us, making sure we ate everything on our plates.

1. встать
Darcy stood up when Emma came into the room.
2. (to/under) выдержать, не рассыпаться, оказаться правильными (о теории, показаниях…)
Your theory doesn’t stand up under close examination.
3. (smb) заставить ждать напрасно=намеренно не прийти на встречу
We agreed to meet at the cinema, but he stood me up.
4. (for) выступить в защиту, поддержку
Friends and colleagues stood up for O’Connell when the legal board questioned her professional ethics.
5. (to) не сдаваться, смело противостоять Mrs. Thatcher was the first British leader to stand up to the Unions.
It took a lot of courage for one man to stand up to the tobacco industry.
6. (to) (об изделии, материале) выдерживать
How well will this light-coloured carpet stand up to dirt and spills?
Some dishes cannot stand up to high oven temperatures.


отoйти в сторону = уступить (должность…)
I think the old King should step aside and give his son a chance.
I intend to step down as chairman.

посмотреть со стороны = абстрагироваться от ситуации
You should try to step back from the problem and look for a new way to deal with it.
It’s not always easy to step back when it’s your own family involved.

вызваться = предложить помощь
Many volonteeres stepped forward to provide support.
A soft drinks company stepped forward to support the team.

вмешаться (и помочь
When my mum was ill, my aunt stepped in and helped.
The Youth Club was going to close but a local bank stepped in with a generous donation.

прибавить газу = ехать/действовать быстрее
Step on it! We are late already.
Step on it! I need those figures by lunchtime.
If you don’t step on it, we’ll miss the plane!

отлучиться на короткое время

He’s just stepped out for ten minutes.
I just stepped out for a cigarette.

1. поднять, повысить (уровень, усилия, количество…)
Security has been stepped up at the airport since the bomb attack.
The government is stepping up its efforts to encourage people to continue their education.
2. (to) подойти
He stepped up to receive his reward.
The runners stepped up to the line.


оставаться на месте, не уходить (особенно, ожидая чего-то)
If you stick around for a while, I’m sure you’ll find some sort of job.
It looked like there was going to be trouble, but I didn’t stick around to watch.

упорно работать над чем-либо
If we stick at it, we should finish the job today.
She never sticks at anything very long.

засунуть назад, на прежнее место
Stick the cake back into the oven for ten minutes.
When you’ve finished with dictionary, just stick it back on the shelf.

1. не бросить, поддерживать (в трудную минуту)
She stood by him through thick and thin.
2. (о мнении, решении…) не менять, по-прежнему придерживаться
I made that decision a long time ago, and I intend to stick by it.

1. приклеить, наклеить, заклеить
I can’t stick the corners of this wallpaper down.
The envelope hadn’t been stuck down properly.
2. быстро записать что-либо
Stick it all down (on paper) before you forget it.

1. воткнуть(ся), вонзить(ся)
Ouch! I’ve stuck the needle in my finger.
The arrow whizzed by and stuck in the tree.
2. застрять
A crumb stuck in my throat.
I’ve got my finger stuck in the bottle.
3. засунуть
I stuck the letter in my pocket to read it later.
I stuck my feet into my sleepers.
4. вклеить
I’m going to stick new photos in my album.

1. включить (электроприбор)
I’ll stick the kettle on for a cup of tea.
2. (об одежде) накинуть
I’ll just stick a jacket on and I’m ready.

3. поставить (готовиться – о еде; о музыке)
I’ll stick the potatoes on and then make us a coffee.
Stick on some music if you like.

He’d be quite good-looking if his ears didn’t stick out so much.
There was a newspaper sticking out of her coat pocket.

stick out for smth – не уступать, добиваться
They are sticking out for a higher pay rise.
The City of London, which owns the land, stuck out for a rent that was three times the market value.

(упорно ) придерживаться
Watt says he intends to stick to his plan of retiring early next year.
That’s her story and she’s sticking to it.
I’m not interested in your opinions – just sick to the facts.

держаться вместе
The family should stick together at a time like this.
The children from the village tended to stick together.

1. торчать вверх
Is my hair sticking up?
The branch was sticking up out of the water.
2. ограбить
He stuck up a liquor store in Oregon.

stick “em up! – руки вверх! (при угрозе оружием)
3. наклеить, прилепить (на стену, дверь…)
To sell your bike, just stick a notice up in the shop window.

вступиться, защищать (от критики)
Thanks for sticking up for me in front of the boss the other day.
Stick up for what you believe in.

1. держаться поближе
Stick with me until we get out of the forest.
2. оставаться в памяти
His words will stick with me forever.
3. (упорно) продолжать
(особенно, несмотря на трудности)
If we stick with it we’ll finish by Friday.
I’ll stick with my usual method.


содрать, ободрать (в т.ч. перен.)
Strip away the old paint and sand the wood down.
Rabbits cause damage to young trees by eating their leaves and stripping away their bark.
The program stripped away the mystery surrounding the royal family.

разобрать (о механизме)

We had to strip down the engine and replace the worn parts.
The car was stripped down and sold for parts.

раздеться до…
Paul stripped down to his swimming trunks and jumped into the lake.

лишить (собственности, права, звания, титула…)

He was stripped of his title for refusing to fight in Britain.
Captain Evans was found guilty of fraud and stripped of his rank.
The people had been stripped of all they possessed, including personal belongings.

1. раздеться (почти) полностью
She stripped off and jumped into the water.
Strip off your wet clothes and put on these dry ones.

2. содрать, ободрать
Strip off all the old wallpaper and repair any holes in the plaster.

(о помещении) освободить=вынести всю мебель и пр.
A developer had stripped the house out and converted it into four self-contained apartments.
They stripped out the interior of the building and completely redesigned it.


очень удивиться, поразиться

I was quite taken aback when I found myself on the front page of the New York Times.
They were taken aback by his rudeness.

унаследовать (внешность, манеру поведения)
I am told I take after my grandmother.
Your daughter doesn’t take after you at all.

не взлюбить
Bernard was engaged to a pretty young woman, but for some reason his mother took against her.
Young’s boss had taken against him, describing him as “arrogant and conceited”.

взять с собой
Tom took his sister along to the party.

1. (о механизме) разобрать
Gegs spent the day taking his motorbike engine apart.
подробно анализировать (пункт за пунктом)
The tutor marked our assignments, and then took them apart one by one, in front of the whole class.
2. (в состязании, игре) легко победить = “разобрать”
The Falcons’ quarterback was injured, and the Packers took them apart.
3. сильно избить ИЛИ раскритиковать = “разорвать”
I had beaten him in a fair fight, but no boy would admit that a girl had taken him apart.
His second novel was taken apart by the critics.

водить и показывать
A guide took us round/over the palace and gardens.
Ralph met Helen and Theresa at the station, and then took them around the town.

отвести в сторону
She took me aside and explained the situation.

1. увести, унести, забрать с собой
The injured were taken away by ambulance.
The police came in the middle of the night and took him away.
2. отнять
Our rights can’t be taken away from us.
3. вычитать
253 take away 30 is 223.
Take $40 away from the total.

умалять, принижать значение, важность
I don’t wish to take away from his achievements, but he couldn/t have done it without our help.

1. отнести, отвезти назад, вернуть
I’ve got to take these books back to the library before they close.
Can you take me back to the hotel?
2. принять назад (сотрудника, мужа…)
An employer can’t be made to take you back.
“I got my old job again,” she said. “Mrs James has taken me back.”
3. взять назад (о словах)
“You will take that remark back and apologize immediately!” he roared.
4. уносить (о воспоминаниях)
The smell of the sea took him back to his childhood.
That song ‘Lili Marlene’ takes me back a bit — we used to sing it during the war.
5. забрать назад
When I’d read the letter, he took it back and put it in his pocket.

1. снять (откуда-то)
We have to take the Christmas decorations down today.

1. ошибочно принять за
I wondered if the tourists took me for a New Yorker.
2. считать кем-то
What do you take me for?
Do you take me for a fool?

1. усвоить
I’m always so sleepy when I go to classes — I can’t take in very much.
I read the whole page without taking anything in.
2. осознать
He had cancer. He sat staring into his cup of tea, trying to take it in.
3. обмануть, ввести в заблуждение
She took me in completely by her story.
The advertisement looked perfectly genuine — a lot of people were taken in.
4. взять (жильца, квартиранта)
Annette couldn’t afford to pay her mortgage any more, so she took in a lodger.
Jordan took in vast numbers of refugees from Iraq and Kuwait.
5. заметить, обратить внимание
He took in every detail of her appearance.
She started to relax and take in her surroundings.
6. отдать в ремонт
I’ve got to take the car in tomorrow — there’s something wrong with the exhaust.
7. сходить и посмотреть (фильм, спектакль…)
On Saturday night we can take in a movie and maybe get a pizza afterwards.
I know they’re cultured. They’d much rather take in a ballet than go to a bar.
8. приносить (о доходах)
How much did the store take in today?
Denver International Airport must take in at least $304 million in revenues next year to cover its operating costs.
9. ушить (об одежде)
I’ve got a skirt that’s quite nice, but it needs taking in.
10. задержать и доставить в отделение
Morris was taken in by the police and charged with armed robbery.
11. принять (на учёбу, лечение…)
The college plans to take in more overseas students next year.
12. вдохнуть, втянуть, всосать
Fish took oxygen in through their gills.
She took in deep breaths of sea air.

1. снять (об одежде), удалить (о макияже)
She took her clothes off and got into bed.
I forgot to take off my make-up last night.
2. взлетать (о самолёте, птице)
What time does your plane take off?
A dog jumped into the lake, and the ducks took off and flew over the park.
3. стремительно пойти вверх (о делах, карьере…)
Sales of mobile phones have really taken off in the last few years.
4. внезапно уйти (никому ничего не сказав)
Whats wrong with Ian? He just took off without saying goodbye.
5. увести, унести, забрать
They took him off to the police station.
Two people had been dug out of the snow by rescuers, and taken off to hospital.
She collected our passports and took them off somewhere.
6. пародировать
Peter’s really good at taking people off.
She was taking off the woman next door.
7. отстранить
Detective Bachinski was taken off the case, and is suspected of taking bribes.
One of the lawers has been taken off the case.
8. снять, вычесть = уменьшить
When I complained, they agreed to take $10 off the price.
Will the examiner take points off for spelling mistakes?

9. отменить (рейс, спектакль, трансляцию…)
The 17.15 bus to Bristol will be taken off next month.
The play was taken off after a week.
10. отрезать (о волосах, части тела)
The haidresser asked me how much she should take off.
His leg had to be taken off above the knee.
11. взять (о выходном, отгуле, отпуске)
Why don’t you take some time off – you need a break.
I take two weeks off every summer and go canoeing.
12. перестать давать = отменить (о
His doctor took him off tranquillizers.
Dr Brown’s taken me off Prozac — it wasn’t doing me any good.

1. взять на себя (о работе. ответственности…)
Don’t take on too much work — the extra cash isnt worth it.
She took on more responsibilities when she was promoted.
The banks are always looking for ways to encourage people to take on more debts.
2. взять на работу
She had an interview with a law company and they took her on.
3. приобретать (о качестве, значении, внешнем виде)
Matt’s face took on a worried look.
His words suddenly took on a different meaning.
4. (о корабле, самолёте…) взять на борт
The ship stopped at the port of Mukalla and took on a cargo of dates.
The flight goes via Bahrain, where we stop for refuelling and take on more passengers.

1. вытащить (из кармана, сумки, ящика…)
Scott felt in his pocket and took out a bunch of keys.
вывести, вынести
The prisoners were taken out and shot.
2. повести (в ресторан, на выставку, прогуляться…)
He took Susie out for a meal.
I took our guests out and showed them around.
3. снять (о деньгах)
I took out £300 (of my account) to spend on holiday.
4. удалить, вывести (о пятне…)
Soaking should help to take the stain out.
5. сделать перерыв (в работе, учёбе…)
Why dont you take some time out to be with the children?
She took a year out of college to work abroad.
He took a year out between work and college.
6. убить; вывести из строя
Police think he was taken out by a rival gang.
Enemy missiles took out two of our planes.

take it/smth out of smb – отнимать (о силах) = утомлять
That flu really took it out of me.
looking after children really takes a lot out of you.

take it/smth out on smb – срывать зло/досаду на ком-либо
Dont take it out on me — it’s not my fault you’ve had a bad day.
My husband is very unhappy at the moment, and has been taking his frustrations out on me and the children.

1. (from) сменить кого-либо = взять на себя работу, ответственность…
Who’s going to take over from Bill when he retires?
Glasgow took over from Lisbon as cultural capital of Europe.
We stopped halfway and I took over the driving.
2. получить контроль (над компанией, в политике…)
The engineering company T-I has taken over the Dowty Group, based in Cheltenham.
Things will change when the Socialist Party takes over.

3. заполонить, наводнить
Every summer the town is taken over by tourists.
The garden had been seriously neglected, and had been completely taken over by weeds and brambles.
4. взять верх (о чувствах, эмоциях)
She knew she had to stay calm — she mustn’t allow panic to take over.
5. приобрести у кого-то (о квартире, доме, здании)
The flat was a mess when we took it over.
This building used to be a school until the hotel took it over.

прийти на смену
Digital cameras will eventually take over from conventional camer

1. провести через…
He took them through a large hall to his office.
2. подробно и последовательно показать, разъяснить
Your solicitor will take you through the contract.
I’m just going to take you through the business plan, and then I’ll answer any questions.

1. почувствовать расположение (к кому-то/чему-то)
I took to Paul as soon as I met him.
Ray’s brother Billy came running in, and we took to each other right away.
2. пристраститься

When Tom’s wife left him, he fell apart, and took to drink, drugs, and gambling.
3. направиться
The rebels took to the hills.
Thousands of people took to the streets in protest.

1. взяться, приняться
When did Bryan take up golf?
She took up a post at Kioto University.
2. сделать короче (об одежде)
The skirt needs taking up.
3. впитывать (жидкость, газ…)
Plants take up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
4. продолжить (с того места, на котором остановились)
I’d like to take up the point you raised earlier.
Paula took up the story.
5. принять, поддержать (идею, предложение, приглашение…)
I’d like to take up their invitation to visit them in Rio.
The idea was never taken up.
6. подхватить = присоединиться
The cry was taken up by the rest of the crowd.
She banged the piano keys and the crowd began to take up the refrain.
7. (with smb) связаться
I heard Tom has taken up with a supermodel.
He’s taken up with a group of lads from Rhyl. He came home blind drunk last night.

1. принять
I think I’ll take you up on your offer to help.
I was surprised that she didn’t take me up on my offer to drive her to Chimayo.
2. возразить, не согласиться
I thought he was wrong but I didn’t take him up on it.
I’d like to take you up on what you said about unemployment.

обратиться (за помощью…)
Take your complaint up with the manager.

быть очень занятым чем-либо
She was so taken up with the children, that she had not noticed her husband was unhappy.
Jo’s completely taken up with work at the moment.

быть очарованным кем-то/чем-то
We were all very taken with Zoe.


просто разговаривать о чём-либо (не пытаясь что-то решить)
They wasted a whole hour just talking around the problem, and never coming directly to the point.

говорить, не слушая собеседника = не давая возможности ответить
My father always listened to our point of view – he never talked at us.
I was being talked at rather than talked to.

болтать без умолку
They were soon talking away to
each other as though threy’d known each other for years.

грубо ответить, возразить
I’d never let a child of mine talk back to me like that.
Another City player, Allen, was Shown a red card for talking back to the referee.

1. принижать, умалять значение, достоинства
The Prime Minister accused his critics of talking Britain down.
Pessimists talk down our achievements.
2. перекрикивать / говорить без умолку, не давать ответить
I tried to argue but they talked me down.
3. уговорить спуститься вниз

Police with loudhailers were trying to talk down a youth threatening to jump from a 29th-floor window.

разговаривать как умный с глупым = ~свысока
My father always explained things and never talked down to me.
Kids are not stupid. They feel being talked down to.

I should never have let you talk me into this crazy scheme.
“Why did you go with him?” “Well, he sort of talked me into it!”

подробно обсудить (в поисках решения)
We needed time to talk things out and decide what was best for the future.

talk oneself out – выговориться
Flora listened patiently, hoping he would talk himself out and go away.

I’m leaving now and don’t try to talk me out of it.

If you’re worried about your work, come and see me and we’ll talk it over.

Dad doesn’t like the idea of us going away together, but I’m sure I can talk him round.

1. (smth) подробно обсудить (в поисках решения)
I’m sure if we sit down and talk things through, we can come to some sort of agreement.
It’s helpful to talk a problem through with a cousellor.
2. (smb) подробно (пошагово) объяснить
If you have a problem with the software, just phone us and we’ll talk you through it.

1. (=talk with) разговаривать с кем-либо
2. строго поговорить с кем-либо
I’m going to have to talk to Barry. He was late again this morning.

He’s being talked up as a future presidential candidate.
They talked up the tourist attractions to encourage more visitors.


думать наперёд
Prevent problems by thinking ahead and taking action early.
Even when their children are very young, parents think ahead to exams and jobs.
Pilots are taught to think ahead.

думать о прошлом
She thought back to the day they first met.
Thinking back, I’m sure I noticed there was something strange.

думать своей головой
Learn to think for yourself.
Our parents always encouraged us to think for ourselves.

1. подумать (чтобы найти решение)

l’Il have to think of some way of showing them how grateful I am.
We need to think of other services that we can offer to customers.
I’ll think about it and let you know tomorrow.
~ приходить в голову
Who first thought of the idea?
That’s a brilliant idea — I hadn’t thought of that before.
2. считать, рассматривать как…
She still thought of Scotland as her home.
Geography’s quite an unpopular subject because it’s generally thought of as boring.

what do you think of… ? = поинтересоваться мнением
I’ll ask Simon what he thinks of the idea.
3. вспоминать
Lynn remembered the hotel clearly, but she couldn’t think of its name.

I sat on the balcony, thinking of my grandmothers house in the country, where I used to go as a child.
4. (=think about) думать о … = заботиться
I can’t just please myself, you know. I have a family to think of too.
It’s time you stopped being so selfish and started thinking about other people.

I would never think of… – мне бы никогда и в голову не пришло…
I wouldn’t think of allowing a twelve year old girl to go to a pop concert alone!

What were you thinking of? – О чём ты думал? = упрёк, раздражение
What were you thinking of?” Lucien asked in horror. “You know we haven’t got that much money!”

продумать до мелочей
It was clear that the thieves had thought it all out in advance, and knew exactly what they were doing.
I thought out what I was going to say before I phoned.
Take my advice and think things through before you do anything.

Please think over what I’ve said.
I’d like more time to think things over.

придумать, выдумать
We need to think up a new name for the group.
Can’t you think up a better excuse than that.


The band threw themselves around (the stage) like madmen.

отбросить (в т.ч. перен.)
She read the letter and threw it aside.
We must throw aside the old prejudices and learn to live with our former enemies.

бросить, метнуть, швырнуть
He threw stones at the window trying to catch her attention.
She threw a look of contempt at me.

1. (неодобр. – обычно, о женщине)
бросаться на кого-либо = напрашиваться на романтические отношения
He was flattered that such an attractive woman was throwing herself at him.
2. броситься
The dogs threw themselves at the gate.

1. выбросить
I shouldn’t have thrown away the receipt.
The average houshold throws away 3 kilos of waste evey week.
2. упустить (шанс, возможность…)
She’s throwing away a great opportunity.

опрокинуть = быстро выпить (об алкоголе)
Ted threw back three shots of whiskey before we had even ordered dinner. | She poured herself a brandy, threw it back and poured out another.

His unwise remark was frequently thrown back at him by his colleagues.
It was a promise that President’s critics would throw back at him repeatedly in the years to come.

быть вынужденным прибегнуть к
Homeless and jobless, Joss was thrown back on what little support his parents could offer.

1. швырнуть
Ellie threw the book down on the table.
Her husband threw her down the stairs.
2. бросить (об оружии)
The rebels have thrown down their arms.
3. быстро проглотить

He threw down his dinner in two minutes and raced out of the house.
1. добавить бесплатно = впридачу
The person selling the house offers to throw in carpets and curtains as part of the deal.
The price includes two nights in a three-star hotel, with breakfast and a sight-seeing tour thrown in.
2. вставить, добавить (слово, замечение, пожелание…)
“I wouldn’t mind coming,” she threw in casually.
We were all wishing Debbie luck — even her old rival, Kay Jones, threw in a word or two of encouragement.
3. бросить (работу, особенно, не собираясь искать другую.
She threw in a good job with an insurance company just so she could follow her boyfriend out to Hawaii.

throw oneself down – броситься на пол, на землю…
She threw herself down on the grass.
4. бросить
Anyone caught selling liquor was likely to get thrown in jail.
Many of the rioters were arrested and thrown into prison.

1. привести в (ярость, смущение, замешательство…)
Everyone was thrown into confusion by the news of Gandhi’s death.
Within days Hungary was in revolt and the Soviet leadership was thrown into panic.
2. ввергнуть в
A failure of the computer system threw London’s ambulance service into chaos.
The world’s money markets were thrown into turmoil last night.

throw oneself into smthс головой уйти (в работу…), полностью отдаться (чему-либо)
Now Julia threw herself into her work, staying up late every night.

1. сбросить
She threw off her clothes and stepped into the shower.
Many nations are struggling to throw off the yoke of colonial rule.
Ed was threatening to throw himself off the roof.
2. стряхнуть, избавиться
They waded through the stream to throw the dogs off – чтобы сбить со следа собак.

throw smb off balance – вывести из равновесия
throw smb off course – сбить с курса
throw smb off the scent – сбить со следа

накинуть (об одежде)
Throwing on a dressing-gown, I stumbled to the door.

1. (smth) выкинуть
We threw out lots of stuff when we moved house.
I hope you haven’t thrown out yesterday’s paper.
2. (smb) вышвырнуть = выгнать
We can’t throw him out — he’s nowhere else to go.

1. перебросить
Throw the rope over and I’ll catch it here.
2. накинуть
He threw a coat over his pyjamas and run out into the street.

1. (smb) свести (о людях)
Fate had thrown them together.
We were strangers, thrown together by circumstance.
2. сделать по-быстрому (из того, что есть под рукой)
I’ll throw together a quick supper.
Can you throw a report together by tomorrow morning?

1. подбрасывать
The baby loved been thrown up into the air.
2. бросить (о работе)
He threw up a highly paid job to travel around the world.
3. породить
The report throws up some interesting questions.
The newborn British rock culture threw up great performers.
4. вырвать (о пище)
He ate the meal and immediately threw it all up.
The smell made me throw up.
5. (о здании) быстро построить
These buildings were thrown up hurriedly after the war.


Margaret closed her book as the plane touched down at Istanbul airport.

просить деньги (у кого-то)
He tried to touch me for twenty pounds.

While I’m here, could I touch you for the loan of a pound or two till next week?

вызвать = послужить триггером
The incident had touched off a wave of rioting that spread throughout the occupied territories.

The explosion was touched off by a single spark.

коснуться (в разговоре…)
Negotiations for the treaty touched on border issues.
He touched on the need for increased funding.

1. подправить, подкорректировать
He had to touch up the paintwork to cover te scratches.
The photo had been touched up.
2. “лапать”
This guy sitting beside me started playing with my hair and touching me up.


перезвонить / зайти ещё раз
Simon isn’t here right now. Can you try back in about an hour?

пытаться сделать, добиться, заполучить
Are you going to try for this job?
They’ve been trying for a baby for several years now.

примерять (об одежде)
I spent two hours trying on every coat in the shop, but none of them were just right.

try it on (with smb) – (неодоб.)
– испытывать чьё-либо терпение
Kids always try it on with a new teacher.

1. испытывать (метод, продукт…)
Doctors are trying out a new vaccine which it is claimed may help prevent cancer.
The recipe sounded delicious, so I thought I’d try it out on my husband.

2. испытывать (кого-либо)
We’ll try you out for a couple of weeks, and if you work well you can stay.
3. (о человеке) пробоваться в качестве кандидата
Joan tried out for the school basketball team.
She’s currently trying out for a part in the new James Bond film.


повернуться кругом
She turned about and went into the kitchen.

1. обернуться против кого-то
Public opinion is turning against the Republicans.
Her old friends turned against her.
2. настраивать против кого-либо
Miss Brodie thought I was trying to turn the other girls against her.

1. обернуться
She turned around to stare at the man behind her.
He walked away without turning round.
2. умышленно толковать что-либо неправильно = перекручивать
You turn everything I say around to make me look stupid.

1. отклонить (предложение, приглашение…)
Tokyo has politely turned aside an invitation from Peking for Emperor Akihito to visit China.
2. свернуть в сторону
He turned side to avoid the collision.
3. отвернуть
When he bent to kiss her she turned her head aside.

1. не впустить куда-либо
The guy at the desk turned me away because I didn’t have a membership card.
2. отказать в помощи
They had nowhere to stay so I couldn’t just turn them away.

1. отвернуть (перен.)
lt was feared that foreign influences might turn the people away from their religion.
2. отвернуться (перен.)
Voters turned away from him in the opinion polls after he was involved in a series of scandals.

1. повернуть назад
The weather got so bad that we turned back.
2. развернуть назад = не пропустить
Border patrols were turning back as many as thirty thousand refugees a day.
Police used tear gas to turn back the demonstrators.

1. отклонить (предложение, приглашение, кандидатуру…)
Why did Clare turn down your invitation?
He asked her to marry him, but she turned him down.

2. прикрутить = снизить громкость, яркость…
Turn that radio down. I can’t sleep.
It’s hot. I’ll turn down the heating.

1. ложиться спать
Well, I think IIl turn in now — I have to get up early tomorrow.
2. сдать полиции (кого-либо)
One of the other gang members turned him in.
Grimes finally turned himself in, saying he deeply regretted what he had done.
3. сдать (пропуск, оружие, находку, контрольную работу…)
Turn in your pass before you leave.
Only a few guns have been turned in so far.
Only 17 students turned their papers in on time.
4. показать (о результате)
The champion turned in a brilliant performance.
принести (о прибыли)
The company turned in nearly $150000 last month.

замкнуться в себе
He completely turned in on himself after his wife left him.

вывернуть(ся) наизнанку
It was so windy my umbrella turned inside out.

превратить(ся) в
It started off as a dream, but quickly turned into a nightmare.
The old barn next to the manor house had been turned into flats.

1. выключить, перекрыть(свет, газ, воду..)
Don t forget to turn off all the lights when you go to bed.
Can you turn the tap off for me?
отключиться (о двигателе, оборудовании…)
The heating turns off automatically at 9.30.
2. отвернуть, оттолкнуть = лишить интереса, вызвать неприязнь…
His political views turned her off him.
The smell turned me off my food.

1. включить (свет, газ, воду…)
Turn the gas on slowly.
I checked the fuses and turned the electricity back on.
2. наброситься
The dog turned on him and bit his finger.
Peter turned on Rae, screaming, “Get out of my sight!”
3. заводить = вызывать сексуальное влечение
Dave just didn’t turn her on any more.

4. направить (оружие, свет, прожектор…)
The police officer turned his torch on the back of the house.
I was terrified she would turn the gun on me.
5. зависеть от чего-либо
The whole future of the company turns on the success of this one product.
Her future career turns on this interview.

заинтересовать, привлечь (внимание..)
What was it that turned you on to jazz?
It was a neighbor of mine, a professor, who turned me on to modern art.

1. выключить (свет, тепло…)
Don’t forget to turn out the lights.
2. явиться = прийти (по какому-то случаю)
The whole village turned out to welcome us.
On Saturday only a few hundred people turned out to see the game.
3. оказаться
She turned out to be a friend of my sister.
My decision turned out to be a mistake.
4. выгнать
The landlord turned them out of their house just before the New Year.
The building was sold and hundreds of people were turned out on to the streets.
5. производить, выпускать
The factory turns out 900 hundred cars a week.
The school has turned out several well-known engineers.
6. навести порядок (в комнате, шкафу…)
I’m going to turn out my bedroom during the hoidays.
7. вывернуть (карманы…)
Turn out your pockets!
She turned the rice out of the packet into the bowl.
8. пройти хорошо, плохо. весело… (о событии, мероприятии…)
Don’t worry about the interview, it’ll all turn out fine.

be well/beautifully/nicely etc. turned out – быть хорошо/красиво/… одетым
She was fashionably turned out in pink trousers and a red sweater.

1. перевернуть(ся)
The van skidded and turned over.
He turned over onto his back.
Turn the pancake over when one side is cooked.
2. переключать (телеканалы…)
Can I turn over to Channel 4?
This boring. Let’s turn it over.

3. работать (о двигателе)
The engine was turning over to fast.
4. передать под чей-то контроль

He was turned over to the Belgian police at the border.
She’s planning to turn the business over to her daughter.
5. размышлять над чем-либо
Diana turned over what Jack had said in her mind.
He lay in the dark , turning over the day’s extraodinary events.
6. залезть и обворовать (дом, квартиру…)
The burglars turned the house over.
6. перевернуть вверх дном (в поисках чего-либо)
His room was turned over by the police.

The mill was once used for silk production, but was later turned over to piano making.
From that time on, more and more of the land was turned over to sugarcane production.

1. повернуться к
He turned to me and smiled.
2. обратиться (за помощью, советом…)
You are the only person I can turn to for advice.
She has nobody she can turn to.
3. прибегнуть к чему-либо
He was forced to turn to crime to pay off his debts.
During the months following her husband s death, Joan turned to alcohol for comfort.

1. увеличить. усилить (громкость, температуру…)
She was in the bathroom with the radio turned up to full volume.
Turn the TV up, I don’t hear what she’s saying.
Let’s turn the heating up, I’m freezing.
2. сделать короче (об одежде)
It’s a lovely dress, but you’ll need to turn it up an inch or two.
3. выявить, обнаружить
Their enquiries turned up a number of interesting facts.
Our efforts to trace him turned up nothing.

перевернуть вверх дном, с ног на голову
The burglars turned the flat upside down.
The divorce turned his whole world upside down.


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